I don't think that's racist because them putting less importance on education doesn't make them inferior.
Like I've said before, the only way to tell if genetics play a role in intelligence (or at least more than social factors) is by using a gigantic sample size, and by controlling all the variables. No one has done this, so drawing conclusions is nothing more than making assumptions.
Do I think 'black culture' puts less importance on education than 'white culture'? Yes.
Do I think 'Asian culture' puts more importance on education than 'white culture'? Yes.
Do I think this might have something to do with the scores that test your skill proficiency when it comes to things you've learned in school? Yes.
Do I think it's possible for all 'intelligence scores' to basically average out if all other factors/variables are controlled? Probably, but there's not enough information to make a call, IMO.