Why is it that...

I agree that a correction is likely to occur soon.

But with respect to trickle down, I think it works in the system that was in place (but no longer) when Reagan made it famous.

In the early 80 ' s we still made stuff here. Now we don't. So the wealth, as anyone can see, is going to places like China instead of the American people.

Free trade with nations that manipulate their currency and practically use slave labor is the main reason we are where we are. Trickle down worked just fine when in a time when we made stuff in America.

Two things that would help...

Massive tariff on goods imported from slave labor countries.

Reinstatement of the 95% top marginal income tax rates for incomes over, say $100 million, regular earned income or otherwise.

I think I would jump off a bridge with joy if they did that.
I don't ignore it. But they aren't the only ones.

I don't know that I'd go so far as to say them, or anyone, "buy democracy."

Do you have any evidence of them purchasing votes? Buying off election officials to rig the vote counts?


They spend money to influence the populace, and to influence the elected officials. They make up a tiny fraction of the cumulative amount of dollars spent doing the same. The left has it's own Koch like people.

What about George Soros? That fucker isn't even an American. At least the Koch guys are Americans.

The federal government has become so large that it can and does radically influence big business, so big business influences them. If we had a smaller government, with less power, the need to influence it would decrease proportionally.

You act as if we had this perfect, unbiased, for the people, great government, and then in came the Koch guys and totally ripped it off.

Your hatred of them is irrational.

Any individuals who spend millions of dollars funding the campaigns of politicians in an attempt to influence legislation in their favor is an enemy to democracy. The issue is not a horizontal problem between left and the right, it's a vertical problem between economic classes of people. The majority of wealthy people are good people, it's the tiny fraction of big business owners who benefit from being able to secure legislation that go against American citizens interests. Isn't that what the government is for, to represent the people and the peoples interest, not big business?

That is effectively buying democracy, that is how they do it, legalized bribery. In any other country we would call it corruption, all it is is double-speak, and it's totally normalized here.


This started in 1974-76 and has been upheld by the Supreme Court in 3 later court cases. The spending in politics by individuals needs to have limits, and corporations should not be defined as individuals. Elections should be publicly funded. This would give more power back to American citizens and reduce the size of the government.
Maybe personally you do, but the following comment is directed towards the other 99% of people who demonize the Koch family for being involved in politics. ...

The moment you start directing as much hate at guys like George Soros, then you will have a chance at being taken seriously.

Because until then, it will be obvious your problem is not with spent money, but with the ideas of the spender.

I wouldn't be surprised, and i think Koch has, spent money to reduce the influence that lobbyists can have.
Maybe personally you do, but the following comment is directed towards the other 99% of people who demonize the Koch family for being involved in politics. ...

The moment you start directing as much hate at guys like George Soros, then you will have a chance at being taken seriously.

Because until then, it will be obvious your problem is not with spent money, but with the ideas of the spender.

I wouldn't be surprised, and i think Koch has, spent money to reduce the influence that lobbyists can have.

You're delusional beyond belief

What don't you get about all money out of politics? Doesn't matter who it comes from.
"Any individual who spends money to influence politics is an enemy to democracy."

That would include George Soros


Glad to hear you say that. Why then, do the majority of those more closely aligned with your politics remain silent about him and instead are very vocal detractors of the Koch brothers?
Glad to hear you say that. Why then, do the majority of those more closely aligned with your politics remain silent about him and instead are very vocal detractors of the Koch brothers?

For the same reason you've been demonizing George Soros while defending the Koch brothers

Why is it easy for you to identify when it happens on the left but impossible to convince you of when it happens on the right?
I could care less wether it comes from the left or the right, money influencing politics is like me whiping my ass to influence world hunger.
I've had a dick in my ass, mouth and hands. Cum in my mouth, face and rectum. I've also been on the giving end of all of the above. I did it all voluntary, no coercion or payment. I'm not one bit gay either.

What you said is simply not true.

BnB, I think you are a stand up guy, and your posts are well thought out and well written, so don't take this as a negative comment. You are far superior to the resident leftist propagandist.

I don't care one whit about the question of who has sex with who. However, I can't wrap my mind around your concluding statement: "I'm not one bit gay either. " How can you engage in homosexual acts and not be gay, or bi, or bi-curious, or something?
BnB, I think you are a stand up guy, and your posts are well thought out and well written, so don't take this as a negative comment. You are far superior to the resident leftist propagandist.

I don't care one whit about the question of who has sex with who. However, I can't wrap my mind around your concluding statement: "I'm not one bit gay either. " How can you engage in homosexual acts and not be gay, or bi, or bi-curious, or something?
Because it's been a long time since I've held a penis, not my own.

I have no desire to do so.

I'm not disgusted that I did.

I just don't much care for the taste of cum.
It doesn't matter if it's Apple, Koch, Ben & Jerrys, or Elizabeth Warren, or Rupert Murdock. They're all part of the good ole boys club and all endorse the same exact fucking thing. It's all staged and each one of them is merely doing their part as a player.
of course you do. birds of a feather.

still waiting for the first example of said "propaganda". should be easy for you since you claim that 90% of what i write is "propaganda".

just too cowardly?

When it is pretty much all propaganda it is hard to point out an obvious example, it blends in.
When it is pretty much all propaganda it is hard to point out an obvious example, it blends in.

90% propaganda, pretty much all propaganda...it should be so goddamn easy to point out an example or two.

last time you tried you got caught in a lie though.
Political speech is pornography... propaganda.

Black or white are protected classes... lie, distortion, racist, and propaganda.
Political speech is pornography... propaganda.

5 foot tall posters of aborted fetuses are indeed pornography.

the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction

Black or white are protected classes... lie, distortion, racist, and propaganda.

wow. are you really this stupid? excuse my language, GWN. but to say that race is not a protected status is stupid.


In United States Federal anti-discrimination law, a protected class is a characteristic of a person which cannot be targeted for discrimination.[1] The following characteristics are considered "Protected Classes" by Federal law:

Individual states can and do create other protected classes, which are protected under that state's law.