Aid to Israel rape of American taxpayer

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Ooo.. The Spanish Inquisition, good one! I am tempted to quip that no one expects the Spanish Inquisition, but were I to proffer such a quip, it would have done been quipped by then, wouldn't it? :D Yes, yes, the Spanish Inquisition is a good one.. but does it actually count as a genocide?

I guess not, just torture and mental anguish spread out throughout years
Thanks, mjetta. I'm sure many would disagree with your assessment. I have been known to bare my fangs on occasion. :peace:
I'll deal with your points separately.
Never, and neither has a muslim. Every muslim ive ever known has been the same as everyone else i know. Where is your source for this? Where does it say islam seeks world domination? you mean the goal is to make everyone muslim? just like all religions. Kind of like establishing the "kingdom of God huh?
Allah Almighty created this life and laid down for it certain fixed laws. He has ordained that the believers strive against their enemies and prepare all they can for that purpose. They are to follow the ways that bring about victory. This is to say, they are to believe in Allah, prepare as much force as they can, be always on the alert, take prompt action on hearing the call to jihad, have a sincere wish and enthusiasm to participate in jihad in Allah’s cause, unite and join hands with one another, obey the Muslim leader and keep order, be courageous and steadfast in fighting, and have confidence that Allah will grant them victory. -
The Path to Allah’s Victory - - Ask The Scholar
There are over a hundred verses in the Qur'an that exhort believers to wage jihad against unbelievers. - Robert Spencer
"Over the last 1400 years, 270 million non-believers were murdered by Muslim jihadists."
The Sword of Islam ... War Against Israel and the West!
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Thanks, mjetta. I'm sure many would disagree with your assessment. I have been known to bare my fangs on occassion .:peace:
I'll deal with your points separately.

The Path to Allah’s Victory - - Ask The Scholar
"Over the last 1400 years, 270 million non-believers were murdered by Muslim jihadists."

The Sword of Islam ... War Against Israel and the West!

"Sheikh Ahmad Ash-Sharabasi, professor of `Aqeedah and Philosophy at Al-Azhar University , stated:"

Here is the first issue. Al-Azhar, an Islamic school in Egypt, represents only one of the 72 sects of Islam. It is known to be one of the most elitist and racist sects.

Second. I agree with some of your point as I pointed out earlier. The problem with it, as I pointed out earlier, is that ever religion has some kind of "kingdom of God" or "Allah victory". Anyone who has a bone to pick with any religion can mirror what you are doing with any religion.

Third. (question)

Do you think Islam is inherently more violent than other religions? that if someone convert to Islam they become more likely to commit violent acts? If so, what do you believe should be done about it?
Not only is it rape. It puts us in danger. If Iran gets bombed we're fucked. That will take like 25% of the oil supplies off the market. Chaos will ensue...
please give me a muslim army that has the ability dominate Europe?......let alone the whole world?
The nature of the war we fight is a clash of civilizations. We do not fight an enemy in the traditional sense, nations are merely battlegrounds in this clash, we fight an ideology that identifies with a specific religion, not political borders. Europe has been invaded, but not by a conventional army. Europe was invaded by a steady stream of Muslim immigrants who steadfastly refuse to assimilate. They rule by intimidation and threats of violence if their demands are not met. They force their oppressive religious sensiblitites on society at large. Any criticism of Islam is met with moral outrage and more times than not, violence justified by the nature of the 'insult.'

Europe is already lost. There is no American-style Bill of Rights anywhere in Europe. European Muslims will form a demographic majority within a few generations. With that all or most Muslims will seek to Islamize Europe. The European Union is 50-100 years away from the Eurabian Union. Eurabia is not just a political neologism, it has a flag already.

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The nature of the war we fight is a clash of civilizations. We do not fight an enemy in the traditional sense, nations are merely battlegrounds in this clash, we fight an ideology that identifies with a specific religion, not political borders. Europe has been invaded, but not by a conventional army. Europe was invaded by a steady stream of Muslim immigrants who steadfastly refuse to assimilate. They rule by intimidation and threats of violence if their demands are not met. They force their oppressive religious sensiblitites on society at large. Any criticism of Islam is met with moral outrage and more times than not, violence justified by the nature of the 'insult.'

Europe is already lost. There is no American-style Bill of Rights anywhere in Europe. European Muslims will form a demographic majority within a few generations. With that all or most Muslims will seek to Islamise Europe. The European Union is 50-100 years away from the Eurabian Union. Eurabia is not just a political neoligism, it has a flag already.

Politics and religion are messed up! Greed and the lust of power will be the end of humanity. I bet if everyone was allowed to smoke pot, the world would be a better place..:joint:


The nature of the war we fight is a clash of civilizations. We do not fight an enemy in the traditional sense, nations are merely battlegrounds in this clash, we fight an ideology that identifies with a specific religion, not political borders. Europe has been invaded, but not by a conventional army. Europe was invaded by a steady stream of Muslim immigrants who steadfastly refuse to assimilate. They rule by intimidation and threats of violence if their demands are not met. They force their oppressive religious sensiblitites on society at large. Any criticism of Islam is met with moral outrage and more times than not, violence justified by the nature of the 'insult.'

Europe is already lost. There is no American-style Bill of Rights anywhere in Europe. European Muslims will form a demographic majority within a few generations. With that all or most Muslims will seek to Islamise Europe. The European Union is 50-100 years away from the Eurabian Union. Eurabia is not just a political neologism, it has a flag already.

Johnny (and anyone else who might be interested), if you ever get a chance, check out this most excellent read by Victor Davis Hansen: Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power: Victor Hanson: Books
damn that looks super interesting. thanks for the suggestions. based on the short synapses look like something i could agree with. after all, which countries in the world are most militarily advanced.

Read Noam Chomsky's "Failed States"

Documents what lead to the downfall of the biggest civilizations in history and factors influencing their destruction. Then compares them to modern day countries.

pretty politcally nuetral and interesting
Man is nothing more than just mere Man ... and that's why the Word of God is always being misinterpeted.

damn that looks super interesting. thanks for the suggestions. based on the short synapses look like something i could agree with. after all, which countries in the world are most militarily advanced.

Read Noam Chomsky's "Failed States"

Documents what lead to the downfall of the biggest civilizations in history and factors influencing their destruction. Then compares them to modern day countries.

pretty politcally nuetral and interesting
VDH was rather viciously attacked overseas with the claims that he was actually supporting ethnocentric ideas. He took quite a bit of flack over it, yet, in my own estimation (and that of others more learned), his ideas and theories seem to hold more water than those of Jared Diamond (Guns, Germs, and Steel). Maybe there are other reasons why Hansen appeals more to me, I suppose that much could be true, but there is that historical ring of truth to the concepts.
VDH was rather viciously attacked overseas with the claims that he was actually supporting ethnocentric ideas. He took quite a bit of flack over it, yet, in my own estimation (and that of others more learned), his ideas and theories seem to hold more water than those of Jared Diamond (Guns, Germs, and Steel). Maybe there are other reasons why Hansen appeals more to me, I suppose that much could be true, but there is that historical ring of truth to the concepts.

you lost me there

i think your smarter than me:mrgreen:
This debate puts me in an interesting position. I am not Christian, Jew, or Muslim. Western civilization is not guiltless by any stretch of the imagination. But at some point, the West went from being the oppressor to being the liberator. It did not happen overnight and is not perfect.

Contrast that to the world under a Caliphate observing sharia law. All non-Muslims would be known as dhimmis, second class citizens. Forced to pay a tax for our non-belief. Can you honestly look at a woman in a burka and tell me you look forward to that kind of oppression in our society?

President & Mrs. Ahmadinejad, of Iran
Contrast that to the world under a Caliphate observing sharia law. All non-Muslims would be known as dhimmis, second class citizens. Forced to pay a tax for our non-belief. Can you honestly look at a woman in a burka and tell me you look forward to that kind of oppression in our society?

You neglect to mention that all non-muslims have the same rights as muslims in muslim shriah countries. The taxed they are "forced" to pay is in liue of a tax that muslims have to pay. Which in many cases ends up being less. the taxes muslims pay go to everything including religious related things. while the non-muslim tax only goes to infrastructure and related things.


see the similarity?


So you are okay with the whole dhimmitude thing?

Forced to pay a religious tax?

Your morals dictated by religious leaders?

No freedom of speech when it comes to criticizing Islam?

Apples & Oranges referring to the photos: Pic one is the rule, pic two is the exception.
So you are okay with the whole dhimmitude thing?

Forced to pay a religious tax?

Your morals dictated by religious leaders?

No freedom of speech when it comes to criticizing Islam?

Apples & Oranges referring to the photos: Pic one is the rule, pic two is the exception.

I pay a tax in America man. And im forced to pay it here, and if i dont, i goto jail. i dont think it gets more forced than that. In Iran, you have to pay a tax just like everyone else. I think you slightly misunderstand the tax. the whole point of having a seperate tax for non-muslims is so they dont have to pay towards religious things towards what they dont believe in.

And morals arent dictated by religious leaders. its simply just not true.

and think about this. you say muslims wearing the scarf is the rule. but if there was a muslims woman not wearing a scarf, how yould you know?


BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran's proud but discreet Jews

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Torn loyalties of Israel's Iranian Jews

interesting reads
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