Bigoted comments from the right-wing website "Free Republic"

desert dude

Well-Known Member
A conservative made the following racist comment in a thread titled "Police: Fayetteville teen poisoned grandma's collards (NC)"

"Oh come on! Every black kid does this. That’s how they get money for crack and guns!! Society is to blame! Not this innocent 560 pound child!"

If you guys want your gatherings to stop looking like Klan rallies then you should stop picking on minorities. Shame on you for picking on the powerless.

Thanks Dog we have you sensitive lefties to prowl the comments of fringe groups to keep us all up to date.



Well-Known Member
Here is another one! And this conservative website is moderated so that means this kind of bigotry is accepted.

"What kind of Rocky Mountain Horror Show has been perpetrated on us? A gay president and fag transvestite "First Lady"? WTF???????
How is this possible? How has America gone down this far so quickly? I can't believe this. What kind of stupidity has allowed these perverts to be elected?

and re-elected?

I hope God uses this to bring Americans to their senses."


Well-Known Member
I guess the blacks are now trying to "dilute the white voters" because whites are too "conservative." In the thread "DHS Head: Changes To Immigration Enforcement Potentially Coming 'Pretty Soon' (Deportations to stop)" a conservative commented:

"Sorry but that pos Jeh Johnson is black. We are living in black ruled America. Their intention is to dilute the white voters to get more Democrat power, more minority power.

White voters are too conservative for the Democrats. They need to be diluted, replaced, overwhelmed, swamped."

Black people are repressing white conservatives! Oh no! Think of all their old, wrinkly asses having to share this country with people who have a different skin color and/or religion! Minorities having power is horrible according to right-wingers.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
And what does that have to do with RIU?
midwesterngro is venting his spleen, thrashing about looking for a way to blame all his troubles (and the democrat's troubles too) on somebody, anybody but themselves.

by snipping out and regurgitating these retarded comments he validates his belief that "conservative = racist" , thus disagreeing with him = racist.

basically he is bucky without the cleverness and snark.

he is a hate-filled venom spitting partisan jingoist who desperately wants to share his demented views with everyone, whether they like it or not, and if you dont like it, it's cuz youre a racist.

sorry cheezie, youre a racist now too.


Well-Known Member
Conservative is actually synonymous with racist AND bigot. Observe this comment spotted on The Free Republic:

20 years ago you could have said the same thing about the whole country
Sigh - you're right.
Still and all - even if the whole country goes down (no pun intended) under the weight of queer oppression, I think (hope) Texas will be last.

Who will put the final nail in the coffin of the United States of America - Democrats, queers or jihadies?
So many enemies, so few bullets.

Now conservatives are advocating killing people over gay marriage. I'm showing people how dangerous the right-wing is in America.

midwesterngro is venting his spleen, thrashing about looking for a way to blame all his troubles (and the democrat's troubles too) on somebody, anybody but themselves.

by snipping out and regurgitating these retarded comments he validates his belief that "conservative = racist" , thus disagreeing with him = racist.

basically he is bucky without the cleverness and snark.

he is a hate-filled venom spitting partisan jingoist who desperately wants to share his demented views with everyone, whether they like it or not, and if you dont like it, it's cuz youre a racist.

sorry cheezie, youre a racist now too.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Conservative is actually synonymous with racist AND bigot. Observe this comment spotted on The Free Republic:

20 years ago you could have said the same thing about the whole country
Sigh - you're right.
Still and all - even if the whole country goes down (no pun intended) under the weight of queer oppression, I think (hope) Texas will be last.

Who will put the final nail in the coffin of the United States of America - Democrats, queers or jihadies?
So many enemies, so few bullets.

Now conservatives are advocating killing people over gay marriage. I'm showing people how dangerous the right-wing is in America.
no, youre displaying how ignorant you are.

on a totally unregulated forum like free republic, you get jackasses, dipshits and nazis screaming and spraying every invective imaginable, but more sinister still, are the Agent Provocateurs

lefties who deliberately make horribly offensive remarks designed to convince everyone that if you oppose any facet of leftism, you might be grouped with "Them", the "homophobic bigoted extremist conservative teabagger racists" , despite the fact that often "They" are really lefties running a long con.

your entire commentary in this thread is little more than repeated screaming of "Ba Ba Booey" on a radio call in show.

you achieve nothing and only make yourself look more and more foolish.


Well-Known Member
Quit making excuses for those in your movement who are calling for the murder of people who are different from them. I am warning people of the new fascist, racist and right-wing movement that is brewing in America. Nice lie about the moderation of Free Republic, it is moderated.

no, youre displaying how ignorant you are.

on a totally unregulated forum like free republic, you get jackasses, dipshits and nazis screaming and spraying every invective imaginable, but more sinister still, are the Agent Provocateurs

lefties who deliberately make horribly offensive remarks designed to convince everyone that if you oppose any facet of leftism, you might be grouped with "Them", the "homophobic bigoted extremist conservative teabagger racists" , despite the fact that often "They" are really lefties running a long con.

your entire commentary in this thread is little more than repeated screaming of "Ba Ba Booey" on a radio call in show.

you achieve nothing and only make yourself look more and more foolish.
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Well-Known Member
no, youre displaying how ignorant you are.

on a totally unregulated forum like free republic, you get jackasses, dipshits and nazis screaming and spraying every invective imaginable, but more sinister still, are the Agent Provocateurs

lefties who deliberately make horribly offensive remarks designed to convince everyone that if you oppose any facet of leftism, you might be grouped with "Them", the "homophobic bigoted extremist conservative teabagger racists" , despite the fact that often "They" are really lefties running a long con.

your entire commentary in this thread is little more than repeated screaming of "Ba Ba Booey" on a radio call in show.

you achieve nothing and only make yourself look more and more foolish.
yep, it's all the fault of "agent provocateurs". there is no such thing as a racist right wing conservative extremist.

that, and the tags under a stormfront thread don't correspond exactly to the moronic tripe you spew here (funny enough, those tags do correspond exactly with the tripe you spew here, i was being sarcastic to make a point).


Well-Known Member
bootsandnugs was probably completely unaware that he was a laughing stock (not too bright, that one) and wordz just isn;t on his game this time around. he did much better last time he was here.
word buck,
so wordz will be a two-time loser soon. lol
if he gets 3 strikes and lives in cali does he get life?
This good get real good. bwahahahaaaa!!


Well-Known Member
You know what i find funny is the guys who 'love' the free-market then complain about China getting shipped their jobs. Seems hypocritical, no?
None of these far-right nutcakes seem to 'stick'. They get conveniently explained away. Strange