First lady 'outraged' .

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
WTF is Michell talking about?

"terrorist group determined to keep these girls from getting an education," adding the group was composed of "grown men attempting to snuff out the aspirations of young girls."

He doesnt give a rats ass if they don't derive a education and make minimum wage.

LOL, He is going to sell them as young whores sweety.


Well-Known Member
i love michelle obama and think she's been the most effect first lady to date..not saying that there shouldn't be outrage..but:

1. what about all the shit happening to black kids here in america and our beloved trayvon?
2. sending dollars to nigeria when we can use those dollars here..we hemorrhage dollars, 29 ted cruz billion dollars to be exact
3. this type of support should be coming from nigerian community here in the US..just as venezuela community is for their home country politics
4. what about the sex slave trade here in america?
5. this is just more "kony" shit and did they ever get that guy?

we can't be the worlds police when we have so many of our own issues..


Well-Known Member
i love michelle obama and think she's been the most effect first lady to date..not saying that there shouldn't be outrage..but:

1. what about all the shit happening to black kids here in america and our beloved trayvon?
2. sending dollars to nigeria when we can use those dollars here..we hemorrhage dollars, 29 ted cruz billion dollars to be exact
3. this type of support should be coming from nigerian community here in the US..just as venezuela community is for their home country politics
4. what about the sex slave trade here in america?
5. this is just more "kony" shit and did they ever get that guy?

we can't be the worlds police when we have so many of our own issues..
Eleanore Roosevelt says history goes back more than 14 years.
Seriously Sky. We had a first lady running the country, and was democrat to boot. What are you basing it on? We're unfortunately still feeling the affects of Nancy Reagan too. That lady left a (SKID)mark.JackieO, Barb Bush...

Agree with your other points.


Well-Known Member
Eleanore Roosevelt says history goes back more than 14 years.
Seriously Sky. We had a first lady running the country, and was democrat to boot. What are you basing it on? We're unfortunately still feeling the affects of Nancy Reagan too. That lady left a (SKID)mark.JackieO, Barb Bush...

Agree with your other points.
like i said "effective"..hillary helped run the country too.


Well-Known Member
i love michelle obama and think she's been the most effect first lady to date..not saying that there shouldn't be outrage..but:

1. what about all the shit happening to black kids here in america and our beloved trayvon?
2. sending dollars to nigeria when we can use those dollars here..we hemorrhage dollars, 29 ted cruz billion dollars to be exact
3. this type of support should be coming from nigerian community here in the US..just as venezuela community is for their home country politics
4. what about the sex slave trade here in america?
5. this is just more "kony" shit and did they ever get that guy?

we can't be the worlds police when we have so many of our own issues..
What a joke. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Reality check: It's a current event.
Some reporter puts a microphone in your face and asks you about x,y,z
You say: 'it's tragic/horrific/outrageous, etc.
Because that is a normal human reaction to something most wish never happened.
Basic civilization 101
They ought to start teaching it in school.
Seems a lost art.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Muslim fundamentalists?
Just a bunch of armed rapists
exactly, moslem fundamentalists.

as the "Excellent Example" of proper moslem conduct, Mohammed has created the template for all these fools to follow.

1 : Murder your opposition at every opportunity
2 : Your "opposition" is anyone who isnt a moslem (in your personal opinion)
3 : Rape is OK as long as they arent moslem
4 : Slavery is great, as long as they arent moslem
5 : Fucking 9 year olds? aww hells yeah, Allah approves!!