Bill Nye owns Heritage retard on climate change

Think of all the economic growth that will occur once climate change kicks into full mode. This is just what we need. ;)
i liked it better when he asked the guy in the creationism debate about exactly how noah and 4 or 5 others could have built an ark that housed 14000 animals when the best ship builders of the 20th century couldn't do anything even remotely close.
how come if you're so scientifically literate you only make minimum wage?

I make more than minimum wage

Understanding science has no bearing on financial success in a society that doesn't value science; George Bush was president of the United States for fucks sake

Did you enjoy watching this Heritage Foundation fucktard stumble over his talking points and Nye put him in his fucking place on live TV?
I make more than minimum wage

Understanding science has no bearing on financial success in a society that doesn't value science; George Bush was president of the United States for fucks sake

Did you enjoy watching this Heritage Foundation fucktard stumble over his talking points and Nye put him in his fucking place on live TV?
bill didn't put him in his place. 64% percent of Americans think he's full of shit.