Bill Nye owns Heritage retard on climate change

You guys shouldn't give Pad such a hard time. He's one of the compassionate zealots. He recently stated that he doesn't want ANY legislation, regulation or restrictions having to do with climate change. Pad only wants to be the "thought police" and make sure everyone understands how correct he is about MMGW. For him, it's not about fixing the "problem", it's only about helping the unwashed, uneducated masses to understand such a complex theory. Cut him some slack, he's doing the Lord's work ova heeer!
I ask you, if BN was against it, would he be on CNN?

Of course not, but he has been in front of several generations of now adults, so his credibility is assumed

The international government (cabal) has a carbon tax in place and in the US they are now trying to tax vehicles by the mile

SCUM are in charge. They love bleeding people in every conceivable way
So 100+ years is "just a blink in time", huh?

"The Earth has seen much more extreme weather in it's past" has it?


So if we only have a measly 100+-ish years in recorded climate data, how do you know "the Earth has seen much more extreme weather in it's past"?


He's got an engineering degree from Cornell, you're a climate change, vaccine denying idiot

The ability to procreate should rely on scientific knowledge because of idiots like you

The Earth is millions of years old. So yes, 100 years is just a blink in time.

The dinosaurs were wiped out by some type of "climate change".

Hmmmmmmm. ?
I made a computer "model" that definitively proves the earth will be wiped out by an asteroid the size of Texas in the next 30-40 years. It didn't pan out the first few thousand times I ran the simulator. However, after tweaking the data that I input, I got the result that I knew was correct. My data was totally not influenced by the fact I had just watched "Armageddon" several times back to back on TBS.

The good news is fuck all this MMGW bullshit and there's still plenty of time to borrow 100 grand from a fat-ass loan shark and spend it on a stripper named Molly Mounds.
Bill Nye's credentials are as a PBS science talk show host, how does that make him any different than one who works for Jesus?
Bill Nye has a degree in Mechanical engineering from Cornell, is also a visiting professor at Cornell and is the VP of The planetary society, and holds three honorary doctorates.
I watch stuff on tv all the time that talks about how much more co2, methane and other green house gasses used to be in the atmosphere. Temperature used to be significantly hotter.

Under all of these conditions life flourished.
Do you think that helps or hurts your position in the debate?
I think it's irrelevant.

The earth was vastly different billions of years ago, and couldn't sustain human life most likely.

Are you suggesting that because the world is billions of years old, that the climates in the past that were just as beneficial to animals/life as our 'modern' climate? There are a lot of climates I would prefer to avoid, and just because climates existed previously, perhaps due to catastrophic evens, doesn't mean we should allow man man actions to return us to that climate.
The point is, the Earth is constantly changing. The whole climate change debate is focused on the fact that humans can't live in any other climate than that which we have lived in in the recent past. But there is no way to prevent things from changing. We are NOT in control. We either adapt, or die.
You guys shouldn't give Pad such a hard time. He's one of the compassionate zealots. He recently stated that he doesn't want ANY legislation, regulation or restrictions having to do with climate change. Pad only wants to be the "thought police" and make sure everyone understands how correct he is about MMGW. For him, it's not about fixing the "problem", it's only about helping the unwashed, uneducated masses to understand such a complex theory. Cut him some slack, he's doing the Lord's work ova heeer!
omg so true
Probably why you don't actually understand anything about it
I understand it. There just isn't much of anything I can do about it. So I don't run around screaming the sky is falling.

You revel in complaining about things you cannot change, yet the things you can change you seem to think others control so you avoid them.

You could be making a decent living with your intelligence, instead you let others control your destiny.
Probably why you don't actually understand anything about it
shut the fuck up all you know about science is probably sagans cosmos and the discovery channel. you have not even been to college so stfu with your psuedo science bullshit and go make a thread about baitin to prostitutes or whatever you do to spend your time.
The point is, the Earth is constantly changing. The whole climate change debate is focused on the fact that humans can't live in any other climate than that which we have lived in in the recent past. But there is no way to prevent things from changing. We are NOT in control. We either adapt, or die.
I believe you've missed the point.

That's a facile argument. Of course we can live in other habitats and climates. It's been demonstrated that man-made actions are causing climate change, and those changes are going to affect us negatively. If we have a way of mitigating negative changes, we'd have to be stupid to not attempt them.

We have never seen climate change this quickly, and we've never been able to pinpoint the causes, e.g. the industrial revolution and the exponential increase in burning fossil fuels.
The statement 'we are NOT in control', isn't accurate either. We might not be in control of some aspects of the climate, but we are demonstrably in control of the rampant greenhouse effect that is, again, being demonstrably created by man-made actions.
I believe you've missed the point.

That's a facile argument. Of course we can live in other habitats and climates. It's been demonstrated that man-made actions are causing climate change, and those changes are going to affect us negatively. If we have a way of mitigating negative changes, we'd have to be stupid to not attempt them.

We have never seen climate change this quickly, and we've never been able to pinpoint the causes, e.g. the industrial revolution and the exponential increase in burning fossil fuels.
The statement 'we are NOT in control', isn't accurate either. We might not be in control of some aspects of the climate, but we are demonstrably in control of the rampant greenhouse effect that is, again, being demonstrably created by man-made actions.

You can't undo what has already been done. We are NOT in control or it would be under control. Humans can learn to adapt to the changes, or die. It's all really simple.
I understand it. There just isn't much of anything I can do about it. So I don't run around screaming the sky is falling.

You revel in complaining about things you cannot change, yet the things you can change you seem to think others control so you avoid them.

You could be making a decent living with your intelligence, instead you let others control your destiny.
and that's keeping it real.