The forbidden TRUTH


Well-Known Member
Lol death threats and insults...and your the rebuttal
"No one understands what you're saying because what you're saying is stupid. Do you understand?"
How am I ignorant if YOU cant understand? logic is before you but you chose not to comprehend, and you chose with your FREE WILL to disobey GOD and try to use the excuse of " I don't know if GOD's real" if you wanted to know, you would seek GOD by any means necessary. You don't so you are therefore lying to me, and using this as nothing more then a excuse to do your sinful desires.


Well-Known Member
Lol did you just decide this? A omnipotent GOD can't grant free will LOL.. Read what you're saying

"Omniscience requires omnipotence, and an omnipotent being with the ability to see the future leaves no room for free will."


Well-Known Member
Lol death threats and insults...and your the rebuttal
"No one understands what you're saying because what you're saying is stupid. Do you understand?"
How am I ignorant if YOU cant understand? logic is before you but you chose not to comprehend,
As someone who has studied Aristotelian logic and truth function logic in University, I can definitively say nothing you've written even comes remotely close to a logical or rational thought.

and you chose with your
FREE WILL to disobey GOD and try to use the excuse of " I don't know if GOD's real" if you wanted to know, you would seek GOD by any means necessary.

If I told you there was a magic teapot orbiting Jupiter that was too small for any telescope to see it, but it had the power to grant any wish a person desired, would you believe me or would you demand evidence?

You don't so you are therefore lying to me, and using this as nothing more then a excuse to do your sinful desires.
Who believes things without evidence? People who don't care if what they believe is true or not, that's who. E.g. You.


Well-Known Member
Lol did you just decide this? A omnipotent GOD can't grant free will LOL.. Read what you're saying

"Omniscience requires omnipotence, and an omnipotent being with the ability to see the future leaves no room for free will."
Can an omnipotent god create a married bachelor? There are certain things that can't happen.


Active Member
Your very defensive for someone so not bothered. I'll be fine I love this type of stuff. Even just reading it. I should have asked why you posted dis here? There are forums dedicated to religious debate.


Well-Known Member
LOL I have given you evidence, use your eyes everything is evidence, set forth on a journey to look for GOD to start a relationship, read Book of Enoch and the HOLY BIBLE watch those ufo videos, illuminati videos, seek GOD in prayer and repentance through LORD JESUS CHRIST, but you won't because you don't want to give up your sinful desires and think this lack of a excuse will save you, which is why you are so upset and insulting and cursing. I told you how to talk to the LORD and how people talk to demons. A married bachelor? That would mean a man vowed to GOD to keep his wife, and broke it and committed adultry, which is sin. Do you really need to continue with these ridiculous questions? Yes, my answer is the truth, deal with it. I know it means you need to crush these temptations that you have probably you love, but it's that sin that is ruining mind and spirit.


Well-Known Member
That sin that makes poverty, death and disease. and no I'm not defensive? I use bold text when repeating myself, I don't think I have ever explained the same thing so many times. Other people are the ones insulting, and threatening me. Which I have tolerated.


Active Member
Ok, your preaching you really didn't want to debate. I think perhaps I missing some posts, I haven't seen anything that really would bother me. Death threats? If anything I wrote was insulting its because you saw it that way, I thought I had been respectful.


Well-Known Member
I will continue to answer any questions in my thread no matter how many times I need to repeat myself, to those who hate the answer. The answer won't change, Mankind must change.


Well-Known Member
I want to explain the truth to those who seek and answer any questions about GOD that I am able. Which I have been doing, if asked a question I do not know I will gladly admit to you that I do not know.

I know you didn't threaten me padawanbater2 did -
"You're lucky you live in such a cushy society that allows you to be wrong about virtually everything you believe and still remain safely in the gene pool"


Active Member
Poverty, death and disease are not bad. You see them as bad. Things simply are. Mankind has done nothing wrong there is no wrong to do. Things simple are.
Labels are labels symbols are symbols. Feeling are real. There is no other way things can happen or could have happened. Right and wrong in the eye of the beholder. You are not that beholder and there isn't such a holder. To each their own.


Active Member
You are pretty preachy and if people are hurt they wanna hurt back. Nothing wrong wit dat.


Well-Known Member
NO wrong to do!?!?! mankind has not done anything bad!?!?! What about all those people raping and killing children? is this not bad? mankind has not done anything bad? War!?!


Well-Known Member
Yeah there definitely is a problem with hurting others just because you got hurt. Do I really need to even type this??


Well-Known Member
I can't take how retarded you are.

I need a break from this.

It's like talking to a child who can't understand why his parents don't believe in his imaginary friend. When the parents ask for proof he exists, the child just screams "He's right there!!!" and points at nothing....

This clip sums up all your responses.

"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it."