Why do cannabis produce t.h.c?

You are not answering the question at all you are just repeating what every one say :/ you are not taking what im trying to say in consideration about the male plant...if it was a protectio i dont know how many time im gonna have to repeat it, the male plant would use it as well to protect them from insects or what ever things, sun ect can eat or attack them and oh we dont have thc receptors? http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306452296004289 got an article here that seem a bit more credible that say the opposite
The male does its thing sooner and so does not have the same requirments
a single little male pollen sack can make hundreds of seeds. all it has to do is open, which happens in about a week of flower. the male is not as important (kinda like old China) it has a much higher potential to unleash its genetics onto the world through many females
good answer lol i agree
Seriously who know? If we take a theory like for exemple we got created from Aliens, and that this whole planet was once a huge laboratory? Who know if they didnt actually invented it so yes that we may consume it? To help us or just too see how we react to such a drug? Just too see if wer gonna like it and if it could have good vibes or bad one on us? If wer gonna take for habit to consume it and even grow it to have more?
Seriously who know? If we take a theory like for exemple we got created from Aliens, and that this whole planet was once a huge laboratory? Who know if they didnt actually invented it so yes that we may consume it? To help us or just too see how we react to such a drug? Just too see if wer gonna like it and if it could have good vibes or bad one on us? If wer gonna take for habit to consume it and even grow it to have more?

bongsmiliebongsmilie makin me think to much lol ;) i hear you though
a single little male pollen sack can make hundreds of seeds. all it has to do is open, which happens in about a week of flower. the male is not as important (kinda like old China) it has a much higher potential to unleash its genetics onto the world through many females
Yay now i agree, so they will only have evolved to never really have the chance to need some kind of protection because their mission has always been accomplish early which would had stay with years and explain why they dont produce as much as the female but once again im still wondering.. then why do the produce it at all? if they never really have the time to use it at a point thats its kinda useless for them? They could just grow like fuck off and do what they have to do
Yeah like when aliens created us so we would domesticate cats
so they could learn about catnip.
I follow
Actually cats are never dominated i red one time that in their head they actually think that they are the king of the house lol and that we belong to them since we some kind are at their serve in alot of way, we clean their shit, their mess, we fed them ect cats are ass holes
Actually cats are never dominated i red one time that in their head they actually think that they are the king of the house lol and that we belong to them since we some kind are at their serve in alot of way, we clean their shit, their mess, we fed them ect cats are ass holes
its true they where praised by egyptians.... y u think they dont listen to us for shit lol they do what they want when they want
thc does protect the plant from predators and uvb rays thats its natural repellant
Yeah i 100% agree with that but the male thing just kinda fuck me up i mean why wouldnt they want that too? like this cool dude said earlier they do their job way faster so it would explain why they dont really care too much about it but then my next question is now why produce it at all then? If they dont need it why do they loose time on poping some? they could just grow like fuck off and fuck every girls around like i dont care? O.o