Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

So, like the people who do not have the common sense to move 15' higher will drown and die? This is sounding better and better all the time...

Yeah, because it is so easy to move a billion people 30 feet higher.(storm surge and new tide profiles)

How foolish.

Do you think the other 5 billion people will just say, "Hey, we can all just cram in. We will give you some land." You are not counting the $Trillions in lost infrastructure and $Trillions in lost business, $Trillon in disrupted trade. This is to say nothing of the World Wars that will result.
It says nothing of murder and starvation before that.

You really are lost in the scope of this. It is bigger than you can think,
no, youre "calling me out" because i expect better than 60% "confidence" from a theory that claims wild shit, and proposes doomsday scenarios yet has been repeatedly over-inflated by scaremongers who deliberately wanted to "hide the decline", exclude data from weather stations that dont support their assertions, and deliberately falsify data from russia and india (the only two so far to openly admit their data was falsified by the IPCC's "working group 1") to bolster their political agenda.

here's the thing though: 8 different investigations all exonerated them of all wrongdoing.


whereas you have been caught red-handed lying on purpose, trying to make "more than half" the same as "less than half" in your transparent, retarded, and dishonest attempts at discourse.

maybe instead of telling transparent lies on the internet, you should work on finding your own place to live. a person of your means probably qualifies for subsidized housing.
Yeah, because it is so easy to move a billion people 30 feet higher.(storm surge and new tide profiles)

How foolish.

Do you think the other 5 billion people will just say, "Hey, we can all just cram in. We will give you some land." You are not counting the $Trillions in lost infrastructure and $Trillions in lost business, $Trillon in disrupted trade. This is to say nothing of the World Wars that will result.
It says nothing of murder and starvation before that.

You really are lost in the scope of this. It is bigger than you can think,
Only 5 Billion? You're being rather conservative there, no?
15 feet x 12 in/ft x 10 yr/in = 1800 years for that scenario to develop. I am not writing a Sci-Fi screenplay, should I be concerned? I suspect the population will be somewhat larger then... ;)

I'm half way through this vid, and it is an interesting history of temperature analysis in ocean study.
Nansen Bottles :idea:
Is it your contention then that absolutely no ice is in the water at the poles?? You know, that Icebergs do not actually exist??

What is laughably funny is that the ice at the other pole has grown substantially and the scientists cannot for the life of them figure out why...
Global warming freezes water. That's why my stove has a built-in ice-maker.
If sea levels rose by 15 feet, do you really think that's the only thing that would happen? That the cause for alarm is to avoid drowning?

Are.. are you serious?
If the sea level rises 15ft, I'll have beachfront property! I'm going to go out and burn some fossil fuels right now!
Yeah I know right!? We cite science that was specifically designed to weed out the false in favor of the true, you cite politically and financially biased sources designed to keep you ignorant of reality

We're the ones being played... You're a retard

You don't understand how science works
You don't know the difference between science and propaganda.
You don't know the difference between science and propaganda.

this is just too funny.

the folks who are citing the heartland institute (ya know, the people who once told us that cigarettes weren't bad because tobacco companies paid them to say it) are now claiming that their opponents, who cite 34 national academies of science, do not know propaganda when they see it.

the delusion is just so overwhelming.
How did they build it in the first place?

Well, over a long period of time, infrastructure was built and designed.

I'm not saying it's not possible to do again, I'm saying it will cost an extremely large amount of money, that quite possibly doesn't need to be spent.

Why the dumb questions? Why should we 'start over' when we can just use what we already have?
You don't know what science is. But I don't want you to STFU. You do more to detract from your own position than I could ever do.

All you have ever been able to say is "Nuh uh!"

Nobody on these forums takes you seriously, you have the mind and comprehension capacity of a child
All you have ever been able to say is "Nuh uh!"

Nobody on these forums takes you seriously, you have the mind and comprehension capacity of a child
That is being generous.

He's posted some of the stupidest shit I've ever read. Anywhere, anytime.

Once a friend of mine asked me "What do they sell at Century 21?", I thought that was kinda dumb, but his follow up question was priceless. After I told him they sold houses, he asked; "How do they fit the houses in there?"

It's been a toss up.
Well, over a long period of time, infrastructure was built and designed.

I'm not saying it's not possible to do again, I'm saying it will cost an extremely large amount of money, that quite possibly doesn't need to be spent.

Why the dumb questions? Why should we 'start over' when we can just use what we already have?

Because we are stuck in a rut. Something of this magnitude would create thousands of new jobs. Which is exactly what we need right now. It's not like we have a whole lot going for us at the moment. Other than Green cars and the latest version of Smart phones.

Maybe it's not the question that is dumb. ;)