Cream of the crop Grow - Pics (AUTO FEM)


New Member
Hello. Recently i started my first grow. Very minimalistic.
Seeds i got from Herbies, great service. Was kinda stressed since it was first time ordering but everything perfect and on schedule actually!

Seed is:
Cream of the Crop - Cash Crop

The setup i kept VERY minimal since it was my first grow, i wanted to kinda see the process first before i put anything in it.
1 x Cfl lamp (around 30w)
Regular soil
and i only feed water, no nutrients.

The seeds germinated in 3 days, used water cup and then paper towels.
I planted 20 April, but first sprout i saw was 24.
One mistake i did is i think i buried 1-1,5cm too deep, thats why it took 4 days to show above ground!

Βίντεο0002_00920.jpg Φωτογραφία0315.jpg Φωτογραφία0320.jpg

Here are the questions i have for you guys.
Firstly, the very middle vains on the leaves are yellowish... Thing is i cant find any more pictures of this seed growing so im not sure if that's how supposed to be or there is some other thing... I played around with how much i water and the distance of the light and i dont think its that... Maybe its just ok, how it's supposed to be? Not sure.

And secondly, searching around, almost everything i saw about growing tells me that the plant should be way bigger by this point and thats what im most curious about. As you can (kinda) see by the pics the plant is very small still. Again i didnt find any pictures of this seed in early stages so im not sure if its supposed to be like that or not? Should i continue this, is it all how it should be or something fucked up and i should try another seed?

I'd appreciate some comments! Ty! :):)
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New Member
to add: the temperature has been kept in really good levels, (21-24C), humidity mostly around 70, only thing i cant test is the ph of the soil...


Well-Known Member
Looks fine to me for just breaking ground on the 24th. Right now the little girl is laying down her root structure and loads of other stuff. I see the 2nd node so it's still growing. They start off a bit slow then take right off. And right now she doesn't need a whole lot of water. When I do seedlings I let the medium go for close to a week before I water. I let it get pretty dried out. Little roots search/grow all over the place to find water
Then when they get watered Bam they take off like crazy.
Weed's kinda like using Bowser on Mario Kart. It's slow out the gate but once it gets going it goes long as you don't mess up.
So what's your watering schedule/lighting?


Well-Known Member
You have more light for that thing right? You are going to want more light eventually.


New Member
Looks fine to me for just breaking ground on the 24th. Right now the little girl is laying down her root structure and loads of other stuff. I see the 2nd node so it's still growing. They start off a bit slow then take right off. And right now she doesn't need a whole lot of water. When I do seedlings I let the medium go for close to a week before I water. I let it get pretty dried out. Little roots search/grow all over the place to find water
Then when they get watered Bam they take off like crazy.
Weed's kinda like using Bowser on Mario Kart. It's slow out the gate but once it gets going it goes long as you don't mess up.
So what's your watering schedule/lighting?
:lol::lol: thats awesome.

Actually there is a third couple of leaves popping on top of the bigger ones but they are kinda twisted... dont know if it means anything. You can KINDA see them at the pics... (sorry for the shit quality..)

Lighting is 18/6.
Watering was 3 days, then two... My pot is pretty big and i noticed the vains starting going yellow so the last couple of days i watered it almost once a day, like a fourth of a little watter bottle each time and it looks better... That's kinda tricky right now since i havent done it before but i go by feeling... Cool to know that it looks ok! I guess i wont water for a couple days now see what happens then...

i was hoping i might not have to but i know i will... its kinda weird, i have to keep it stealthy... i was thinking i'll see how it goes
btw, i do have white walls all around it (closet) , its ok reflective... but yeah see how it goes


Well-Known Member
The problem is going to be that you will start getting it to be big and the lights just don't penetrate much of the canopy so you will need at least 3 of those lights at the top then also 3 on each side. Maybe more.


New Member
The problem is going to be that you will start getting it to be big and the lights just don't penetrate much of the canopy so you will need at least 3 of those lights at the top then also 3 on each side. Maybe more.
That makes sense actually... Although i know ive read its about 80w per plant... but your right im gonna add as it grows a little bit hopefully.... ill have to figure that out setting cable wise... that's gonna be messy...:lol: Good to know though, i hadnt really thought it through properly... Thanks man!


Active Member
I'm growing just for fun in a small box with 3 cfls 23w
a small 6" dia. pot. I don't keep a schedule I took pics up til know, flowering still not done. I used a fem auto seed as well, early miss. Good soil, I never added nutrients. First pic is day four I took pics every day for a week then took them randomly. Kept it as close to light as I could. She obviously stretched, way more den I wanted when it began flowering. Stinks bad even with carbon filter. Stealth may be tricky. I govern'd her size purposely with the small pot. Plant is only maybe a foot an a half. Cute little thing! I'm not expecting much of anything its just bloody fun. I love the forums aboot the shot glass grow.



New Member
Thanks man, also great newbie tips thread on your sig.

On another note, for anyone who knows... This is not anything big i think, completely out of curiosity... The third couple of leaves coming out, unlike the previous ones, are twisted in the tips and kinda weird... It actually looks pretty healthy and cool though!... I wonder if it is because of the strain?

Pics when they grow a little more and my shitty camera phone can "see" it ;p

btw @Hubey thats seems kinda ridiculous compared to mine right now... pics like these i was seeing and was making me think i fucked up somewhere cause mine was not growing like that... well see where it goes...its kinda interesting


Active Member
I rambled. I don't think you fucked up.
Looks fine for one light. One light. More light more growth. If you just wanna see it done I suggest you continue, your already dare. I don't know how big your pot is but again one light I'd think small.
The other pics of mine are where I'm at now, showing minimal can do alright.
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New Member
Hello, an update!

I added more light, i have around 60w now, gonna add more soon, and the growth seems amazingly faster...

One problem though... a couple of leaves have bad burnt/yellowd tips... really bad though...
I was very sure that it was due to overfeeding one time but it has been like 5-6 days since that and the burn continues to spread little by little, while the leaf is growing...
Shouldn't it have stopped by now?

I mean i cant think of anything else... I have perfect temperature and humidity....
The lights are not too close to the plant... :confused:


New Member
Did you flush?

How close *are* the lights?
No because i havent added any nutrients whatsoever, just water.
And from what ive read flushing is to get rid of nutrients if you overfed, but i've overwatered, so logically flushing, adding more water will not be good...

Light are a good 30 cm away... (about 11 inches) I dont think its a lights thing, the temperature and humidity are very good...

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Active Member
Disclaimer - I'm no expert, but here is my two cents: You are growing in soil and I reckon it's a little too hot for your plant. Can you transplant into some seed starter soil, or better a medium like rockwool or coco that has nothing in it?


Well-Known Member
I agree with Flash Babylon. I'm no expert either mind you but i don't think its the lights with the distance you have them and like you said you never used nutes so my guess is soil to hot or you got some sort of deficiency possibly potassium. easy fix if figured out early.
No worries :) Live and learn.
P.S What size pot you using for you seedling ?
Bigger pots than needed to try to save transplanting as an example for young seedlings can cause certain problems as well. Might wanna look into that as well
Peace/Good luck
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New Member
This is actually the most neutral soil i could find in my city... not many choices right here and even if i order online now, autos shouldnt be transplanted so tough situtation now...

@FlashBabylon any way to "desaturate" the soil? thats what you mean right?...

Should i search for pottasium nutes? Maybe that will saturate and burn it more though?

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
This is actually the most neutral soil i could find in my city... not many choices right here and even if i order online now, autos shouldnt be transplanted so tough situtation now...

@FlashBabylon any way to "desaturate" the soil? thats what you mean right?...

Should i search for pottasium nutes? Maybe that will saturate and burn it more though?

Thanks guys!
Not completely sure if it will saturate/burn them more nor do i know if it even a potassium issue there is quite a few different deficiencies that can cause yellowing/burnt look of leaves. sorry couldn't be more help


New Member
Not completely sure if it will saturate/burn them more nor do i know if it even a potassium issue there is quite a few different deficiencies that can cause yellowing/burnt look of leaves. sorry couldn't be more help
No stress, thanks for the comments anyway man!

Im gonna check for general defficiency nutes, hopefully if i find some im gonna put the minimum amount and see... if not i guess ill just leave it and hope it wont continue burning newer leaves...
im still gonna add a liitle more light as planned and ill update with pics for anyone interested when it grows some more!


Well-Known Member
No stress, thanks for the comments anyway man!

Im gonna check for general defficiency nutes, hopefully if i find some im gonna put the minimum amount and see... if not i guess ill just leave it and hope it wont continue burning newer leaves...
im still gonna add a liitle more light as planned and ill update with pics for anyone interested when it grows some more!
Good plan. And yeah man keep me posted. l will have some new pics/update of my babies tonight. I'm transplanting into bigger/deeper pots as we speak :)