Club 600

Hell yea g that's awesome. I'm hoping to find a keeper. 2 of them look almost identical but one is more frosty and purple just like you said.

I'd love the cut you have though.

Doc hell yea hope you get some nice ones. I'd like if someone took a cut off my kookie and did some work on it.
Hey guys can any of u help me out,Ive been using bio bizz bloom and cal mag during flowering but it turns out I should have kept using grow too-r there nutes in grow that arent in bloom?Also,what should I be looking out for,like how could it have effected my girls?And I have some cheese that r like 3/4 weeks from chop,what would u guys recommend regarding reintroducing grow?
Hey guys can any of u help me out,Ive been using bio bizz bloom and cal mag during flowering but it turns out I should have kept using grow too-r there nutes in grow that arent in bloom?Also,what should I be looking out for,like how could it have effected my girls?And I have some cheese that r like 3/4 weeks from chop,what would u guys recommend regarding reintroducing grow?

They either need cal/mag. cal/mag and bloom. or just bloom. if they are fading from below and have red branches on fan leaves then give them heavy cal/mag and bloom. if they are not fading from below but have red fan leaf branches give them very mild cal/mag and heavier dose of bloom. if they have green fan leaf branches and no fading below then just feed them medium to low dose of bloom and a low dose of cal/mag.

Make sure the humidity, heat, and pH are in check they can cause what appears to be deficiencies. For soil you should be fine with ph water anywhere between 6 and 7.5
I knew a guy who stared at the sun for a few minutes as a kid. The incredible hulk was based on the idea that gamma radiation from sun spots are what gave him his powers. My friend wanted to be the hulk, so away he went. He has holes in his vision from it.

Doc, cool zoo pics. We used to have a peacock living next to us. Loud fuckers, but crazy looking when they fly. Like a lady in victorian gowns running graciously.
They either need cal/mag. cal/mag and bloom. or just bloom. if they are fading from below and have red branches on fan leaves then give them heavy cal/mag and bloom. if they are not fading from below but have red fan leaf branches give them very mild cal/mag and heavier dose of bloom. if they have green fan leaf branches and no fading below then just feed them medium to low dose of bloom and a low dose of cal/mag.

Make sure the humidity, heat, and pH are in check they can cause what appears to be deficiencies. For soil you should be fine with ph water anywhere between 6 and 7.5
Perfect my man cheers.So u dont think I will have done any harm by not continuing with the grow?Theyre not showing any signs of deficiencys but I wouldnt like to find out the thc isnt as strong or some shit without it,u know
I got to take my son to shoot bows today again only this time I had my own ;) It was cool to stand next to my son shooting at hay bales and piles of carpet with targets on them. I think it may be something we can get into together. I see either upgrading our bows or getting better bows in our future but for now I think our gear is fine.

My mom and dad shot archery before I was born, my mom actually worked for a publication. I have a picture of her on the cover of a magazine shooting a bow sometime in the 50's or 60's.

My dad got me into shooting when I was maybe 8 or 9? We travelled all around California and into neighboring states for competitions up until I was about 14. I had a full range of bales on the property for shooting daily so I got very good actually. There was basically two types of shooters back then, bow hunters and freestyle. I see there's a lot more categories now.

Anyhow, I shot freestyle. I used top of the line gear. I shot a scope and release and of course the bow hunters hated us cuz we were cheaters, and we hated the bow hunters cuz they tore up the bales with their broadheads :)

I was fucking good, I ain't gonna lie. The biggest tournament I shot was in Vegas against 50 other kids my age and I took first. I was the right age and time was falling right that I'm 100% certain I would have been in the Olympics. Somewhere around the age of 14 I discovered pussy and weed and archery went out the window quickly. I sometimes wonder what might have been, but oh well I went a different way and I'm still happy with my life :)

Sorry I felt like rambling and you hit a good subject for me :)
My mom and dad shot archery before I was born, my mom actually worked for a publication. I have a picture of her on the cover of a magazine shooting a bow sometime in the 50's or 60's.

My dad got me into shooting when I was maybe 8 or 9? We travelled all around California and into neighboring states for competitions up until I was about 14. I had a full range of bales on the property for shooting daily so I got very good actually. There was basically two types of shooters back then, bow hunters and freestyle. I see there's a lot more categories now.

Anyhow, I shot freestyle. I used top of the line gear. I shot a scope and release and of course the bow hunters hated us cuz we were cheaters, and we hated the bow hunters cuz they tore up the bales with their broadheads :)

I was fucking good, I ain't gonna lie. The biggest tournament I shot was in Vegas against 50 other kids my age and I took first. I was the right age and time was falling right that I'm 100% certain I would have been in the Olympics. Somewhere around the age of 14 I discovered pussy and weed and archery went out the window quickly. I sometimes wonder what might have been, but oh well I went a different way and I'm still happy with my life :)

Sorry I felt like rambling and you hit a good subject for me :)
that is great supa:!: i taught archery in scouts at about that age and again weed and pussy shut that down at 15 or so. i skateboarded also and it got that too;)
I knew a guy who stared at the sun for a few minutes as a kid. The incredible hulk was based on the idea that gamma radiation from sun spots are what gave him his powers. My friend wanted to be the hulk, so away he went. He has holes in his vision from it.

Doc, cool zoo pics. We used to have a peacock living next to us. Loud fuckers, but crazy looking when they fly. Like a lady in victorian gowns running graciously.
yea loud but so are guineas and i have had them. we want to get some for yardbirds when we find a place.
you know them peacocks make great guard dogs from what i hear. i think it was midnight express.. they use them in Turkish prison because they freak out whenever they are disturbed. kind of cool animals. peacock tongue was also a delicacy in medieval england. always wondered what they taste like..
So, when you say "had them" do mean as pets or as dinner?
Have heard they are delicious.
pets doobie we ate the eggs and they are guard dogs and freak out like GH was saying about the peacocks but they are more annoying. my neighbor hated them, but he was a douche that would shoot our pets.
Don Juan and new 25 gal planter:p

another one off my roses
This new hydro store I been going to has like 40gal plastic pots for like $13. Not only is that cheap but lowes, Home Depot, walmart and any others don't even carry them.
This new hydro store I been going to has like 40gal plastic pots for like $13. Not only is that cheap but lowes, Home Depot, walmart and any others don't even carry them.
hell yes! i payed 50 for this one , but it is not plastic. i have to wield a trellis it is a climbing rose and one of my favorites, so i needed weight.