Bigoted comments from the right-wing website "Free Republic"


Well-Known Member
Do you think that this tea bagger who posts under the name "nathanbedford" and includes a picture of Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the KKK and lieutenant general of the confederate army, is a racist? Do you think that the fact this is accepted by other right-wingers means the concerns of minorities and liberals about the tea party movement is justifiable?

Your partisanship is showing.

George Bush was wished dead. Sarah Palin. Ron Paul. Bristol Palin.

It's pretty common on both sides of the aisle.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Do you think that this tea bagger who posts under the name "nathanbedford" and includes a picture of Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the KKK and lieutenant general of the confederate army, is a racist? Do you think that the fact this is accepted by other right-wingers means the concerns of minorities and liberals about the tea party movement is justifiable?

malik shabazz and obama speak at same event in selma alabama, 2007.


Well-Known Member
Right, and non idiots think that guy is an idiot. Obama isn't a member of the new black panthers, btw. I could understand why you hate Obama if he was, but he is not a member of a racist organization like the new black panthers, KKK or tea party. Which event was that, by the way? You make it sound as if the president was at some racist event.


malik shabazz and obama speak at same event in selma alabama, 2007.
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Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Right, and non idiots think that guy is an idiot. Obama isn't a member of the black panthers, btw. I could understand why you hate Obama if he was, but he is not a member of a racist organization like the black panthers, KKK or tea party. Which event was that, by the way? You make it sound as if the president was at some racist black panther event.
sharing a podium with Malik Shabazz is bad enough, but the Obama Campaign 2008 bragged of the NBP party endorsement until Malik became a problem for Barry's "New Tone"

add in Jeremiah Wright, sharing the podium with Louis Farrakhan, the4 dismissal of the NBP voter intimidation case, and the fact that in early 2009 a "Malik Shabazz" was one of the first people to visit the white house (Barry refuses to say which Malik Shabazz that might have been...) and you get a pretty clear picture of Barry's tolerance of hateful rhetoric and racially motivated death threats.

as the leader of your party your party is directly responsible for the actions barry takes since he has been repeatedly endorsed as your Brahmin in Chief. barry is not some anonumous internet poster on a shitty website, he is YOUR leader.

welcome to reality, it's cold out here, bring a sweater.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
And btw. Shabazz actually hates the president too.

Also, The New Black Panthers are different from the original black panthers.
jilted lovers are often quite spiteful to the one who dumped them.

once he is out of office im sure Barry and Malik will have a Backslide Hookup.


Well-Known Member
I am a socialist, not a democrat. Do you seriously think that the tool of the corporations, Obama, is some radical black nationalist? LMAO! I take it you approve of the tea party approving of hate speech then?

sharing a podium with Malik Shabazz is bad enough, but the Obama Campaign 2008 bragged of the NBP party endorsement until Malik became a problem for Barry's "New Tone"

add in Jeremiah Wright, sharing the podium with Louis Farrakhan, the4 dismissal of the NBP voter intimidation case, and the fact that in early 2009 a "Malik Shabazz" was one of the first people to visit the white house (Barry refuses to say which Malik Shabazz that might have been...) and you get a pretty clear picture of Barry's tolerance of hateful rhetoric and racially motivated death threats.

as the leader of your party your party is directly responsible for the actions barry takes since he has been repeatedly endorsed as your Brahmin in Chief. barry is not some anonumous internet poster on a shitty website, he is YOUR leader.

welcome to reality, it's cold out here, bring a sweater.


Well-Known Member
sharing a podium with Malik Shabazz is bad enough, but the Obama Campaign 2008 bragged of the NBP party endorsement until Malik became a problem for Barry's "New Tone"

add in Jeremiah Wright, sharing the podium with Louis Farrakhan, the4 dismissal of the NBP voter intimidation case, and the fact that in early 2009 a "Malik Shabazz" was one of the first people to visit the white house (Barry refuses to say which Malik Shabazz that might have been...) and you get a pretty clear picture of Barry's tolerance of hateful rhetoric and racially motivated death threats.

as the leader of your party your party is directly responsible for the actions barry takes since he has been repeatedly endorsed as your Brahmin in Chief. barry is not some anonumous internet poster on a shitty website, he is YOUR leader.

welcome to reality, it's cold out here, bring a sweater.
so that's racist, but being invited to speak at an event (whose purpose statement is listed below) and speaking at that event is not racist at all?

because you have defended philippe rushton as totally not racist, despite his stated views of white separatism.

nothing hypocritical there, eh kynes?

We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this conference. First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values. Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it. Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.

kinda sounds like something you once said about how the john birch society bravely undertakes the task to "defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit".

that, and your constant obsession with "european cultural superiority" as well as "marxism" and anything you perceive to be "anto-white" seems to be taken directly from stormfront and american renaissance.

in fact, you even endorse stormfront's racist motto that "anti-racist is code for anti-white".

but you're totally not racist.


really. i believe you. everyone does.


Well-Known Member
but seriously.

take a look at kynes' language, then take a look at the tags on stormfront threads. one in the same.
Doesn't surprise me. He defends Ron Paul's racist newsletters, the confederate flag, and teabaggers who post pictures of Nathan Bedford Forrest... Yet he isn't a racist.

Just another non-racist teabagger, I guess. ::snort::

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Doesn't surprise me. He defends Ron Paul's racist newsletters, the confederate flag, and teabaggers who post pictures of Nathan Bedford Forrest... Yet he isn't a racist.

Just another non-racist teabagger, I guess. ::snort::
by "defending" you mean "expecting you to prove their existence", sure, i defend ron paul's "racist newsletter" .

you have provifded not one comment spoken by or written by ron paul to demonstrate his racist nature.

i "defended" no confederate flag, nor anyone who posts pictures of nathan bedford forest.

you should be able to provide some quotes of this nature, but of courtse you wont, youll just keep making shit up, and spamming more racist hyperbole from a shit website full of nutjobs and leftist provocateurs.


Well-Known Member
Why doesn't Free Republic delete the racist and homophobic comments if they are leftist provocateurs? I provided a link earlier of a tea partier who called himself nathanbedford and posted pictures of the racist piece of crap all over tea party threads. This is accepted by the tea partiers.

Oh, and Ron Pauls Racist Newsletter, you know, the one where he made money scapegoating minorities, the info can be found here:

Ron Paul profited from demonizing minorities, gay people and Jews. I have more respect for things that come out of my ass than I do for racist Ron. I will not stand idly by while a far right group that demonizes minorities attempts to seize power like the Nazis did. America will not go down the same road as Germany.

by "defending" you mean "expecting you to prove their existence", sure, i defend ron paul's "racist newsletter" .

you have provifded not one comment spoken by or written by ron paul to demonstrate his racist nature.

i "defended" no confederate flag, nor anyone who posts pictures of nathan bedford forest.

you should be able to provide some quotes of this nature, but of courtse you wont, youll just keep making shit up, and spamming more racist hyperbole from a shit website full of nutjobs and leftist provocateurs.


Well-Known Member
by "defending" you mean "expecting you to prove their existence", sure, i defend ron paul's "racist newsletter" .

you have provifded not one comment spoken by or written by ron paul to demonstrate his racist nature.

i "defended" no confederate flag, nor anyone who posts pictures of nathan bedford forest.

you should be able to provide some quotes of this nature, but of courtse you wont, youll just keep making shit up, and spamming more racist hyperbole from a shit website full of nutjobs and leftist provocateurs.
"defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit"


Well-Known Member
In a thread titled "Salon Bemoans Spider-Man, Movie Superheroes Being 'Straight, White Men'" a right winger stated the following:

"I guess Salon is bemoaning the crying need at the box office for homosexual-transgendered-minority-mixed race superheroes? Two percent of the pervert population is telling the other 98% what kind of superheroes they should want? Where do they get these drug snorting authors?"

I would love for my mixed race relatives to see a mixed race superhero. What is so wrong with being a minority, mixed race, transgender or gay? Why all the hate? Why can't they just accept people?


Well-Known Member
In a thread titled "Salon Bemoans Spider-Man, Movie Superheroes Being 'Straight, White Men'" a right winger stated the following:

"I guess Salon is bemoaning the crying need at the box office for homosexual-transgendered-minority-mixed race superheroes? Two percent of the pervert population is telling the other 98% what kind of superheroes they should want? Where do they get these drug snorting authors?"

I would love for my mixed race relatives to see a mixed race superhero. What is so wrong with being a minority, mixed race, transgender or gay? Why all the hate? Why can't they just accept people?
You know why they're heterosexual, white males?

Cos thats who came up with them, if you want your retarded superheroes then write some comics and stop the mudscuttling.


Well-Known Member
Do you think that this tea bagger who posts under the name "nathanbedford" and includes a picture of Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the KKK and lieutenant general of the confederate army, is a racist? Do you think that the fact this is accepted by other right-wingers means the concerns of minorities and liberals about the tea party movement is justifiable?
I think bigotry from BOTH sides of the aisle is unacceptable.

How one can think it doesn't come from both sides is perplexing to say the least. If this was a sport, one could call it blind homerism.


Well-Known Member
I think bigotry from BOTH sides of the aisle is unacceptable.
absolute nonsense. you condone and accept right wing racism.

for example, after months of shotgun420 doing his neo-nazi thing around here, you called him "possibly bigoted".

at the same time, you outright called me a racist. i am still waiting for one example of such from me.

you coddle right wing racists and you despise left-wing anti-racists.

you are a disease just like the racists.