Club 600


Well-Known Member
I always look at reptiles as if they were still huge and we were still tiny mammals.
That way you know what they're thinking about as they look at you.
Probably something like: "I wonder what THAT one tastes like with barbecue sauce.... " (voiced as Karl Childers from "Sling Blade")


Well-Known Member
IMAG0865.jpg That's a funny video. He's colored similar to our beardie, I'l have to get some pics to post of the guy.

EDIT: Here's somepics taken yesterday of the grow at my buddy's place. We started putting together a flower room for him out the R-tech insulation and dome black and white plastic. We used plastic and a zipper for the door and the panels for walls. We also are using plastic for the floor to protect his carpet.

The plant in the pic is an oddity. It's from seed but has alternating nodes in random directions.


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Well-Known Member
The kittens all passed the "Rush Tolerance Test" with flying colors!
I played "The Camera Eye" this morning on my bass after their breakfast, and they slept right through it, and I played at my regular volume, too. (playing through $40 Logitech 2.1 computer speakers at a moderate volume)



Well-Known Member
He's considered a "Citrus Tiger" Bearded Dragon and is very bright indeed. It's neat to give him a bath. We put him in the bath tub with 95 degree water in it and he'll swim from one end to the other, looking like a crocodile. When he gets upset his beard turns charcoal gray, almost black.


Well-Known Member
Citrus tiger, awesome name. Look forward to seeing race day pics! Any go pro?
I don;t own one but will see if my brother does or maybe he can borrow one from someone. It would be pretty cool to mount one on the roll cage like we used to do with the truck we had. I'm bringing the camera he loaned me so I can hopefully get some decent pics.


Well-Known Member
I guess he has a Gopro but doesn't have the right mount for it in order to put it on the car before saturday. I'll still take pics though


Well-Known Member
i just mind on the last time you had it like that and were doing the limbo trying to water the back ones man.
true, but these are flat up against the net and I can actually get round it all now so access is fairly easy. plus there's only 5 big pots to water so while the tie backs take a while the bi-daily watering takes minutes.


Well-Known Member
Look fat though either way:-)

Think your about right dez
You think so? I'll take samples from a couple of plants that look ready and see what they look like under the scope. I actually took more pics than that but this page is already loading super slow for me, lol. I'll post some nice looking buds on the next page. There of the ones that I would like to chop soon.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Man I just took 3 dogs probably a week earlier than I should, sacrilege I hear you shout! but needs must, it's moving quick and a mix of milky n clear. Up to you if you want to take them go for it if their for you then leave them be man!