Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

Hell man I sprayed the plants, walls, floor, everything trying to rid my room of them, but the bleach should take care of em, at least I would think it would.
They are hardy little buggers though.
Yeah, if I had an infestation and the plants were already in there and shit I would hab spray the shit out of the room, plants, walls, the whole 9. But since I just want to get a clean start and get rid of anything still hanging around from last harvest I'll just hit the room with bleach and the one plant that has them (purple kush) with hab spray. Well FUCK it, maybe I'll hit all the plants, wouldn't hurt I guess, just more work - better to do it now though I suppose.
Oh quick question. Maybe you guys can give me a few tips.

I'm looking to build a drain floor of some sort so I don't have to move/remove plants when watering. The grated floor would need to be of strong material (strong enough to walk on) then I need to have a second layer beneath that, that will be slanted a bit too a hole that drains into some sort of basin. Any ideas for materials? Steel grating is pretty spendy I think, not to mention heavy as fuck
Yeah, if I had an infestation and the plants were already in there and shit I would hab spray the shit out of the room, plants, walls, the whole 9. But since I just want to get a clean start and get rid of anything still hanging around from last harvest I'll just hit the room with bleach and the one plant that has them (purple kush) with hab spray. Well FUCK it, maybe I'll hit all the plants, wouldn't hurt I guess, just more work - better to do it now though I suppose.

LOL I wasn't making a recomendation bro, but better to take a proactive approach to the point of overkill with mites, because as you, Cas and myself know, they are tenacious little bastards.
Oh quick question. Maybe you guys can give me a few tips.

I'm looking to build a drain floor of some sort so I don't have to move/remove plants when watering. The grated floor would need to be of strong material (strong enough to walk on) then I need to have a second layer beneath that, that will be slanted a bit too a hole that drains into some sort of basin. Any ideas for materials? Steel grating is pretty spendy I think, not to mention heavy as fuck

Check out scrap yards if ya have any, they might have some grating that you can get for cheap.

I'll think about the rest of it for a bit.
Look for aluminum grating to save on the weight.
couldn't you slightly elevate a 4x8 flood tray and drain it into a tupperware or roasting pan or something, and then take pieces of pvc or something and cut them in like 4 foot lengths, and lay them down parallel to each other a few inches apart, so the pots would sit on the pvc and then the water would collect in the flood tray and drain out the bulkhead to the basin?