If you don't like it then move.

Ironically, the people who are most likely to make the 'if you don't like it you should emigrate' nonsense
are the no brainer, tea party right wingers who claim to support the rights of the individual over the collective plans of an ordered society.
They obviously only support the right of the individual (often described as 'personal liberty') when the individual has a vested interest in preserving the status quo....
Or maybe the right to own weapons with more and more killing power.

They're the same people who are anti-education because they view it as societal brainwashing.
A few years of higher education would clear up that misunderstanding
Or it would brainwash them into acceptance of liberal opinions....?
Must be bizzaro world day there today eh?
Liberals talk about leaving
Conservatives threaten to remove others.

This speaks volumes about which group truly believes in personal freedom.

I've formed my opinions about Tea Party followers from the things they say,
the policies they support, the right wing hypocrites they follow
and the inbred hillbilly appearance that many of them adopt.

The lower the education
the further to the right the politics.

I've worked with thousands of doctors and have yet to meet one that could be classified as far left other than those that couldn't cut it outside of academia. Those are some educated peeps too. I'm a highly educated idiot and the more education I receive the more independent my thinking. What is with this group think of yours? How does that prove intelligence instead of the lack of?

How do you feel about liberals who think Guam will tip over if we put troops there? How bout liberals that try to pass policy based on the belief that gun clips and mags are disposable after you unload them? How do you feel about the moral majority trying to make people conform to THEIR ideology in the name of the greater good? Why is OK for you to impose policy and regulation in the name of the greater good but not them? Why isn't focusing on individual needs a better solution than one-sized fits all? Would you agree with one-sized fits all if that size was what the moral majority says it should be? Why then, do you feel you have a right to tell THEM which one-sized fits all solution they have to adhere to?

. Joe Biden on culturalism: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."
"I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?"
. Nancy Pelosi on the economy: "every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs."
Joe Biden on History: "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened."
Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington, DC: "I am clearly more popular than Reagan. I am in my third term. Where's Reagan? Gone after two! Defeated by George Bush and Michael Dukakis no less."
John Kerry on health care: "I'm going to be honest with you -- I don't know a lot about Cuba's healthcare system. Is it a government-run system?"

We can do this all day. The tea party idiots shown by msnbc are not leading our country now, it's the elected liberal leaning idiots in charge saying stupid shit. I don't think their level of education should be used as a marker. Education and intelligence are not the same thing.

Collectivism and group think is the nut low no matter the side of the aisle. The arrogance to not only "know" what's best for people living on the other side of the county, but to think you have a right to impose that belief on them is the problem today.
I'm not human, I'm aryan. We're a little better.
Ahh, I get it. you subscribe to the view that Christ was a blonde haired, blue eyed, athletic guy not a short, dark, hooked nose semitic dude. The original Aryans were brown bnb.
Sorry to disappoint you.
History doesn't seem to be your strong point.
Ahh, I get it. you subscribe to the view that Christ was a blonde haired, blue eyed, athletic guy not a short, dark, hooked nose semitic dude. The original Aryans were brown bnb.
Sorry to disappoint you.
History doesn't seem to be your strong point.
Nah, I was just fucking with you.

Yeah the aryans came from above the Caspian sea.

I lol that Hitler used that group.
Yeah because there isn't one district in the country drawn up specifically to get a black congressional representative.

i have no idea what that means sorry mate, not familiar with the A-rican electoral process

its pretty much guaranteed that the poor areas will be labour
the more affluent areas will be conservative in the UK

some areas are not so poor but then again not so wealthy either. these undecided areas are up for grabs from either party

once when the conservatives were in power they attempted to change the demographic of some of these undecided areas

associating labour voters with the poor or folk on welfare allowed conservatives to target this perceived demographic for relocation to neighboring politically secure conservative areas once relocated poor persons vote would effectively be lost in the much larger pool of conservatives

at the same time these poor areas would be targeted for housing redevelopment programes
the type of housing would be aimed at the more affluent (out of the price range of perceived labour voters)

quiet the devious plan really
It is terribly racist of you to categorize Jews as hook nosed.
Yes we must have those archaeological historians flogged. Indeed.
Glad you missed the point.
I'm not sure which is more frightening: blind stupidity or wilfull ignorance?
I'll let you know what I decide.
I love the irony of white, christian 'merica praying to a short, brown guy. Truly confusing but inspiring.
How does a person reconcile praying to someone you would never invite to dinner?
Its called having a aquiline nose or what some might term a "Roman" nose. Whatever archaeological historians you have been listening to, they must have been republican, ask Skylard.
look at all the non believers coming up with descriptions of Christ.
Psalm 45
2 Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.

Also King David is described as ruddy. which means he was a ginger. so there you go case closed Jesus was white. I think zionists should get off Jesus's dick. The jews rejected him and he rejected rabbinical law.
I've worked with thousands of doctors and have yet to meet one that could be classified as far left other than those that couldn't cut it outside of academia. Those are some educated peeps too. I'm a highly educated idiot and the more education I receive the more independent my thinking. What is with this group think of yours? How does that prove intelligence instead of the lack of?

How do you feel about liberals who think Guam will tip over if we put troops there? How bout liberals that try to pass policy based on the belief that gun clips and mags are disposable after you unload them? How do you feel about the moral majority trying to make people conform to THEIR ideology in the name of the greater good? Why is OK for you to impose policy and regulation in the name of the greater good but not them? Why isn't focusing on individual needs a better solution than one-sized fits all? Would you agree with one-sized fits all if that size was what the moral majority says it should be? Why then, do you feel you have a right to tell THEM which one-sized fits all solution they have to adhere to?

. Joe Biden on culturalism: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."
"I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?"
. Nancy Pelosi on the economy: "every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs."
Joe Biden on History: "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened."
Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington, DC: "I am clearly more popular than Reagan. I am in my third term. Where's Reagan? Gone after two! Defeated by George Bush and Michael Dukakis no less."
John Kerry on health care: "I'm going to be honest with you -- I don't know a lot about Cuba's healthcare system. Is it a government-run system?"

We can do this all day. The tea party idiots shown by msnbc are not leading our country now, it's the elected liberal leaning idiots in charge saying stupid shit. I don't think their level of education should be used as a marker. Education and intelligence are not the same thing.

Collectivism and group think is the nut low no matter the side of the aisle. The arrogance to not only "know" what's best for people living on the other side of the county, but to think you have a right to impose that belief on them is the problem today.

that's great and all, but study after study links low IQ to conservatism and racism.
look at all the non believers coming up with descriptions of Christ.
Psalm 45
2 Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.

Also King David is described as ruddy. which means he was a ginger. so there you go case closed Jesus was white. I think zionists should get off Jesus's dick. The jews rejected him and he rejected rabbinical law.
A white, Arabic, Jew.....

So much fail.

adjective: ruddy; comparative adjective: ruddier; superlative adjective: ruddiest
(of a person's face) having a healthy red color.
"a cheerful pipe-smoking man of ruddy complexion"