Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

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Well-Known Member
one more troll post and he's blocked. I don't come here to fight with arrogant know-it-alls. I come here to learn, to teach what I know and to feel a sense of community. stop fucking with that.


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate, just a note, I wouldn't leave what you plucked on the ground, as it breaks down it might encourage pests and mold, i keep all my leaves in a box and have a fire pit bbq every couple of months, :-)
I know dude. I just left it there for the pix. I compost that shit. I'll pick it up tomoro since lights are out now.


Well-Known Member
Table b will grow bigger bud as you have removed all under growth below the net you can prune an take clones right up to 2week in to bud,drop your lights a bit to promote close internode,an I would apply same method to table A
Table A is the one defoliated. I will post each table separately from now on to avoid confusion. Both tables were lollipopped below the net. I already took clones in veg and have a nice tray for the next run rooting as we speak.


Well-Known Member
Table b will grow bigger bud as you have removed all under growth below the net you can prune an take clones right up to 2week in to bud,drop your lights a bit to promote close internode,an I would apply same method to table A
these are OG and 1000w HPS so they gotta be 24" or the plants show heat stress from too rapid transpiraton.


this room is dialed in. fans. ac. dehu. see first post for details.
On the defol I also just cut parts of the leaf off that is covering lower or neighbouring bud eg; if some leaf has three fingers over a bud ill trim them back to to expose it less stress an leaf still does its job


Well-Known Member
On the defol I also just cut parts of the leaf off that is covering lower or neighbouring bud eg; if some leaf has three fingers over a bud ill trim them back to to expose it less stress an leaf still does its job
Yeah i have seen it done that way. Thought about it. So many damn leaves i just clipped at the petiole


image.jpg Check it our guys,10 days veg from clone,25 days flower ,just a bit wider then coke can an longer, this is just an experiment for next crop an I think it may have already passed lol African queen


Well-Known Member
I read about the 1" petiole somewhere else, probably from you. that seems like a good idea because, at that point, another set of leaves is closer to the meristem, powering growth from there. now the leaf with the petiole is perhaps in competition with the inflorescence.

i think we feed so aggressively that plants pop out more leaves than they really need so if you cut back on the leaf count, more energy goes to flower production.
You may have heard it from me but I would have been quoting an article I had read. As I said earlier, i was involved in a thread recently that was quite interesting and didnt devolve into a slinging match of degrees and condescending tones (Not directed at OP btw lol). I'm still waiting to hear why UB and others feel the need to respond to something that is so irrelevant, and a waste of one's time.


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of excited to get another run going and try again. As a newb (2.5 years) doing hydro there are many things to try, scrog being one. Its just an amazing hobby for me as I love the final product lol. I need a bigger shed :(. It sounds like you have your setup dialled in Oscar. I have done everything myself re: system build, and trying different methods is half the fun! Well until it leads to a poor grow like the last one lol, i contribute the failure in part to listening to advice followed on this site. Did i get pissed and start slamming? Nope, just learned that that particular advice didnt work as well in my setup lol. Sorry high and rambling, I'll stop lol.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Wow, just.... Wow..... If you have such a low opinion of those here, why bother posting at all? This is just rude and unproductive and to be honest I would have expected better from a community veteran. Very disappointing.
Not trying to be rude, just making a point, a point you don't like so there goes the demonizing drills. Like I said, this is about the 10th defoliation thread I've seen, all based on conjecture and a lack of understanding of what makes a plant tick. The fact that you guys think a budsite needs light to produce confirms my conviction, you don't understand plant processes.

Question remains and it is a valid one - why don't you yank all of your large fan leaves? I mean isn't that what mother nature does over millenium, evolve into a living system complete with useless plant units?


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
There is a good how to on it here http://growweedeasy.com/marijuana-defoliation-tutorial
This guy seems to know what he's doing.
And so does that monkey painting my garage wall.

Look, that is NOT an empirically controlled scientific experiment performed in triplicate by a non-partisan, independent lab. It is another push for some "growing secret", a come-on to a sales pitch for an expensive book priced out at $57. Go head, place it in your cart. :)
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Well-Known Member
UB, I do yank all my large fan leaves, in fact I said it earlier, I yank anything bigger than the palm of my hand and I get positive results.

Have you actually performed any experimentation in regards to this subject or are you simply saying it shouldn't work, so therefore it won't? You know that we once thought the world was flat and that the earth was the centre of the universe.
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