Why is it that...

I wholeheartedly disagree red. Perhaps you should experiment. I issue you a guarantee you won't go to hell. If it doesn't work out, I will go to hell on your behalf. Just remember to play safe.
Also, most developed countries have formulas for paying for elections out of the public purse. This whole political 'money-ball' is caustic and will not end well. mark my words.

Scalia will go down in history as one of the worst supreme court justices in the 20th century. Not to be a dick but you all would be better off if he retired.

isn't scalia the one who called voting rights the "perpetuation of a racial entitlement"?

if so, he's probably in red's top 3 of all time.
i assure you my remark was strictly personal with no reference to homosexuality in mind. i just don't like you so far.

I assure you homosexuals on this forum don't like you either. My gay bud says you're an asshole for that shit and hopes you get beat down like homophobes do.
isn't scalia the one who called voting rights the "perpetuation of a racial entitlement"?

if so, he's probably in red's top 3 of all time.
Good one sir.

The clincher for me was seeing the fucker interviewed. He was the smuggest c#nt I've seen in a long time.
"Truly a sphincter amongst sphincters" ('Im trademarking that one).

Sorry to sound so vicious. His attitude seems to be one of knowing exactly what he's doing and pissing at every one like a 5 yr old. Pretty fucked. Truly a judge gone wild. An 8 yr old could tell you nike ain't a person. Limited liability does not apply. Legal fictions are maintained all the time. It's abstract; like the z dimension in algebra.

If an LLC is a person then I demand the death penalty for Bhopal. The queen of the local hive must be executed a dawn. One last cigarette allowed.
Any individuals who spend millions of dollars funding the campaigns of politicians in an attempt to influence legislation in their favor is an enemy to democracy. The issue is not a horizontal problem between left and the right, it's a vertical problem between economic classes of people. The majority of wealthy people are good people, it's the tiny fraction of big business owners who benefit from being able to secure legislation that go against American citizens interests. Isn't that what the government is for, to represent the people and the peoples interest, not big business?

That is effectively buying democracy, that is how they do it, legalized bribery. In any other country we would call it corruption, all it is is double-speak, and it's totally normalized here.

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This started in 1974-76 and has been upheld by the Supreme Court in 3 later court cases. The spending in politics by individuals needs to have limits, and corporations should not be defined as individuals. Elections should be publicly funded. This would give more power back to American citizens and reduce the size of the government.
Public funding of electricians will reduce size of government?

Obama was the first president ever to deny public finance of his campaign.

No amount of money can stop you from voting how you want. Our republic is intact.

The irony of this is that out of all the billionaires giving money, the Koch brothers might be the only ones who agree with you on this point.

You are completely ignorant about them. No, it's worse than that, what you think you know is actually the opposite of the truth.
Public funding of electricians will reduce size of government?

Obama was the first president ever to deny public finance of his campaign.

No amount of money can stop you from voting how you want. Our republic is intact.

The irony of this is that out of all the billionaires giving money, the Koch brothers might be the only ones who agree with you on this point.

You are completely ignorant about them. No, it's worse than that, what you think you know is actually the opposite of the truth.

Public funding of elections will give more power back to American citizens and reduce the size of the government

How is that relevant?

In 95% of elections, the candidate with more money spent on his campaign wins:



The Koch brothers spend money buying conservative politicians, they are enemies of democracy
Public funding of elections will give more power back to American citizens and reduce the size of the government

How is that relevant?

In 95% of elections, the candidate with more money spent on his campaign wins:



The Koch brothers spend money buying conservative politicians, they are enemies of democracy
You mean you're shocked the most popular person gets the most donations?

I see you continue your money = evil tirade.

Koch spends money on ending a lot of things they benefit from.

You're to closed minded to see this. You simply hate folks who have something you don't, money and success.
You mean you're shocked the most popular person gets the most donations?

I see you continue your money = evil tirade.

Koch spends money on ending a lot of things they benefit from.

You're to closed minded to see this. You simply hate folks who have something you don't, money and success.

Most popular =/= most money. Since '76, legislation has been enacted (Buckley v. Aleo 1976, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti 1978, Citizens United v. FEC 2010, and McCutcheon v. FEC 2014) to grant corporations legal personhood and remove limits on election campaign contributions (legal bribes), effectively limiting the power of Average American citizens, as was scientifically demonstrated in this study; http://www.princeton.edu/~mgilens/G...ens and Page 2014-Testing Theories 3-7-14.pdf

Yeah, "money = evil", that's why wealthy people who have nothing to do with influencing politics are brought up so often.. You're a hack.
You mean you're shocked the most popular person gets the most donations?

I see you continue your money = evil tirade.

Koch spends money on ending a lot of things they benefit from.

You're to closed minded to see this. You simply hate folks who have something you don't, money and success.

Duh! Don't you see the weekly thread he starts about wage slavery, and the earning gap between the toilet scrubber and CEO? I don't see what's so hard to understand about figure head of a company who gets investors and is the reason you scrub his toilet, you have no say about how much your sugar daddy makes. Paddy thinks CEO pay should have limits and be redistributed Robin Hood pinko style. But then Mrs. CEO takes her ball and goes home.

There's an easy experiment. Distribute a $10, $20 or $100 bill between a group of people. People would rather get nothing than know you "cheated" them and got $9 and they only got $1. Or you could give say $25 and you keep $75. Even though you get nearly three times what he got the last round.
I don't understand how it is appropriate to defend a couple dudes who have made billions on the backs of the common people. You can defend them all you want or you can be against them all you want. The fact remains that they used America to get their money and I see little improvement to our country.
I don't understand how it is appropriate to defend a couple dudes who have made billions on the backs of the common people. You can defend them all you want or you can be against them all you want. The fact remains that they used America to get their money and I see little improvement to our country.
you could do it too it's the land of the free.. I see improvement in our country.
It is a lot easier to do with 40 billion in the bank. You could spend $100,000,000 giving the economy a jumpstart and not even blink. Lets not try to pretend that money doesn't make the world go round.