Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.

He is bigoted against hateful racist assholes, as am I.

And it is raw hate I feel these days toward the racists, Hunt them down,

That sounds alot like saying "kill all the violent people". Which of course leads to much tail chasing and dizziness.
You try hard, but you just got no game.

No. I don't defend racist practices that cause an actionable harm. Nor am I fond of racist thoughts or beliefs. I think they are a waste of time and silly.

I do know the difference between actionable harm and indifference though, you apparently do not. When you respond to both the same way, you are showing a blatant disregard for a persons right to control themself and their OWN property. That makes you a person that wants to make people do what you would do, even when their actions or lack of have not caused an actionable harm. In other words you are defending initiating aggression against people that have not aggressed.

Everyone does not know that a thought or an inaction can cause harm, despite your claim. The reason is it is not demonstrably true.

If that were true your inaction to attending to "world hunger" has caused the deaths of millions of children. Your inaction/indifference to ending war has caused death and destruction.

When you drive by a person with a flat tire on the highway, have YOU made them late for work?
No you haven't. When you poke a hole in their tire you have. That is aggression. When you refuse to aid a person you have not committed aggression, you are showing indifference. There is a huge difference, isn't there?

When a racist or other silly person, like yourself, believe there is no difference between a thought and an act I have concerns.

Lumping two kinds of circumstances together and using that as the basis of your argument, as if they were the same, makes you seem, well rather dull.

You are the person defending acts of aggression, I am not.
You think it is okay to initiate force against somebody that has not initiated force. That puts you on the level as the fuckheads that wear white sheets. Unkkkle Buckkk....has a nice ring to it.
Why do you defend racist and bigots under the cover of free speech
Because we actually have free speech. Weird huh?

No hate speech laws. Don't need them. No law could have done what the Basketball Commish, just did. We the PEPS said, this will not stand. Lifetime Ban and finally a Commisioner that took the players side.

We change in the US. Our job is to do that ourselves when we feel we need to.

And when America say, oh hell no, we begin to hunt down and root out the racist speakers.

This new generation is not racist. They are truly blind to color, 98% of them, anyway, All polling shows that very clearly. And you look at groups of kids theses days, they can very quad-racial or not. They don't see it anymore,. Brown and yellow, black and white is just Red, White and Blue for most kids. It means they were raised well.

See? We ourselves make our reality in the USA.
This new generation is not racist. They are truly blind to color, 98% of them, anyway, All polling shows that very clearly. And you look at groups of kids theses days, they can very quad-racial or not. They don't see it anymore,. Brown and yellow, black and white is just Red, White and Blue for most kids. It means they were raised well.

See? We ourselves make our reality in the USA.
the only reason you see it like that is because you live in a nice area that only uncle toms have made it into so far but don't worry cousin tre dog will be there shortly.
Funny how it is being said that kids these days aren't racist. I have 4 nephews and 2 nieces and the only difference is the kids these days don't look at racism when it comes in words. My oldest nephew had one of his black friends over one day I was at my sisters fixing her computer and he kept calling him a nigger and he kept calling my nephew a cracker. It was all in good fun and no ones feelings got hurt. Afterwards, my sister left with my fiancee to go to sign up for a gym membership and while they were gone they smoked a blunt.

Like I have said before, people need to grow a backbone. Stop being offended by everything, it does nothing but show how ignorant you are.

Also, white people attempting to take up for black people.... They don't need you to do that and it is actually an insult to them because you are saying that cannot fend for themselves against the big bad white man... I wouldn't expect the people trying to fight a race war against their own race to understand anything I just said.
I don't defend racist practices that cause an actionable harm.

then why are you defending denial of service to blacks?

every last historian will tell you without hesitation that said racist practice, which you defend, caused immeasurable harm to blacks.

and you can't show me one single historian who would say otherwise or agree with you.
My oldest nephew had one of his black friends over one day I was at my sisters fixing her computer and he kept calling him a nigger

i wonder where he learned that from.

Stop being offended by everything, it does nothing but show how ignorant you are.

says the guy who NEVER gets angry on the internet, and then makes death threats towards me time and again.

i'll stop being offended when you stop posting white supremacists like jared taylor as if their work had any validity whatsoever.

Also, white people attempting to take up for black people.... They don't need you to do that and it is actually an insult to them because you are saying that cannot fend for themselves against the big bad white man...

i don't think black people are insulted when i take down racists like you for the ignorant scum they are. the only black people i know on this forum both enjoy it very much when i go after racists like you.

hell, a lot of white members also enjoy it when i make sport of an ignorant racist like you.
Funny how it is being said that kids these days aren't racist. I have 4 nephews and 2 nieces and the only difference is the kids these days don't look at racism when it comes in words. My oldest nephew had one of his black friends over one day I was at my sisters fixing her computer and he kept calling him a nigger and he kept calling my nephew a cracker. It was all in good fun and no ones feelings got hurt. Afterwards, my sister left with my fiancee to go to sign up for a gym membership and while they were gone they smoked a blunt.

Like I have said before, people need to grow a backbone. Stop being offended by everything, it does nothing but show how ignorant you are.

Also, white people attempting to take up for black people.... They don't need you to do that and it is actually an insult to them because you are saying that cannot fend for themselves against the big bad white man... I wouldn't expect the people trying to fight a race war against their own race to understand anything I just said.

I'm sick of it, That has nothing to do with sticking up for anything but People to me. And People appreciate that.

A heavy hand from me is meaningful. Just ask my 78 year old uncle.

Pain doesn't need to leave a mark. No one needs to notice. Compliance is immediate as it so surprisingly casual.

"Apologize! " I hissed in his ear.

He took the easy way out.

And I stood up for American kids that day, before the hate could sink in on their little faces.
Why do you defend racist and bigots under the cover of free speech

Not quite. I defend everyones right to be left alone as long as they are leaving others alone. Everyone includes bigots, silly ;liberals and douche bag republicans as well as people that I agree with.

Why do you argue like Uncle Buck and never address the things a person says, instead foisting your version of what you say their position is?
then why are you defending denial of service to blacks?

every last historian will tell you without hesitation that said racist practice, which you defend, caused immeasurable harm to blacks.

and you can't show me one single historian who would say otherwise or agree with you.

I'm defending freedom of choice for people that "own" property. You are not. You are defending the initiation of aggression against the property rights of the indifferent. If a person is forced to serve another they prefer not to....what do you call that?

I saw a person with a flat today and stopped to help them. Where were you?
I'm defending freedom of choice for people that "own" property. You are not. You are defending the initiation of aggression against the property rights of the indifferent. If a person is forced to serve another they prefer not to....what do you call that?

I saw a person with a flat today and stopped to help them. Where were you?

we get it. you will endlessly defend racist practices and keep deluding yourself that it never caused any harm.

you even try to state that opening up a business and then denying potential customers on the basis of skin color is "indifference" rather than hostility.

keep in mind that your defense of harmful racist practices ensures that you never get the governmentless utopia you so yearn for though. someone has to protect the civil rights of minorities from racist idiots like you after all.
we get it. you will endlessly defend racist practices and keep deluding yourself that it never caused any harm.

you even try to state that opening up a business and then denying potential customers on the basis of skin color is "indifference" rather than hostility.

keep in mind that your defense of harmful racist practices ensures that you never get the governmentless utopia you so yearn for though. someone has to protect the civil rights of minorities from racist idiots like you after all.

First of all despite your accusations, I'm not fond of ignorance. That could be one reason why I'm not a racist and why I end up arguing with you often.

If indifference is an act that you feel you need to respond to with force you are a sick controlling person. If an actionable harm done to you gets a defensive response you are morally justified. You, nor I have any right to tell another person what to think or how they will use their own body or their property. You like to leave that part out when we argue....that's because you share the same mindset as Prohibitionists and the KKK. You don't respect peoples rights.
then why are you defending denial of service to blacks?

every last historian will tell you without hesitation that said racist practice, which you defend, caused immeasurable harm to blacks.

and you can't show me one single historian who would say otherwise or agree with you.

Reported as SPAM.
i wonder where he learned that from.

says the guy who NEVER gets angry on the internet, and then makes death threats towards me time and again.

i'll stop being offended when you stop posting white supremacists like jared taylor as if their work had any validity whatsoever.

i don't think black people are insulted when i take down racists like you for the ignorant scum they are. the only black people i know on this forum both enjoy it very much when i go after racists like you.

hell, a lot of white members also enjoy it when i make sport of an ignorant racist like you.
This definitely deserves a response from me even though you are on ignore.

First, the first portion of my quote you left off the rest where the black kid was calling him a cracker and it was all in great fun. (very mature of you)

Second, my offer still stands. I'm willing to meet up with you and by the looks of it, if you are still in or going to Colorado I'll get my change to meet you in person.(It's not my fault you scared)Well, maybe it is, but you still a pussy ass bitch.

Third, I grew up around black people my whole life and the dumbass shit you think is racist, isn't. Unless you hang out with the cry babies that is in the NBA.

Lastly, the only people that enjoy anything you say on this subject are ignorant. Pinworm, I kinda like him, he is funny at times and random as hell. It may even be you, who knows. But anyone who chooses to like what you just wrote about me is fucking ignorant, since one you deliberately misquoted me to try and make it sound racist.

I feel sorry for you,
Back on ignore you go.
.(It's mot my fault you scared)Well, maybe it is, but you still a pussy ass bitch.

when you get to colorado, let's sit down for a drink and discuss your fondness of white supremacist jared taylor as well as some of the other views you have presented.

for example, i would love to hear you support in person your notion that the criminal justice system is not biased against minorities, or further elucidate your concepts about how gays should not be "blazing it".

we'll see if your fists can explain your way out of some of these racist and bigoted remarks you have made, or if they simply earn you an assault charge and me a nice settlement.

see ya then!