Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

So watcha think, should I give em a water rinse before the kelp foliar? Cuz if I'm gonna do the neem as a systemic instead of foliar, my thoughts are that since the kelp will be a water based application, a rinse may not be needed. Would love to give the girls a treat after potting them through pesticide and fungicide treatments
So watcha think, should I give em a water rinse before the kelp foliar? Cuz if I'm gonna do the neem as a systemic instead of foliar, my thoughts are that since the kelp will be a water based application, a rinse may not be needed. Would love to give the girls a treat after potting them through pesticide and fungicide treatments

That sounds good bro..:)
This might be kinda random, but thought I'd share, cuz I just read it and I'm like OHHHH!!!

So I've had some frustration when cloning as my cuttings have a hard time rooting. I mean, I'm not saying I've never had my cuttings root. I'd say 75% of the time they do, which although I'd like to increase this number, that's not my main problem. My main problem is typically my cuttings leaves begin to yellow and wilt a bit. I have tried a lot of things but like with everything it is often the smallest (and hopefully the simplest) things we miss. With that, I share with you this piece of golden info (to me anyways, many of you probably already know). This is an excerpt from Marijuana Garden Saver (avail. on amazon and likely local book stores).

"Yellowing leaves on cuttings

When unrooted clones start to yellow it means they are either not touching the
rooting medium good enough
, to much co2. The vast majority of the time, an
unrooted cutting will begin to yellow some of its leaves, starting with its largest
oldest leaves, because it is too close to the lights and it needs to be moved
farther away
. Some yellowing is normal just as the cutting begins rooting and can
be a sign of the cutting using its oldest leaves as a food source while it is forming
new roots. Plain tap water that is ph adjusted is just fine until the clones have
rooted. Giving any ferts will kill them until they have been rooted."

Hope this helps a few peeps with their cloning endeavors :)
@jointed explained to me also that the yellowing on the leaves (from a botany standpoint) is because the clone is trying to transpire and it lacks the roots to do so. Therefore, diffusing the light (and/or moving it farther away) will keep the cutting from transpiring rapidly. This explains why my clones will still root ... eventually. Rooting should occur before the plant has a need to transpire so quickly. Because of the yellowing leaves the clones are stunted if they ever make it because they lack sufficient chlorophyll needed for sustainable photosynthesis. This is also why cutting the leaves helps with cloning (not just to save space) but it slows transpiration and signals to the plant to bulk up root growth so it can repair itself. (Thanks RM)
Its official. My "gnats" are RA flyers. I'm pissed. I found in the drain saucers for my two larger plants probably hundreds of crawling tiny aphids. I removed the saucers and sprayed with 10% solution bleach over half hour ago and some are still moving around in the solution. I'm considering retiring from growing :-/ was fun while it lasted.


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Damn! That sucks big time. No need to retire though (I do know how you feel), but perpetual flowering is probably out the window... Moved all my grow equipment out of the garage to a different location this weekend and swept, bleached, and bombed before moving my boat into the space... all as a result of having root aphids. Obviously, got rid of all soil as well accept for the plants in veg in a separate space (still not sure how to handle them).

Pyrethrin dunk to knock them back and/or SNS 203 in early/mid flower. Or Pyrethrin to knock them back then Orthene (my next step) if in veg is what I would do.

I feel for ya man,
So that's why you've become so quiet all of a sudden....I figured it was more than just school bro...Actually I was gonna call ya and drag it outta ya if I had to. lol
I'm very sorry to hear that man, that sucks big time...fuck man talk about honkin on bobo...damn!!

You know this brings me to a very recent observation, every time I grew organically I got bugs, whether I used manure or not. I think the bone and blood meal might have been the draw, plus the fact that organic soils contain a great amount of silt which as you know creates swamps in the bottom of your pots as it settles in around the lager particules and creates pudding in the bottom of the pot.

I know I had mites, but I don't think they live in the soil, but hell I could be mistaken too. I do love growing org., but I save it for outdoors as I believe it creates more issues indoors than it's worth....just my observation lol

I do feel soil-less is the way to go inside and I'm also a firm believer in wet and dry cycles ( although short-lived dry cycles, just enough to keep bugs from liking the girls rootballs...I believe this happens in nature too ) Actually my habanero peppers seem to prefer being a bit on the dry side...I think I was drowing them oops..

Well Canna I guess you have a choice brother, chocolate or vanilla...Hmmmm What ya gonna choose..haha
And YES I'm high...whatever that has to do with anything haha Wish we could roast a blunt together so's I could watch your face haha
Lol. No its not y I've been quiet. I actual just found out I had them for sure today. I still thought I was battling fungus gnats until today :-/

If it weren't for the mosquito dunks though, I never would have known. It got the fuckers to run for the drain holes - which at least makes me feel like I gave my girls a break from the gnawing and biting they've been enduring this whole time.

I got a solution in mind though, so I'm a bit more upbeat now.
Welllllll, my grey hair count for one. Lol. The new baby came on May 20 :)

As far as the plants, they's about to get the inferno! I'm breaking down and starting over after I take some cuttings.