14 plants and all looking good brother Hy! Can't wait to see the flip.
One of the Mojos is male?
Something to get your blood boiling. And don't be killin' the messenger now
. http://www.illumitex.com/photo-study-induction-vs-led/
How would that get my blood boiling? I don't see a difference at all between the seedlings in those pics. They don't state what induction they are using. I highly doubt its inda gro. Its a 1 sided study (nepotism). My a51 sgs 160 and my inda gro 420 (no pontoon) veg at the same rate. It would take at least 3 a51 panels to cover same area for veg as the inda gro covers. For flowering, I cant compare yet. I need a few more panels to do a true comparison.
How does nepotism come into this? I think you mean biased. It's just a dumb article that Illumi should be ashamed of anyway. Maybe some modern, cutting edge company is scared of Tesla's technology? There's some irony to that statement.
Nepotism is favoritism granted in politics or business to relatives.
Bias is an inclination of temperament or outlook to present or hold a partial perspective ...........
.... um the HOT kind?
What kind of heat does induction produce?