Police: Pot might be factor in Montana killing


Well-Known Member
[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/members/sirgreenthumb.108244/' said:
SirGreenThumb[/URL]]hahah, you posted that as I was writing about the same thing..

Did you end up on a weird video by accident? :lol:
Seen a lot of weird stuff that I can not unsee now :spew:, lotta ass whoopin though lol. I myself have not gotten into an altercation in lil over a year, barely avoided the back of a cop car on the last one... Kinda kept me on the straight and narrow but I have my moments where I feel like wrecking something beautiful lol....


Well-Known Member
Seen a lot of weird stuff that I can not unsee now :spew:, lotta ass whoopin though lol. I myself have not gotten into an altercation in lil over a year, barely avoided the back of a cop car on the last one... Kinda kept me on the straight and narrow but I have my moments where I feel like wrecking something beautiful lol....
Yea, never fails when watching youtube videos. End up clicking on something that you thought was something else.. Yep, I know that all too well. :lol:

Last fight I got into wasn't really a fight... Drunk dude hit my fiancee and I hit him, but didn't connect properly and broke my 5th metacarpal. He went down with a broken nose.. That shit wasn't cheap at the ER either. I spent new years there.. haha... What a wonderful start to the new year right..


Well-Known Member
That is exactly what I thought. Now shut up about it.
Keep on deflecting. I offered, but I'm not going to pay for a plane ticket to puerto rico. If you want to keep talking shit then buy me a ticket and you can meet me at the airport.. Then we can see who walks away. You talk shit just like UB and when it comes down to brass tax you are a pussy that keeps on deflecting.

One last time, buy me a ticket or shut up and when you deflect once again, you look like the pussy, not me. Keep that in mind before you repeat the same shit again. Damn disease infested rodent.
You're the one who "never lost a fight", "loves fighting", "breaks faces" etc ad nauseum. Now you get called out and it's all excuses.

You're just a pussy.


Well-Known Member
i did post 2 links to articles that condensed the results of " doll tests " and questioning of young children and the results are pretty conclusive
young children dont care about sex or financial status but instead are compelled to " group " up with people of their own race
that's learned behavior. newborns show no preference for their own race or others, despite being able to differentiate between races.


Well-Known Member
You're the one who "never lost a fight", "loves fighting", "breaks faces" etc ad nauseum. Now you get called out and it's all excuses.

You're just a pussy.
Yep, I knew you would try and talk shit again.. That's all you are, all talk..

As far as I'm concerned this conversation is over.
see post 300


Well-Known Member
Hey atleast there is honor in defending your woman, this is gonna be embarassing but I was defending my MOMMA!
Was out for drinks with her, her bf, my brother and a friend of her bf. Leaving the last stop of the night, I am all fucked up on sake cus we went to a karaoke bar as one of the stops so I got a lil piss and vinegar to say the least lol. So these black guys start shouting some shit at us, I am about in the car and they start saying some shit to my moms, immediately turn heel and pop that fuck in the mouth and get jumped on by his boys. Long story short my mom had the car running and warm for the get away to avoid booking lol they might have limped away fuck if I care....

*before anyone starts with that your a racist shit know this, when all this went down I had a black roommate, doesn't absolve me of wrong doing but hard to hate a race when you live with them, makes for some animosity ...*


Well-Known Member
Hey atleast there is honor in defending your woman, this is gonna be embarassing but I was defending my MOMMA!
Was out for drinks with her, her bf, my brother and a friend of her bf. Leaving the last stop of the night, I am all fucked up on sake cus we went to a karaoke bar as one of the stops so I got a lil piss and vinegar to say the least lol. So these black guys start shouting some shit at us, I am about in the car and they start saying some shit to my moms, immediately turn heel and pop that fuck in the mouth and get jumped on by his boys. Long story short my mom had the car running and warm for the get away to avoid booking lol they might have limped away fuck if I care....

*before anyone starts with that your a racist shit know this, when all this went down I had a black roommate, doesn't absolve me of wrong doing but hard to hate a race when you live with them, makes for some animosity ...*
Nothing wrong with defending your mother.. Sounds quite honorable to me.. Most here would run.. Good job.. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Got to love people talking about trying to convince others when the only person I'm talking to is talking to others about me trying to convince others.

The ignorance in this place is astounding.


Well-Known Member
If I wasn't drunk cooler heads probably could have prevailed but I tend to be a hot head on the sauce, much friendlier on the green :bigjoint:
looking back on it though can not say I regret it, may not share the same view had charges been pressed lol.


Well-Known Member
If I wasn't drunk cooler heads probably could have prevailed but I tend to be a hot head on the sauce, much friendlier on the green :bigjoint:
looking back on it though can not say I regret it, may not share the same view had charges been pressed lol.
Not sure about that.
There are certain things that can be said that would set you off even on the green. Like I said, nothing wrong with defending your mother and no judgement here, an asshole is an asshole, doesn't matter the skin color.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with defending your mother.. Sounds quite honorable to me.. Most here would run.. Good job.. :clap:
You would run, judging by how many excuses you made for backing out of the challenge you issued.

I'm actually serious now, I'll be in the US in a couple months, you better be getting in shape. I'm going to come knock you out since you're too scared to man up on your little threats. I know why too, you're just afraid because you can't bring your gun.

You better not keep trying to convince everyone how tough you are. I'll see it and let everyone know how scared you are to carry out your threats when you actually get called out.