Who's the most beautiful …..What is your "type?"

and Latinas will always have my vote legs and ass man myself fat bottom girls make the world go round

They are among THE sexiest chicks on the planet IMO.

I've been to nations on 4 of the 7 continents, and no matter where I've been, there's ALWAYS been hotties, even in places I didn't expect to find them, including remote valleys in the Hindu Kush.
Gotta love the roast beef curtains.

i like to know that i can win and add a little extra sweat into bed.

Okay we've run the gammit (sp?) haven't we? from beef curtains…

Now that im 45ish there are plenty of females I would love to test drive but none I would want to hang out with for the rest of my life.
Been with my girl 22or25 yrs???
She knows just when to shut the fuck up and so do I.
its perfect.

To pragmatic

Nothing wrong with that..

Imo, I'd say 95% of the time it's the second chick who would do anything for you. I think it depends on what you're looking for.

Both could be the right answer in the right situation. If you want someone who will look out for you and take care of you when you're sick, the second option will be more appealing. If you're looking to have great sex with someone with a nice body who you find really attractive, that first option would probably suit you best. I'd venture to say age would likely have a lot to do with this question.

Personally, right now, late-ish 20's, I'd say I'm more interested in finding someone who would suit my interests, values and has her own goals, the looks are important, but my range of physical attraction seems to widen by the day, all it really takes for me is a pretty face

To restoring (just a tad LOL) my hope in the younger generation. (Padwan, I never would've guessed)

My original thought when creating this thread was to see if there was a common physical type or physical trend on our current culture. I am pleasantly surprised guys. Y'all seem to like many different "types" I totally assumed all of you were into the over the top silicone bimbos and had totally unrealistic expectations. Not meant to trick anyone, after all I DID ask for your personal physical type, so there isn't a right or wrong answer. I am enjoying reading your posts. Man people are a trip aren't they?

Okay we've run the gammit (sp?) haven't we? from beef curtains…

To pragmatic

To restoring (just a tad LOL) my hope in the younger generation. (Padwan, I never would've guessed)

My original thought when creating this thread was to see if there was a common physical type or physical trend on our current culture. I am pleasantly surprised guys. Y'all seem to like many different "types" I totally assumed all of you were into the over the top silicone bimbos and had totally unrealistic expectations. Not meant to trick anyone, after all I DID ask for your personal physical type, so there isn't a right or wrong answer. I am enjoying reading your posts. Man people are a trip aren't they?

Very much dislike fake bodyparts.
I could just buy a fleshlight.
Never understood the plastic surgery
it never looks right
I got a fleshy its not all that.. i used it once then once more and that was it..if your thinking about it....go with a butt hole! Maybe something dark?
lol Mr. S. Whyyyy is it called fleshlight? I ALWAYS read flashlight. Why didn't they at least call it flesh-tight or something….

Yes, fake parts are just weird. Your'e right, they never look quite right. or move right. I mean, it's hard to grow older and all that, but embrace it man, what else are you going to do? Shoot yourself full of plastic to defy gravity? It's a losing battle and I personally wouldn't want to be on the other side of the line looking like a swollen alien who can't frown or smile. A woman I know does this and it just looks….wonky. just "off". she looks the same when she frowns as when she smiles: the botox has given her smooth plump skin and a permanent vapid expression. no thanks
I think its all about the proportions. If a girl is well proportioned shell be attractive no matter if shes skinny, chubby, tall or short. Facial features and hair colour can play a part too, though if proportinality is existent those do not matter as much i think.