Ma Barker and her dangerous criminal family

So that's what was going on in that picture in your avatar. How sweet. BnB said he's part black. I bet you could convert him to an Obama lover, so you all can have a threesome. That'd make for one happy ending!

did someone say threesome?: mrsbuckbuckschuylaar
how is it my fault if someone trespasses on my personal property with intent to harm andor rob?

It isn't your fault. Hey, you just talked about property rights. See? You DO understand that YOUR property is for YOU to decide how to disposition it. What you don't get is that other people have that right too.
and it really shows.

i can only buy weed legally in 1000 times more places than i was able to before he got into office.


If Obama wanted to end the war on weed, he could have done it years ago easily. Rescheduling cannabis would have saved many many people needless harm. Obama is a charlatan and you are the buyer of his elixir.
It isn't your fault. Hey, you just talked about property rights. See? You DO understand that YOUR property is for YOU to decide how to disposition it. What you don't get is that other people have that right too.

what you don't get is the distinction between my backyard and a business that is 'open to the public'.

but go on, keep whining about how whiny racists like yourself can no longer hang a "no negroes allowed" sign in the door, ya whiny racist.
what you don't get is the distinction between my backyard and a business that is 'open to the public'.

but go on, keep whining about how whiny racists like yourself can no longer hang a "no negroes allowed" sign in the door, ya whiny racist.

I've said many times my preference for the use of my property if I were in a free trade business would be not to discriminate based on something as silly as race, gender or sexual preference. I try to see people as individuals and also try to respect their property rights, even when they would use their property in ways I don't agree with. You don't. So your racist charges are a far stretch. I understand that it is easier for you to declare me a racist than it is for you to see yourself as an advocate of using force against people that are simply using their property in ways they prefer to.

I do understand the government instituted artificially created boundary, wherein there is property alleged to be private that the government has overtaken. Prohibitionists like you love this kind of thing because it allows the people that don't own a given property to take control of it. When you relinquish control of your property, it is only a matter of degrees further that another entity will attempt to control your body. You are on that path.

If your backyard is your property, so is your body and so is anything else you own. If you don't control it, somebody else does and you are just livestock on the plantation. Now go chew your cud and sharpen your punji sticks for the rippers you killer you.
your racist charges are a far stretch.

says the guy who ardently defends denial of service to blacks and claims it caused no harm, contrary to every single historian ever.

it allows the people that don't own a given property to take control of it.

so blacks now control gas stations, restaurants, and hotels because they are allowed to get service there now?

that's an idiotic thing to say, but look who i am talking to.
says the guy who ardently defends denial of service to blacks and claims it caused no harm, contrary to every single historian ever.

so blacks now control gas stations, restaurants, and hotels because they are allowed to get service there now?

that's an idiotic thing to say, but look who i am talking to.

You sure do like to be creative. I'm not defending what any person does or does not do with their own property. It's none of my business what somebody does with their property, nor is it yours Mrs, Cravitz.

I am defending the right of the owner of property to disposition it as long as they don't attempt to disposition other peoples property.
A person can't fully "own" something if they are not the ones that decide the use of it. When you decide what others must do with their property you have become an aggressor. You never address those you?

I defend a persons right to own their property. You offend their right. Race is irrelevant. All people, regardless of race should have equal control of their own body and their own property.

Indifference and actionable harm are two distinctly separate things. However I realize your grasp of the nuances of language is hindered by that scratching gerbil you abuse. Concentrating while he's moving around must be tough. Try a Wendy's meal, I hear it can be good for uh "getting things out" of an alimentary canal.
A person can't fully "own" something if they are not the ones that decide the use of it.

the racists you keep defending are free to make their business private instead of 'open to the public' and can kick out all the blacks they want, racistroy.

no one is allowed to cause harm to others, that is not a right anyone has. and the racist practices that you love to defend caused harm, and not a single historian will disagree.

as long as you keep defending the right of racists to cause harm with racist practices, you ensure the need for that "coercive government" that you spend all day whining about.
If Obama wanted to end the war on weed, he could have done it years ago easily. Rescheduling cannabis would have saved many many people needless harm. Obama is a charlatan and you are the buyer of his elixir.

he can't..for some reason, the US government hold all the patents to everything cannabis..
what you don't get is the distinction between my backyard and a business that is 'open to the public'.

but go on, keep whining about how whiny racists like yourself can no longer hang a "no negroes allowed" sign in the door, ya whiny racist.

Did Canadians hang those signs?
Why not? I hear black people using it all day long. So much so that I've gotten in the habit of using it myself. It's just a word. It's OK to type it, it's not going to hurt anyone.
It's just needlessly rude and mean.

Black people, some of them, do use it a lot. But them using it is a different matter. A sister can tell her sister something that you couldn't, or at least shouldn't.
It's just needlessly rude and mean.

Black people, some of them, do use it a lot. But them using it is a different matter. A sister can tell her sister something that you couldn't, or at least shouldn't.

So they get special rights to use it because they are black?

It's Ok for Uncle Buck to call me a fat skank and a cunt, but i can't use the "n" word? Why is that? Maybe if he weren't so rude and mean I'd quit trolling him with that word. ;)
So they get special rights to use it because they are black?

It's Ok for Uncle Buck to call me a fat skank and a cunt, but i can't use the "n" word? Why is that? Maybe if he weren't so rude and mean I'd quit trolling him with that word. ;)
It's not ok for buck to call you a fat cunt.

But two wrongs don't make a right.

If a black dude is mean to you, and genuinely deserving of scorn, so you call him a dumb nigger. Fair enough, he earned it.

But suppose his son, or perhaps another black mans son is near by, a young boy. He hears you call a black man that. You hurt that child just as much as him. The n word is a word that cannot be said to one person given our history. It's a word that has been given the meaning of centuries of slavery, segregation, and lynching.

People say it. Bill Maher can get by with saying it. But 99 percent of whites cannot.

It isn't special rights blacks get by saying it. It means something entirely different when they say it.

But, I doubt this is a word you say in public when you think there is any chance a black person might be around.
So what exactly does it mean when a black person says it? And why are they allowed to say it but I can't? I hear them use it 20 times in one sentence. Often with it baring no meaning at all. I hear it used so much in public that it has come to sound offensive to me. You wouldn't walk around in public, having a conversation with a friend, saying "fuck, this fuck, fuckity fuck". But when around blacks it's nothing but "nigger, nigger, nigger...". I find it rude and unnecessary. Once those around me stop using it, so will I.

What if a black man says it and someone's son hears it? Is it ok?

If blacks can say it but a white can't "get away with it" then it seems to me that is a special right.

I've never enslaved, segregated or lynched anyone.