Who's the most beautiful …..What is your "type?"


What's not to like?

Top lady has some awesome woman hips, bottom lady seems fit and athletic. Either is a winner in my book, especially in clothes that accentuate those lady hips.

Some chicks bitch about wearing dresses / skirts, but they accentuate those awesome hips, which makes any lady more lovely. I've always been a sucker for a lady in a dress...always will be.

I live in skirts, though not certain just what my skirts accentuate. It's nice to know there are some guys out there who still appreciate femininity and mystery. I think that's infinitely sexier than in your face all the the time. A little mystery leaves a lot to the imagination...

I want to get that bitch drunk so when she slips into an alcohol induced coma I can brush her tounge and instal fresh horseshoes.
Of course id fuck her after thatm

Char, never disappoints.. LOL
Your avatar clicked when you posted this thread.
Now I know where I saw you before. lol

I saw the movie a few times years ago.
Good flick!

A montage.

Thanks N&N. There are many reasons I'm intrigued by BP. One of them being that she's comfortable in her own skin and uninhibited. Many women I know (most) are so embarrassed by their bodies. I think we need to think more like men in this respect, sort of like, "well, it ain't perfect but it's me so…." Much harsher standards on women's figures though so I can understand why.
Thanks N&N. There are many reasons I'm intrigued by BP. One of them being that she's comfortable in her own skin and uninhibited. Many women I know (most) are so embarrassed by their bodies. I think we need to think more like men in this respect, sort of like, "well, it ain't perfect but it's me so…." Much harsher standards on women's figures though so I can understand why.
Bettie Page is a goddess.
How does she even find jeans that fit???
Granted the hourglass is a tad extreme. Personally, would like more meat on those bones. But she is ooooohh so sultry. That thing she's doing with her hair? Instant wood for me, and many guys, I'm guessing.
I find itinteresting that many of the posts here lean towards voluptuous. Perhaps social critics are right and the fashion fascists have been ramming this herion chic nonsense down our throats for ages. Personally, i have always found the western beauty ideal skewed and pretty unfair to most women. Maybe generating feelings of inadequacy generates profits? Hmm..
I may have a type but ultimately i find nearly every woman with a nice smile and a sparkle in her eyes attractive. I was very enamoured with my future employers wife: the second shot was very revealing body-language wise. Pretty clear she was a tad shy in that moment. Very endearing. And hot.

Maybe 'hot' is as much a state of mind as looks?
If blonde...Jessica Simpson, even if she is a bit ditsy..lol Before she got fat, man that girl could fill out a bikini or a long tailed dress shirt. She's the only blonde that ever spiked my blood pressure and well...you know..lol

If brunette it has to be Liz Taylor...back in the day..she was hawt..:) By back in the day, I'm talkin the 60's.
Granted the hourglass is a tad extreme. Personally, would like more meat on those bones. But she is ooooohh so sultry. That thing she's doing with her hair? Instant wood for me, and many guys, I'm guessing.
I find itinteresting that many of the posts here lean towards voluptuous.

Maybe 'hot' is as much a state of mind as looks?

I know for me it is. (not implying self hotness, but general attitude) I think a healthy level of confidence is key in all areas of life, not just hotness. You have to love yourself to have 'tude. Years ago I learned that I've got some great attributes, some average, and some "meh" so I just play up what I've got. Smart thinking for any woman. Find your best features/traits and play those up. Don't whine about (or worse implant) what you don't have.

Really? I thought most of the posters here liked women that were more athletic. (sans the massive hip to waist ratio) but voluptuous is quite womanly so that makes sense.
Really? I thought most of the posters here liked women that were more athletic. (sans the massive hip to waist ratio) but voluptuous is quite womanly so that makes sense.
I think you may be right and i'm petrified of being the odd-ball. Again. Damn, even on riu i be weird.lol
Perhaps social critics are right and the fashion fascists have been ramming this herion chic nonsense down our throats for ages.

That's because the fashion industry is dominated by queers who know nothing about the genetic response normal dudes get from observing an awesome pair of lady hips, or a nice bosom. Combine that with "feminists" trying to shit on everything that makes a lady a lady, and what you've got left are idiots trying to hold up pre-pubescent looking girls as the ideal "woman".

They're not.

Dudes love, adore, and cherish ladies with curves. Period. Tall ones, short ones, black, white, Asian, it don't matter, if they've got those signature lady curves, then they've got our attention. It's in our DNA.
That's because the fashion industry is dominated by queers who know nothing about the genetic response normal dudes get from observing an awesome pair of lady hips, or a nice bosom. Combine that with "feminists" trying to shit on everything that makes a lady a lady, and what you've got left are idiots trying to hold up pre-pubescent looking girls as the ideal "woman".

They're not.

Dudes love, adore, and cherish ladies with curves. Period. Tall ones, short ones, black, white, Asian, it don't matter, if they've got those signature lady curves, then they've got our attention. It's in our DNA.
Nailed it Wilksey. You be incisive bro.
Seems to me it's malice and the infantilizing (word? who cares!) is pretty perverse. Too bad the consumers not think good or business model be broke. lol
That's because the fashion industry is dominated by queers who know nothing about the genetic response normal dudes get from observing an awesome pair of lady hips, or a nice bosom. Combine that with "feminists" trying to shit on everything that makes a lady a lady, and what you've got left are idiots trying to hold up pre-pubescent looking girls as the ideal "woman".

They're not.

Dudes love, adore, and cherish ladies with curves. Period. Tall ones, short ones, black, white, Asian, it don't matter, if they've got those signature lady curves, then they've got our attention. It's in our DNA.

I never understood the fashion industry: YES clothes they design lay better on emaciated women…. but who buys them?? b/c NO ONE LOOKS like that!
Curvy blondes with soft faces tend to do the trick, and nice legs, wether they be skinny or bigger...just none of that cottage cheese stuff haha.

