The forbidden TRUTH

If you think there is nothing wrong with raping and killing children you ARE WRONG hubey.

I Stopped watching that repugnant movie when I was younger, your obviously understanding no matter what spam you type you can't escape the truth, and where you seek to make others stumble and use your excuse, you have made it clear that there is no excuse to be made.
Truly free, not governed by other beliefs in right or wrong, I'm a big boy can make me own decisions. You'll get lost a bit I'm sure, I believe in nature and some times natures a bitch. Cats kill mice, I eat meat, I've fucked many. Mom I smoka da herb! I am free! Blessed be I! Oh how I preach! Or should I put aside all the evidence in da world?
If the eye of beholder sees "raping children" as okay doesn't mean I do, once again I make my own decisions. Said person obviously thought different then I did... Who would have thought. People think can't be...Don't take things out of context. Your smarter den dat.
If you think there is nothing wrong with raping and killing children you ARE WRONG hubey.

I Stopped watching that repugnant movie when I was younger, your obviously understanding no matter what spam you type you can't escape the truth, and where you seek to make others stumble and use your excuse, you have made it clear that there is no excuse to be made.
There is no excuse for being as blatantly ignorant as you are.
I also mentioned that I will not be watching any these so called cult classic movies, I have seen them all when I was in a dark place, I also asked you why do people who not worship GOD obsess over them, and make their lives revolve around movie quotes and clips. I realize now that it's because these movies of people doing evil things makes one feel okay about constantly doing evil in there own life, the idea there is safety in numbers. Well safety in numbers is true for some situations not this, mass numbers will not protect one from judgment.
I know people think differently, there are good and evil people. Evil people think raping and killing children is okay, GOD will destroy these people, I will celebrate of there destruction and the awesome power of the LORD GOD when it happens.
Insults prove who are ignorant, being mad at me for providing the answer to your question isn't justifiable. I believe you are mad at yourself for your sinful urges being so strong and loving them, knowing they are wrong. Why else would one be mad at a clear answer given?
You are upset because you did not want me to give you the correct answer yet I did, You did not ask to learn but to try to confuse others, now you have given yourself and many others all the answers that you seek and you are upset about it, typing insults on so forth.
I'm not upset at all. I'd just leave if I was. Again dis is fun. Evil, bad, wrong all symbols that equal fear. I don't believe in heaven and hell in the terms you do, again feeling joy or sadness. Not place to transcend to.
God will punish, why later. What's he waiting on? Seems awfully human of a god to punish. Couldn't he just stop them from existing? Or is that beyond his power? Since you know about dis guy anyway. Girl perhaps? Or are they not godly enough?
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Coming from a dark place? Still confused it seems. Care to elaborate? Attempted Suicide? depression?
Also divulges your intellectual level to some degree. So I'm interested to know.
Insults prove who are ignorant, being mad at me for providing the answer to your question isn't justifiable.
Insults don't prove anything actually. Ignorance is a state of not knowing, jsut because someone says something insulting says nothing about their level of knowledge. Where do you come up with this shit? lol

I believe you are mad at yourself for your sinful urges being so strong and loving them, knowing they are wrong. Why else would one be mad at a clear answer given?

Because the answer is a completely fabricated load of bullshit, that you can't even properly explain let alone justify.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
I was talking to ceepea about being upset.

Yes I know GOD, I figured you didn't worship GOD when you stated that killing and raping children wasn't evil. As for you question why punish people when they die, why wait? Well GOD has given us the beautiful life to learn, love and worship him. Also has given us time to learn the hard way that GOD's way is the right and only way. So even though I have fallen countless times I can be forgiven. The angels however are not blessed with the repentance for they saw heaven, came in the presence of THE MOST HIGH and revolted. Life is a gift of mercy upon us sinners that we may understand and gain repentance after we revolt from GOD
Although everyone seems upset to me, I understand this is the most emotional thing there is, I love you, and if you need to cry it alright, not kidding. Let it out people
I was talking to ceepea about being upset.

Yes I know GOD, I figured you didn't worship GOD when you stated that killing and raping children wasn't evil. As for you question why punish people when they die, why wait? Well GOD has given us the beautiful life to learn, love and worship him. Also has given us time to learn the hard way that GOD's way is the right and only way. So even though I have fallen countless times I can be forgiven. The angels however are not blessed with the repentance for they saw heaven, came in the presence of THE MOST HIGH and revolted. Life is a gift of mercy upon us sinners that we may understand and gain repentance after we revolt from GOD

Nothing about religion can upset me. It's not real.

I'm upset by stupid people being blatantly stupid even when the answers have been shown to them.
You showed me answers? It was I who showed you the answers, it was you with the questions. You would gain wisdom to reread everything posted.
Do you actually understand the symbols your using to describe your own feeling? Have you read them? Keep reading them over and over til you understand. Put feelings behind your symbols, then understand there are only two feeling fear and love everything else is just watered down love or fear. You post scream fear.