There is no excuse for being as blatantly ignorant as you are.If you think there is nothing wrong with raping and killing children you ARE WRONG hubey.
I Stopped watching that repugnant movie when I was younger, your obviously understanding no matter what spam you type you can't escape the truth, and where you seek to make others stumble and use your excuse, you have made it clear that there is no excuse to be made.
Insults don't prove anything actually. Ignorance is a state of not knowing, jsut because someone says something insulting says nothing about their level of knowledge. Where do you come up with this shit? lolCeepea,
Insults prove who are ignorant, being mad at me for providing the answer to your question isn't justifiable.
I believe you are mad at yourself for your sinful urges being so strong and loving them, knowing they are wrong. Why else would one be mad at a clear answer given?
I was talking to ceepea about being upset.
Yes I know GOD, I figured you didn't worship GOD when you stated that killing and raping children wasn't evil. As for you question why punish people when they die, why wait? Well GOD has given us the beautiful life to learn, love and worship him. Also has given us time to learn the hard way that GOD's way is the right and only way. So even though I have fallen countless times I can be forgiven. The angels however are not blessed with the repentance for they saw heaven, came in the presence of THE MOST HIGH and revolted. Life is a gift of mercy upon us sinners that we may understand and gain repentance after we revolt from GOD