Ma Barker and her dangerous criminal family

So what exactly does it mean when a black person says it? And why are they allowed to say it but I can't? I hear them use it 20 times in one sentence. Often with it baring no meaning at all. I hear it used so much in public that it has come to sound offensive to me. You wouldn't walk around in public, having a conversation with a friend, saying "fuck, this fuck, fuckity fuck". But when around blacks it's nothing but "nigger, nigger, nigger...". I find it rude and unnecessary. Once those around me stop using it, so will I.

What if a black man says it and someone's son hears it? Is it ok?

If blacks can say it but a white can't "get away with it" then it seems to me that is a special right.

I've never enslaved, segregated or lynched anyone.

Said every racist ever...
the racists you keep defending are free to make their business private instead of 'open to the public' and can kick out all the blacks they want, racistroy.

no one is allowed to cause harm to others, that is not a right anyone has. and the racist practices that you love to defend cause harm, and not a single historian will disagree.

as long as you keep defending the right of racists to cause harm with racist practices, you ensure the need for that "coercive government" that you spend all day whining about.

So when people use their own property in ways they chose to, and part of that choice is to disallow others from using their property, but none of that choice is to abuse the disallowed persons property or to initiate aggression against the disallowed person the first person is causing an actionable harm?

How? How has the original property owner caused an actionable harm? You can't cause an actionable harm to another by leaving them alone, can you? No, you can't. That would be a case of indifference silly boy.
You have food in your cabinets I assume. Has your indifference to hungry people caused them an actionable harm? Should you be forced to associate with people you'd prefer not to?

You can dodge my questions, but that only means you can't answer them.

If there is any such thing as property ownership, it must include control of your own property, which obviously means the owner , not another party, decides the use of said property. When another person, the non owner uses force on the property owner to make them do something the property owner prefers not to...., the non owner is committing an act of initiating aggression. You haven't addressed that issue either have you?

Historians and race cards don't answer questions, they are weak answers. Very weak.

You really don't understand property rights means respecting everybody's private property, even those we might not like. It doesn't mean it's okay to make people that are not causing an actionable harm use their stuff the way you would make them use it. If that were true, there is no such thing as private property. If that were true, get your ass out on the streets you indifferent prohibitionist and give your food to the hungry on terms that I will set for you.

The "open to the public" wording is a term that the government used to alter (lessen) all of the private property choices that private property owners ostensibly have. In other words the government has taken at least partial ownership of private property by determining the use of it. This is of course, like all government edicts backed by threats of force. Insisting that people associate when one party does not want to...hmm....sounds like you like rapists tactics too. It takes two willing parties to make a consensual transaction or to make love, it takes one willing party using force to rape or to violate a persons private property. Hey, look that's you in the mirror!

I think your confusion arises from the indoctrination you've received that there is a super daddy that can somehow determine when it is appropriate to initiate harm against a person that has not caused another an actionable harm. In other words you believe your idea of what people should do with their stuff is the moral justification to attack them if they don't obey you. That is the same philosophy prohibitionists use to tell others what they can and cannot do with their most private property, their body. You are in fact employing a prohibitionist tactic.

You may or may not be a racist, but that is irrelevant. The reason a person wants to use their property the way they determine is secondary to the idea that they own it and in order to own something the right of determination of said thing or property is inherent to it.

So, by attempting to be a do gooder you first approve of causing an actionable harm to a persons private property. Sad, Mr. Prohibitionist, sad.
he can't..for some reason, the US government hold all the patents to everything cannabis..

That is a ridiculous answer and you will have to stay after school and clap the erasers. Of course he could, he can kill people on a whim, do you really think he couldn't end prohibition within minutes of deciding to?

Obama is an egotistical political creature and doesn't care about people owning themselves. You are the sheep, he is the plantation overseer. Now go clap the erasers.
So they get special rights to use it because they are black?

It's Ok for Uncle Buck to call me a fat skank and a cunt, but i can't use the "n" word? Why is that? Maybe if he weren't so rude and mean I'd quit trolling him with that word. ;)

Please use the alternate term "wigger". Thank you.
No. I printed it out and taped it to my bathroom wall so I can sit on my toilet and fap at it.

It's literally a box of cat shit right under a few drying plants. It's probably better in the imagination.

actually, there are 2 litter boxes off to the side big deal..i've seen people have their grow in bathroom and shit right next to it..what happens when you flush and all those feces droplets circulate with all that sticky bud? and with a man you know they don't put the lid down, so double whammy.
Said every racist ever...

This was determined already. Do you have any insight to offer? Or are you simply here to say "racist"?

Seems a lot of people want to label others, yet have no desire to help educate them. Tell me something I don't know about racism and maybe I'll change my point of view.

Sticks and stones doesn't apply to those with thin skin.
This was determined already. Do you have any insight to offer? Or are you simply here to say "racist"?.

I don't usually directly respond to quotes unless they are so utterly ridiculous that I can't help myself. Your argument of "why do blacks get to use the word nigger and I don't" shows a complete lack of empathy and an unwillingness and/or inability to look at complex issues from a different perspective.
See, what you don't get is that when you say it, it's with malice. It's dehumanizing. They're not a person anymore.. they're just a nigger. Like when we used to own them as property..that kind of dehumanizing.

when they say it, it's used almost ironically.

I cant believe i even have to explain this.

"Why do people have to label other people"
Hello pot, I'm kettle...
don't sweat it though, everyone's a little bit racist
I don't usually directly respond to quotes unless they are so utterly ridiculous that I can't help myself. Your argument of "why do blacks get to use the word nigger and I don't" shows a complete lack of empathy and an unwillingness and/or inability to look at complex issues from a different perspective.
See, what you don't get is that when you say it, it's with malice. It's dehumanizing. They're not a person anymore.. they're just a nigger. Like when we used to own them as property..that kind of dehumanizing.

when they say it, it's used almost ironically.

I cant believe i even have to explain this.

"Why do people have to label other people"
Hello pot, I'm kettle...
don't sweat it though, everyone's a little bit racist

So I'm just supposed to smile, or should I look scared when they tell me, "cracka get the fuck out of my hood!"
So when people use their own property in ways they chose to, and part of that choice is to disallow others from using their property, but none of that choice is to abuse the disallowed persons property or to initiate aggression against the disallowed person the first person is causing an actionable harm?

How? How has the original property owner caused an actionable harm? You can't cause an actionable harm to another by leaving them alone, can you? No, you can't. That would be a case of indifference silly boy.
You have food in your cabinets I assume. Has your indifference to hungry people caused them an actionable harm? Should you be forced to associate with people you'd prefer not to?

You can dodge my questions, but that only means you can't answer them.

If there is any such thing as property ownership, it must include control of your own property, which obviously means the owner , not another party, decides the use of said property. When another person, the non owner uses force on the property owner to make them do something the property owner prefers not to...., the non owner is committing an act of initiating aggression. You haven't addressed that issue either have you?

Historians and race cards don't answer questions, they are weak answers. Very weak.

You really don't understand property rights means respecting everybody's private property, even those we might not like. It doesn't mean it's okay to make people that are not causing an actionable harm use their stuff the way you would make them use it. If that were true, there is no such thing as private property. If that were true, get your ass out on the streets you indifferent prohibitionist and give your food to the hungry on terms that I will set for you.

The "open to the public" wording is a term that the government used to alter (lessen) all of the private property choices that private property owners ostensibly have. In other words the government has taken at least partial ownership of private property by determining the use of it. This is of course, like all government edicts backed by threats of force. Insisting that people associate when one party does not want to...hmm....sounds like you like rapists tactics too. It takes two willing parties to make a consensual transaction or to make love, it takes one willing party using force to rape or to violate a persons private property. Hey, look that's you in the mirror!

I think your confusion arises from the indoctrination you've received that there is a super daddy that can somehow determine when it is appropriate to initiate harm against a person that has not caused another an actionable harm. In other words you believe your idea of what people should do with their stuff is the moral justification to attack them if they don't obey you. That is the same philosophy prohibitionists use to tell others what they can and cannot do with their most private property, their body. You are in fact employing a prohibitionist tactic.

You may or may not be a racist, but that is irrelevant. The reason a person wants to use their property the way they determine is secondary to the idea that they own it and in order to own something the right of determination of said thing or property is inherent to it.

So, by attempting to be a do gooder you first approve of causing an actionable harm to a persons private property. Sad, Mr. Prohibitionist, sad.

surely you can name one historian than who shares your obvious conclusion that blacks were not harmed by the racist practices you so ardently defend then, and were merely "indifferented".

just one single historian, go ahead.
actually, there are 2 litter boxes off to the side big deal..i've seen people have their grow in bathroom and shit right next to it..what happens when you flush and all those feces droplets circulate with all that sticky bud? and with a man you know they don't put the lid down, so double whammy.

People flush the toilets ( maybe you don't), Buck's cat boxes are so full you can't count all the cat shit in there.
I assume you like the taste of cat shit.
I don't usually directly respond to quotes unless they are so utterly ridiculous that I can't help myself. Your argument of "why do blacks get to use the word nigger and I don't" shows a complete lack of empathy and an unwillingness and/or inability to look at complex issues from a different perspective.
See, what you don't get is that when you say it, it's with malice. It's dehumanizing. They're not a person anymore.. they're just a nigger. Like when we used to own them as property..that kind of dehumanizing.

when they say it, it's used almost ironically.

I cant believe i even have to explain this.

"Why do people have to label other people"
Hello pot, I'm kettle...
don't sweat it though, everyone's a little bit racist

Yeah, I'm not buying it.
I don't usually directly respond to quotes unless they are so utterly ridiculous that I can't help myself. Your argument of "why do blacks get to use the word nigger and I don't" shows a complete lack of empathy and an unwillingness and/or inability to look at complex issues from a different perspective.
See, what you don't get is that when you say it, it's with malice. It's dehumanizing. They're not a person anymore.. they're just a nigger. Like when we used to own them as property..that kind of dehumanizing.

when they say it, it's used almost ironically.

I cant believe i even have to explain this.

"Why do people have to label other people"
Hello pot, I'm kettle...
don't sweat it though, everyone's a little bit racist
If they didn't get so butthurt over it, would the word still hold as much power?

In fact, if it didn't offend them, would people say it at all anymore?

I personally think as a word it adds nothing to the language, and should be removed, along with "twerking" and a multitude of other retarded letter arrangements.
If they didn't get so butthurt over it, would the word still hold as much power?

In fact, if it didn't offend them, would people say it at all anymore?

I personally think as a word it adds nothing to the language, and should be removed, along with "twerking" and a multitude of other retarded letter arrangements.

My thoughts exactly. ;)
It's like you have no clue. None at all.
Most of what you say is drivel compared to the bunny.
I have heard many a black folk use the word "nigger" in a derogatory manner. The fact that you are trying to convince me otherwise is ridiculous.
What is the point? Do you know what a 'point' is? Could you make one?
It's like you have no clue. None at all.
Most of what you say is drivel compared to the bunny.

What is the point? Do you know what a 'point' is? Could you make one?

This is my only real advice to you. It's not worth it if not getting paid. People will do anything for you, include pretending to be nice. I'm what you'll get in a world without money.