Bigoted comments from the right-wing website "Free Republic"


Well-Known Member
so that's racist, but being invited to speak at an event (whose purpose statement is listed below) and speaking at that event is not racist at all?

because you have defended philippe rushton as totally not racist, despite his stated views of white separatism.

nothing hypocritical there, eh kynes?

We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this conference. First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values. Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it. Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.

kinda sounds like something you once said about how the john birch society bravely undertakes the task to "defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit".

that, and your constant obsession with "european cultural superiority" as well as "marxism" and anything you perceive to be "anto-white" seems to be taken directly from stormfront and american renaissance.

in fact, you even endorse stormfront's racist motto that "anti-racist is code for anti-white".

but you're totally not racist.


really. i believe you. everyone does.
That isn't racist, it is true.

Europe and America are being subjected to massive third world immigration, that has different values, vastly different in Europe.

Islam is a great threat to Western society.

And many whites (you) do feel that the plight of blacks is the fault of whites.

It can't be racist if it is true.


Well-Known Member
Now the hateful right-wingers are attempting to equate gays with inbreds, child molesters and people who have sex with animals:

"To: Nachum

First gay marriage, then incest, then bestiality....then pedophilia..

11 posted on Monday, March 25, 2013 3:15:41 PM by Dallas59 (America died a little bit more on 11/6/2012 "

Why are they so hateful?
Why you so hateful of them?

As long as they don't "action" their bullshit ideals, who cares?


Well-Known Member
No right to assemble?

No right to free speech?

Just cos they're retarded and anyone with as brain can see theyre complete shitbags doesn't give anyone the right to censor them if they're not actioning their bullshit beliefs.
but they are actioning their beliefs. as you pointed out, our constitution protects that sort of thing to some extent.


Well-Known Member
but they are actioning their beliefs. as you pointed out, our constitution protects that sort of thing to some extent.
It is up to us to point out how dangerous they are. So yes, I will continue to point out the ignorance, xenophobia and violent mindset that pervades far right movements like the Tea Party. They act like most of us are attacking them just because we tend to be secular and not share their rabid, cult-like belief in the free market as a panacea.


Well-Known Member
It is up to us to point out how dangerous they are. So yes, I will continue to point out the ignorance, xenophobia and violent mindset that pervades far right movements like the Tea Party. They act like most of us are attacking them just because we tend to be secular and not share their rabid, cult-like belief in the free market as a panacea.
if harrekin doesn't think they are "actioning" their beliefs, he should try to explain A3P to me.


Well-Known Member

hmmmm, that appears to be white supremacist william johnson speaking at a tea party rally.

but the tea party is totally not racist and just wants smaller government and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
they are a very misunderstood bunch. especially how they are grassroots and not a creation of fox. so much media bias. oh the trials of being deprived and victimized. a moment of silence please.

wipe those tears away and soldier on


Well-Known Member
An ignorant right-winger thinks that people who think we should coexist, gays, civil rights champions, minorities and illegal workers who are exploited by corporations are what is wrong with America:

"Perhaps most people with some smarts realize that the problem is not entirely, or even primarily, in Washington, DC. Most conservatives do realize that the problem is much closer to home, with their idiot neighbors sporting the odinga bumper stickers, or the COEXIST ones, etc.; the spiritually dead dykes, fags, perpetual grievance clowns, dis-en-french-fried minorities, outraged illegal invaders, and other such communists."

What America do these conservatives live in? Which America is composed entirely of white Christians? The America that I love has gay people and minorities in it. Which America do the conservatives love and what dimension does it exist in? Allah*, Buddha* and Vishnu* bless America!

*Do not exist, but feel free to believe in them.