People figuring out how to be productive on their own generates a lot more.Foodstamps create jobs.
People figuring out how to be productive on their own generates a lot more.Foodstamps create jobs.
Food stamps create jobs for those people too.People figuring out how to be productive on their own generates a lot more.
Fixing the problem which created the need for food stamps is the solution. Food stamps just lessens the impact and doesn't provide a solution. But politicians don't care about solutions, they only want dumb asses to elect them.Food stamps create jobs for those people too.
Vegans are too low on the food chain to have an opinion I care about.Fixing the problem which created the need for food stamps is the solution. Food stamps just lessens the impact and doesn't provide a solution. But politicians don't care about solutions, they only want dumb asses to elect them.
I never pay more than 0.20 on the dollar.I like to buy food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar so people can have more money to buy booze.
taxation is written directly into the constitution, that's how.So you still assert a "right" to take from others to pay tribute to your deity, the Federal Government? How are you different than a common thief?
wow.I never pay more than 0.20 on the dollar.
You and Wordz should invest in a still. Cut out the middle-man. You'd be knee deep in food stamps in no time at all.I never pay more than 0.20 on the dollar.
Not having food stamps means far more jobs and productivity than in that alternative.Food stamps create jobs for those people too.
Nowhere in the quote you quoted did it say anything about the linen cloth being removed.Jesus was totally a Democrat, he even had gay sex.
Nuh-uh....Not having food stamps means far more jobs and productivity than in that alternative.
GTFO. Is he really on Social Security yet whining about government bennies for poor people? I can't stand boomers, they feel they are so entitled to everything but screw the people whose jobs they sent
that, and your $10 blowjobs are really making your social security welfare check stretch for all its worth, eh?
not sure if he's milking that tit yet, but he lost his second family in 1982. that means he's gotta be pretty close. still renting, too.GTFO. Is he really on Social Security yet whining about government bennies for poor people? I can't stand boomers, they are so entitled.
get out of here with an attitude like that. I'm pretty sure that a banable offenseF*cking awesome thread, good read. I'm getting to know you guys better. Hell, I still like most of you that I don't agree with. Even you Bucky, you're A-OK in my book.
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get out of here with an attitude like that. I'm pretty sure that a banable offense