First lady 'outraged' .


Well-Known Member
Any guy out there that has never had sex with another guy should try it.

I haven't fucked a dude in 5 or 6 years. But it is kind of enjoyable. Men give better blow jobs than women do. Stronger jaw muscle I suppose.

Find a guy with a skinny pecker, the first time you take it, it can be painful.
Yuo skinheads gotta pay for your meth somehow I suppose.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
There are a lot of old slurs in many societies.
Most have fallen by the way-side and are now on the scrap heap of history.
That one, unfortunatley, has yet to have a stake driven through it's heart.
I'm not going to say what it means. It's repulsive.
Yet an avatar of Jim Jones, isn't? :dunce:

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I'm glad Nigeria takes Bush's advice and won't deal with terrorists.

Now the fathers are getting angry thinking their sons will soon be kidnaped.
These fuckers need to be stopped.
The president should be doing more.

The fathers of Chibok have a simple message for the world: “Please help bring back our girls."

The fathers say that more than a month after the abduction of at least 200 schoolgirls from Chibok, no representatives of the state or federal governments, nor members of the Nigerian police or military have visited them to ask questions about the identity of their daughters.

Hamish MacDonald/ABC News
PHOTO: A group of desperate fathers, brothers and uncles whose girls were among those kidnapped a month ago spoke to ABC News in the north-eastern town of Yola, Nigeria.

"Since one month, nothing has happened," Abana said. "What do we do about it? The students were in the government’s care.”
Breaking down in tears, Abana said the entire community is now terrified. “We are scared to even send the boys to school because we are afraid. Maybe other boys will be taken away,” he said.