Hy's veganic garden with induction and led


Well-Known Member
Mrs Mo is loving the smell of the LA Confidential! She says it smells like jelly beans :)

Where in CO would you go? Scott at Rare Dankness is building a gigantic grow warehouse and could use somebody of your ability.
Fort Collins maybe


Well-Known Member
Thoughts on living mulch / companion crops.

I uses red clover. They died off. As I chopped and trimmed. 4 of my plants seem to have much smaller buds than the rest.. 3 times the leaves. I attribute this to having too much nitrogen. I'm thinking on top of my nutes. I'm thinking the clover produces an over abundance of nitrogen when died off. I was more worried about nitrogen fixation by the live clover pulling nitrogen from the air. If you can keep the companion crop alive. It can be beneficial. If it dies, you will have more than enough nitrogen. I stopped using leaf mold as a mulch for the same reason.. I think I will go with wood chips for mulch in the future. On top of that. I had signs of phos def on lower leaves. I recently added more soft rock phosphate to the next batch. 0-3-0.

I'm definitely liking the coco / soil 50/50 mix. Plants are doing great. Under Ig I water every 4 -5 days so far. Once a week under led. Of course when they go into flower it will be more frequent. Which will be very soon.


Well-Known Member
Interesting! I noticed my compost pile sativa had plenty of N but was starving for P. I gave her one dose of Mad Farmer MOAB to fix her quickly. I need to find a nice compost-friendly source of P.

I have had great results on my citrus trees using the wood mulch/compost.

I wish you were here to see the early flowering plants. The LA Con is showing purples! Nights are still getting down to the 50s.


Well-Known Member
I guess it has to do with the clover storing its nitrogen in the root nodules...(not quite sure what they are called) so you have an abundance. Must also be feeding the Rhizobia too well huh... :)


Well-Known Member
I decided to go with a Blue Lupin (nitrogen fixer) Mustard (detoxifying) and grain mix (general organic matter) for a cover crop...just starting out really...

if they start to die off. pull them. If you can keep them alive til the end then go for it. Its hard to keep companion crops (short roots) alive in fabric and air pots.. The top layer dries out quickly. In plastic pots it should be easier.


Well-Known Member
bros homies, comrades, growers,

i get your concerns on the live/cover mulch
however, live/ cover mulch has nothing negative contributing to whatever problems you are experiencing. IMO any deficiencies are due to lack of compost or too much of something that isn't suppose to be there and of course the number one corporate, lack of cooking time. i think it would be extremely hard to over due it with any cover mulch, and especially even harder to over due it with live mulch. live/cover mulch improves soil, doesn't harm in no way. having said all that, im SURE there are exceptions, for example using pine needles as mulch or using some sort of weed that would suck the life out the soil/plant, lol. just dropping my two cent DAB out MIND


Well-Known Member
if they start to die off. pull them. If you can keep them alive til the end then go for it. Its hard to keep companion crops (short roots) alive in fabric and air pots.. The top layer dries out quickly. In plastic pots it should be easier.
I figured i need a supply of nitrogen (without really adding any) through flowering (debated by some probably) So i sowed the seeds as i go into 12/12, with mashed comfrey, worm gunk, and thin layer of coco over the top of them. I figure they go for 7-10 weeks...so that will get me through flowering before being dug in as i harvest.

In veg i dont need the nitrogen as they are getting enough from the new(ish) soil and liquid vermicompost and whatever else i choose to give them (not really a routine....just when i feel the need as in nature)

although i realise you veg for longer then me....

Yeah im a plastic user... :)


Well-Known Member
I have heard that Neem can boost N levels. I was stoked when I found out that most of the weeds in my garden were great sources of silica. Now I let them get big and then toss them in the mulch pile :)


Well-Known Member
I have heard that Neem can boost N levels. I was stoked when I found out that most of the weeds in my garden were great sources of silica. Now I let them get big and then toss them in the mulch pile :)
neem has all the npk and minerals. I use aloe for my source of silica. In foliar and teas.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that Neem can boost N levels. I was stoked when I found out that most of the weeds in my garden were great sources of silica. Now I let them get big and then toss them in the mulch pile :)
You have comfrey in your garden?


Well-Known Member
How do you even spell corporate instead of suspect??wow..........must be that fake OG raskal strain:0
BAHAHAHAHAHA....i'll still take you up on that offer...

no. I want to. I just don't have the space to grow it. I'm going to start a garden at my sisters growing beneficial crops in the back yard. But she lives 3 hours away. I have to make a weekend of it when I do start that garden
Where was i reading that it has be sterile Comfrey if planted/bought in the USA...is that right? or would you just go dig up some wild comfrey? I just de-head them when they come into flower...


Well-Known Member
Just pulled some ice wax crumble out the fridge. Been slow drying it for a few days.the cheese og melted more than the nlxog. either way iI'm fargin medicated o_O. still have the cbk/jd trim to run through. Decided to let that dry completely. cleaning mode in flower room now