If you don't like it then move.

You write something like this and you're crucified by those like you who control the media.

So a task for you buck, should you choose to accept it.

Debunk (as you love to do) this "fundamental constant in sociology" that Google seems to recognize as exactly what I said it was; black americans routinely come in just under 1 standard deviation below the mean of whites.

Every time I go looking for a source, I find a new one saying the same thing.

The article I read said little of gdp. It was mostly about white, then black flight out of the inner city.

still waiting for you to cite an actual researcher with an actual name whose work has not been condemned as a form of scientific fraud.
I guess you've never been a fan of mark twain?

Refute the data, not its source.
If you've got a pair.

the methodology has been describes as a form of "scientific fraud".

if it's so prevalent, you should be able to cite at least one work not under a pseudonym.
Looks like the "scientific fraud" is more of an emotional reaction as opposed to one based on thought and rationale.

just link me to the study, not a newspaper article about it.
I guess you've never been a fan of mark twain?

Refute the data, not its source.
If you've got a pair.

You're like any guy who feels something strongly and then goes looking for proof.

Try and look at it differently. Get off your ass. Go spend time in a real city like NYC. Watch Africans in an African area. Then go watch black-americans. Tell me your observations. Think (no really, this works!). Think more.
You never say anything insightful or original about any of this race stuff bnb. Now I understand the southern mind-set much better. People who've never been anywhere or, if they have, they're so brainwashed they can't even observe effectively. It's pretty pathetic.
To anyone who grew up in a big city, with immigration levels being what they've been most places for 40 years, you guys look like total throwbacks and imbeciles. Realize that much of the distaste other whites feel for you guys is a sense of embarassmeny, even shame on your behalf (something many here don't seem to have any sense of).

Or maybe it's just too easy to hide behind your keyboard.
no, it's more of a description of the statistical methodology your anonymous coward used.
Yes, because everyone loves it when their career and livelihood is threatened for reporting unpopular facts.

Was Galileo Galilee a coward when he retracted his findings because the Catholic Church was going to "purify him by fire?"

We would pretty much do the same thing to someone publishing data like this today.
Yes, because everyone loves it when their career and livelihood is threatened for reporting unpopular facts.

Was Galileo Galilee a coward when he retracted his findings because the Catholic Church was going to "purify him by fire?"

We would pretty much do the same thing to someone publishing data like this today.

so you've got philippe rushton the white supremacist and an anonymous fraud.

any other citations?
You're like any guy who feels something strongly and then goes looking for proof.

Try and look at it differently. Get off your ass. Go spend time in a real city like NYC. Watch Africans in an African area. Then go watch black-americans. Tell me your observations. Think (no really, this works!). Think more.
You never say anything insightful or original about any of this race stuff bnb. Now I understand the southern mind-set much better. People who've never been anywhere or, if they have, they're so brainwashed they can't even observe effectively. It's pretty pathetic.
To anyone who grew up in a big city, with immigration levels being what they've been most places for 40 years, you guys look like total throwbacks and imbeciles. Realize that much of the distaste other whites feel for you guys is a sense of embarassmeny, even shame on your behalf (something many here don't seem to have any sense of).

Or maybe it's just too easy to hide behind your keyboard.
Of course anonymity helps, you can't have this conversation at work.

I've been to NYC.

Tell me where I've said "all blacks are dumb."

I've never said that. Though that is the impression you and buck attribute to me.

Only one in six African Americans score at or above the white mean. There are plenty of blacks well above the white average, and smarter than me. The smartest American could well be black. It is just percentages I am speaking of.

It all stems from conversations about; why are so many blacks poor, in prison, and disadvantaged. Some of it is because of this countries terrible history, but a big part of it is just because so many of them are borderline retarded.

One standard deviation below the black mean is the threshold for mental retardation.

That means one in six blacks have the Forrest Gump iq of 70 or lower.

Every other race thrives in racist evil rightey whitey America, at acceptable rates anyway.

Asians have no problem, look at their iq. It is higher than whites. There goes the social bias theory. And the racist excuse.
The funny part is that I am not one bit hateful or prejudiced against black people.

I prefer black women. A fairly significant part of my ancestors is black.

A significant enough number of blacks aren't stupid, so I don't prejudge them and take them as they come.

My views only apply to reasons for the struggles they face, and why.
Asians have no problem, look at their iq. It is higher than whites. There goes the social bias theory. And the racist excuse.
The low iq stuff was used by the Nazis to justify eugenics.
People are people. To me a bunch of iq stuff is meaningless.
I must not get the seeming obsession some southerners have with race or, to say it another way, melanin distribution or lack thereof.
Seems like a real time waster and a non-starter.
Persist if you must. I'm sure many will join in.
The day you get rid of the avatar is the day you'll get some credibility with guys like me. Till then your just another nut with some smarts spouting off a load of nonsense.