I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

I think Bush has done good and bad but mostly bad. The good is that he is keeping the troops overseas because lets face it do you want to be fightng the war on US soil. But i dont think we need that many troops there
i dunno the government knows a lot more than we do.
i trust that keeping troops there is the best solution. what do we do? just take them out and get attacked again?

and why would 911 be a inside job? killing our own ppl, spending more money on protection and even more money trying to keep something like it happening agian.
I gotta thank Bush for the tax-check though, it went toward a good cause(grow equipment) haha if he only knew! :mrgreen:
America is a bully in the world view of Progressives.


Main Entry: 1pro·gres·sive Pronunciation: \prə-ˈgre-siv\ Function: adjective Date: circa 1612 1 a: of, relating to, or characterized by progress b: making use of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities c: of, relating to, or constituting an educational theory marked by emphasis on the individual child, informality of classroom procedure, and encouragement of self-expression2: of, relating to, or characterized by progression

I sujppose this is a bad thing, eh???
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i dunno the government knows a lot more than we do.
i trust that keeping troops there is the best solution. what do we do? just take them out and get attacked again?

and why would 911 be a inside job? killing our own ppl, spending more money on protection and even more money trying to keep something like it happening agian.

are you suggesting Iraq was behind 9/11? or are you talking about afghanistan?

As to what motive could possibly be behind 9/11 being an inside job, exactlly waht you said more money and legislation for "protection"
all i know is sum achacha ppl hate us and we do need protection...
but how is adding protection going to make us more money?
we are spending billions of dollars in iraq and for what? their ppl.
but iraqis are still suicide bombing our troops.. not because they are still there
its because THEY HATE US!
if we just leave now another 911 WILL happen
have you considered the possibility that iraq may have something to do with the large quantities of oil they are sitting on
We invade their country, killl their poeple, make thousands of people into refugees, gee I cant see why some of them could be mad.....sure we overthrew saddam for them, but the fact remains we killed a lot of them too, that can tend to make people angry
we saved their lives taking saddam,
the country was scared of him
the only ones that were mad or are mad is the lunatics that followed his words.
95% of the attackers on our troops in Iraq are fighters from foreign countries not iraqis

we just finally purged the last of them. Iraq is stable now

in ten yours its gonna be a huge tourist spot with a shit load of money and US bases all over the place so we can shit on Iran more easly

everyone will be happy except for the dictators in Iran that like to throw rocks at women until they're dead

White House Report: Iraq Meets 15 of 18 Benchmarks

Tuesday , July 01, 2008

The Iraqi government achieved "satisfactory" progress on 15 of 18 political benchmarks, almost twice the number it had reached just a year ago, according to a White House report.

In a May 2008 report to Congress obtained by the Associated Press, the Bush administration wrote that Baghdad politicians reached several new agreements seen as critical to easing sectarian tensions.

Iraqi politicians passed legislation that granted amnesty to some prisoners and allowed former members of Saddam Hussein's political party to recover lost jobs or pensions. They also determined that provincial elections would be held by Oct. 1.

Only two of the benchmarks — enacting and implementing laws to disarm militias and distribute oil revenues — remained "unsatisfactory."
One benchmark was deemed to have brought mixed results. The Iraqi army has made satisfactory progress on the goal of fairly enforcing the law, while the nation's police force remains plagued by sectarianism, according to the administration assessment.

Overall, militia control declined and Baghdad's security forces "demonstrated (their) willingness and effectiveness to use these authorities to pursue extremists in all provinces, regardless of population or extremist demographics," as illustrated by recent operations, the report concluded.

Some critics, however, said the White House used a false standard for determining success.

Rep. Mike McIntyre, D-N.C., who requested the administration's updated assessment following a report 12 months ago, scoffed at the new findings.
He criticized the report for looking at whether progress on a goal was "satisfactory" rather than whether the benchmark was fully met. He estimated that only a few of the 18 benchmarks were fully achieved.
Even as reconciliation measures continue, it remains unclear how many former Baath members will be able to return to their jobs. And while Oct. 1 had been identified as an election day, Baghdad hasn't been able to agree on the rules, possibly delaying the event by several weeks.

"Iraq has the potential to develop into a stable, secure multiethnic, multi-sectarian democracy under the rule of law," Ryan Crocker, U.S. ambassador to Iraq, said in April when he last testified before Congress. "Whether it realizes that potential is ultimately up to the Iraqi people."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
we saved their lives taking saddam,
the country was scared of him
the only ones that were mad or are mad is the lunatics that followed his words.

Will you please read a newspaper?! Look up how many Iraqi CITIZENS have died alone. Then look at the number of our troops. There is a huge difference. How is it that we are saving their lives?!
yea but its not only us that kill them.
its the stray bullets from all of us not just the U.S.
random bombs from all of us.. NOT JUST THE U.S.
Will you please read a newspaper?! Look up how many Iraqi CITIZENS have died alone. Then look at the number of our troops. There is a huge difference. How is it that we are saving their lives?!

al queda is the one killing those civilians we just finish beatin them like a drum outa iraq

How many americans died in the revolutionary war for your freedom my friend?

are the Iraqis allowed to have freedom like you?

freedom is not free