Bill Nye owns Heritage retard on climate change

The bacteria in our rotting corpses?

If we could invent something, like a virus, to target specific populations, that would be best.

You don't want all people dying in equal proportion, some people have proven throughout history they aren't worth having around.

I would start with populations that for the past 200 years have not been able to feed themselves without assistance from the outside world.

Then maybe populations that tend to over use and over pollute.

So first africa, then America.

Are you watching Helix. The first season is done. What a plan!!!
If we could invent something, like a virus, to target specific populations, that would be best.

You don't want all people dying in equal proportion, some people have proven throughout history they aren't worth having around.

I would start with populations that for the past 200 years have not been able to feed themselves without assistance from the outside world.

Then maybe populations that tend to over use and over pollute.

So first africa, then America.

i'll remind you of this next time you claim your racism is harmless and benign.
Bill Nye is a "celebrity" who has ZERO credentials when it comes to climate science. He's a paid hack to parrot what his liberal bosses tell him. He's been out of his field so long, I doubt anyone would hire him for his engineering specialty anymore either.

Why are liberals so fucking retarded you need to be blunt?
Bill Nye is a "celebrity" who has ZERO credentials when it comes to climate science. He's a paid hack to parrot what his liberal bosses tell him. He's been out of his field so long, I doubt anyone would hire him for his engineering specialty anymore either.

Why are liberals so fucking retarded you need to be blunt?

"ZERO credentials" yet he schools unscientific retards like Heritage Foundation retard every time he speaks to them, interesting..

Oh, and who might Bill Nye's "liberal bosses" be?
what about the other 99.9% of pictures on google i'm sure you see that they are all white people in the search for ruddi.
So, if you make a 'rule' that says ruddy people have to be white, then I show you a picture of a ruddy non-white person, what does that mean?

I'll wait patiently.
I just showed you a picture of pollution in China, caused by MAN. Ask me again if i understand.

I'd ask if you understand, but I already know the answer. You don't.

What would happen if man stopped contributing to greenhouse gas emissions?

Again, just because something isn't being controlled doesn't mean it's uncontrollable.

Why are you not understanding this? I even gave you a neat little analogy with a car.

So who did it all the other times that it has changed in the past Billions of years? How will we control that?

The climate HAS changed in the past. Never as fast and furious as with human made pollution pushing us forward. The point, that you CONTINUALLY keep missing (or are incapable of grasping) is that humanity controls how much pollution humanity puts into the air. THe faqct that it's rampant only means no one is doing anything, not that doing something is impossible.

Why does it really matter if it's our fault or not. It's still changing, we can't control it.

You have got to be fucking kidding me. How can anyone be this obtuse?

It's like the guy that eats right, exercises everyday, never smoked, and then drops dead of an aneurism while shopping for produce. Shit happens, we aren't in control of it.

Greenhouse gas emissions are not uncontrollable. Considering that humans are the main factor, all humans need to do is stop being the main contributor.

The greenhouse gas emissions that happen WITHOUT human help, are uncontrollable. Not the gasses that we produce, those are very, very easily controllable.
I'd ask if you understand, but I already know the answer. You don't.

What would happen if man stopped contributing to greenhouse gas emissions?

Again, just because something isn't being controlled doesn't mean it's uncontrollable.

Why are you not understanding this? I even gave you a neat little analogy with a car.

The climate HAS changed in the past. Never as fast and furious as with human made pollution pushing us forward. The point, that you CONTINUALLY keep missing (or are incapable of grasping) is that humanity controls how much pollution humanity puts into the air. THe faqct that it's rampant only means no one is doing anything, not that doing something is impossible.

You have got to be fucking kidding me. How can anyone be this obtuse?

Greenhouse gas emissions are not uncontrollable. Considering that humans are the main factor, all humans need to do is stop being the main contributor.

The greenhouse gas emissions that happen WITHOUT human help, are uncontrollable. Not the gasses that we produce, those are very, very easily controllable.

Humans are not the main contributor or factor.
Humans are not thre main contributor or factor.
Ok, thanks for your input. What background in science do you have, and why should I take your opinion seriously?

I've already read the reports from the scientists, and they say humans have been the main cause for the increase in global warming.
Are you watching Helix. The first season is done. What a plan!!!

You and I must be the only two watching both Helix AND Salem.
The climate HAS changed in the past. Never as fast and furious as with human made pollution pushing us forward. The point, that you CONTINUALLY keep missing (or are incapable of grasping) is that humanity controls how much pollution humanity puts into the air. THe faqct that it's rampant only means no one is doing anything, not that doing something is impossible.


This is my issue. People are shitting in our kitchen. I don't want carbon credits, I don't want subsidies to major donors' green energy projects. I want harmful pollution outlawed and punished. Determining what levels are harmful will also be a huge fight, but we can start with minimal amounts and gradually decrease.

What has skeptics skeptical is the solutions being proposed, the fact that every published prediction was high re: temps and the dire predictions we heard 10 years ago if we did nothing hasn't even come close to happening.

No doubt man is a wasteful and polluting animal. Let's attack it from that angle instead of the political one we are presently attempting.
the fact that every published prediction was high

if you had a leg to stand on, you wouldn't have to lie.

now would you like to admit to all the nice people here that you are lying, or should i post the predictions and the reality to prove what a shitty liar you are?
if you had a leg to stand on, you wouldn't have to lie.

now would you like to admit to all the nice people here that you are lying, or should i post the predictions and the reality to prove what a shitty liar you are?

It's possible I'm mistaken and from anyone other than you I would have more doubt that something has come out differing than the journal of science.

Coming from you though, the biggest liar on the forum, I'll need you to show accurate temperature predictions before I retract that statement.

Thanks in advance for correcting my error if I'm wrong. Fuck you if it's just more of your typical shit.
It's possible I'm mistaken

so you made a positive, declarative statement, yet you knew it was wrong?

so you KNEW you were lying and lied anyway?

jesus christ.




lying stooge.
Lies Buck proven false and over run by science every time you post this old hash.

Geez bigotty buck. Everyone including yourself who has ever been in the AGW threads know the predictions that were overestimated I'm talking about are temps. I'll admit that something may have been dug up since the journal of science pointed out that ALL 100 something predictions were wrong on the high side. But you sure as hell haven't shown any proof.

It's people like you that feed the fire to the deniers. You post arguments that get torn apart and then post them again like they are fact. Stop helping the cause, you are hurting it.

Doer is right, you've become incessantly boring. Isn't there a typo somewhere you can point out or call someone a racist you disagree with?
They go back and revise their predictions after the fact.

If you found a 1995 article giving expert scientific predictions for the current time frame, the reality wouldn't match up with the predictions.

I recall predictions from around 10-15 years ago that the ice caps would all be gone by now.

I recall the talk around 2000 that we had just a couple of years left before disaster would be beset upon us. They are still saying the same thing.

Global warming/climate change is nothing more than a means by which scientists scare politicians into funding their research.