US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
just as i would not rely on jared taylor and american renaissance to make conclusions about race and crime, i would not trust an evangelical creationist to make any scientific conclusion whatsoever.
We think alike, just like I wouldn't trust you on those same topics either.


Well-Known Member
just as i would not rely on jared taylor and american renaissance to make conclusions about race and crime, i would not trust an evangelical creationist to make any scientific conclusion whatsoever.
Exactly, would you want someone who denies the Holocaust to be a history teacher?

If someone doesn't accept something as scientifically clear and obvious as something like the theory of evolution, they lack the necessary tools required to understand basic principles of science.

It's like someone trying to multiply who doesn't understand the concept of mathematics

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Exactly, would you want someone who denies the Holocaust to be a history teacher?

If someone doesn't accept something as scientifically clear and obvious as something like the theory of evolution, they lack the necessary tools required to understand basic principles of science.

It's like someone trying to multiply who doesn't understand the concept of mathematics
So the whale was originally a horse like creature that decided to live in the ocean and evolved into what we now consider the whale? Sounds legit to me.


Well-Known Member
So the whale was originally a horse like creature that decided to live in the ocean and evolved into what we now consider the whale? Sounds legit to me.
The whale's ancestors were land dwelling creatures, during the course of its evolution environmental factors, natural & sexual selection, mutations and lots of time changed it into what you see today

You ever wonder why whales and dolphins, both mammals, swim in a vertical motion as opposed to fish and sharks that swim in a horizontal motion?

It's because their spines evolved on land in creatures that ran on four legs

Whales even have remnants of hind legs that you can clearly see on an xray, why would they have these useless bones?

Why does the geological record line up perfectly with the theory of evolution? Simpler organisms farther down (older) and more complex ones closer to the surface (younger)?

The theory of evolution for the explanation of the diversity of life on Earth is about as close to proven as you can get in science, which is why when someone denies it, to anyone scientifically literate it's no different than a person in history class denying the Holocaust. You know that feeling you get about people who deny the Holocaust, right? That's the exact same feeling people who accept the theory of evolution get about people who don't


Well-Known Member
Who do you trust? Sebelius, Learner, Biden, GMO hand wavers, alternate fuel hucksters, moderate Sunni Jihad, Gun Liars, EPA henchmen, etc.


Well-Known Member sounds legit.

You need a broader education if "sounding legit" is necessary, How can anything sound legit in science? It is the opposite of common wisdom.

And it takes common sense, to explore science. A horse like creature?

No. More like a rat like creature. Not large on land and forced into the sea side for food. The sea rat was forced out from shore for protection from the land and forced to hold its breath for protection from the sky.

Whales didn't walk on land so why do they have land walking parts as mammals?.....only one reason that makes any sense for that.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member sounds legit.

You need a broader education if "sounding legit" is necessary, How can anything sound legit in science? It is the opposite of common wisdom.

And it takes common sense, to explore science. A horse like creature?

No. More like a rat like creature. Not large on land and forced into the sea side for food. The sea rat was forced out from shore for protection from the land and forced to hold its breath for protection from the sky.

Whales didn't walk on land so why do they have land walking parts as mammals?.....only one reason that makes any sense for that.
That's not how science works. You don't look at something and then make conclusions it makes sense. That's called divining, fortune telling, numerology and astrology, etc. Not science.

This biologist named Hunt found a skull and few other bones and made the leap the whale was this creature because it has similar ear structure.

Independent development is very much possible. Otherwise, is earth the only planet with life? The whale was once this land creature is just as legit sounding as life is so complex it must've had a creator.

Those like Padawan are evangelical scienticians.


Well-Known Member
The craziest thing about evolution is that along the path to human from whatever the ape like creature we came from, each generation looked just like the one it came from, and the one it gave life to. But over millions of years you get from ape like, to human like, to human. I wonder what comes next?


Well-Known Member
That's not how science works. You don't look at something and then make conclusions it makes sense. That's called divining, fortune telling, numerology and astrology, etc. Not science.

This biologist named Hunt found a skull and few other bones and made the leap the whale was this creature because it has similar ear structure.

Independent development is very much possible. Otherwise, is earth the only planet with life? The whale was once this land creature is just as legit sounding as life is so complex it must've had a creator.

Those like Padawan are evangelical scienticians.
How do you explain vestigial organs/limbs like leg bones in whales?

How do you explain feathered reptiles?

How do you explain why every known living organism on Earth is carbon based, suggesting a common ancestor for all of life?

How do you explain the four limbs and a head body configuration for all mammals, no exceptions?

How do you explain the genetic similarities shared between chimpanzees and humans, suggesting a closer common ancestor than say humans and reptiles?

How do you explain finding predicted animals at the exact locations they were predicted to have been based on the age of the geology around them? Ex. Tiktaalik

I could go on and on.. I bet you can't answer a single one of these questions. How would any of this make any sense at all if the theory of evolution was bullshit?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
How do you explain vestigial organs/limbs like leg bones in whales?

How do you explain feathered reptiles?

How do you explain why every known living organism on Earth is carbon based, suggesting a common ancestor for all of life?

How do you explain the four limbs and a head body configuration for all mammals, no exceptions?

How do you explain the genetic similarities shared between chimpanzees and humans, suggesting a closer common ancestor than say humans and reptiles?

How do you explain finding predicted animals at the exact locations they were predicted to have been based on the age of the geology around them? Ex. Tiktaalik

I could go on and on.. I bet you can't answer a single one of these questions. How would any of this make any sense at all if the theory of evolution was bullshit?
Vestigial organs don't exist.

The coccyx acts as a support structure for muscles to connect and a shock absorber for the spine.

The appendix is used as a storage warehouse for beneficial bacteria, and is released after the body flushes the body of all bacteria during a detox. But in our sanitary western world this rarely happens. It's not this magical shriveled caveman organ which once allowed us to eat more or whatever nonsensical bullshit.

As for your other nonsense questions. Because we have no definitive answer, trying to be scientific, is just as lame as saying "god did it."

Evolution only proves microevolution. But, the stretch from micro to macro as fact, is silly. Did some extraterrestrial modify life? What do all those virus code segments in our DNA do? There is evidence some viruses come from passing comets, so if viruses control changes, then evolution isn't a closed system and the viruses act like god. Maybe "god" did do it. You don't know, and neither do I. Whether or not one makes more sense is besides the point.


Well-Known Member
The craziest thing about evolution is that along the path to human from whatever the ape like creature we came from, each generation looked just like the one it came from, and the one it gave life to. But over millions of years you get from ape like, to human like, to human. I wonder what comes next?
Rabbit like?


Well-Known Member
Canna if you would just bone up (pun!) on the scientific approach used here, you could understand an actual theory in science has withstood the raging storm of other scientist try to prove you wrong. That is how science works.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Canna if you would just bone up (pun!) on the scientific approach used here, you could understand an actual theory in science has withstood the raging storm of other scientist try to prove you wrong. That is how science works.
That's where you're wrong.

Ether theory.

DNA causes hereditary expression.

Both those theories are wrong but looked good on paper at the time. There isn't any ether field, anymore than DNA is the reason hereditary expression happens. DNA is only part of the puzzle, other parts are activation enzymes and the epigenitic code. Lemarkian development and evolutionary traits both happen. Science is always trying to prove science wrong, otherwise science becomes religion.


Well-Known Member
No. You just proved the point.

All science is assailed, those "theories" and a long list of others were knocked down. That is how it works.

Evolution, AT PRESENT, has not a single, reasoned argument against it. No evidence exists that it can be anything else we are observing here.

But that is the difference between a science theory and any other use of the word.

Entirely theoretical, we commonly say, to mean it does not exist.

Science says that to say, as far as we know, currently, it very well may exist.

See how it even beaks the Lie 180 degrees rule, of Politics? It;s not even exactly opposite.

It says that, very simply, if you find something, that knocked Evolution on it's ear, many big brains will be willing to hand you, your head, over it.

If however, your...what?....say Alien DNA? Errata of Strata evidence? A virus experiment?
Whatever it is, if it can be reproduced, there are also a bunch of big brains that are intent on protecting your head,

You could be the father of the new idea of Alien De-evolution as the main driver via your discovery of a genetically modified virus, 150,000,000 year before humans. It could replace the Theory of Evolution as all those others were replaced.

There are experiments underway, right now to rule out all terrestrial DNA in prehistoric virus samples.

So far, they failed. So the Theory of Evolution is OK, but only until new Facts can stand up.
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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
No. You just proved the point.

All science is assailed, those "theories" and a long list of others were knocked down. That is how it works.

Evolution, AT PRESENT, has not a single, reasoned argument against it. No evidence exists that it can be anything else we are observing here.

But that is the difference between a science theory and any other use of the word.

Entirely theoretical, we commonly say, to mean it does not exist.

Science says that to say, as far as we know, currently, it very well may exist.

See how it even beaks the Lie 180 degrees rule, of Politics. It;s not even exactly opposite.

It says that very simply, if you find something, that knocked Evolution on it's ear, many big brains will be willing to hand you, your head, over it.

If however, your...what?....say Alien DNA? Errata of Strata evidence? A virus experiment?
Whatever it is, if it can be reproduced, there are also a bunch of big brains that are intent on protecting your head,

You could be the father of the new idea of Alien De-evolution as the main driver via your discovery of a genetically modified virus, 150,000,000 year before humans.

There are experiments underway, right now to rule out all terrestrial DNA in prehistoric virus samples.

So far, they failed. So the Theory of Evolution is OK, but only until new Facts can stand up.

They haven't failed so far. Government is scared of their agenda getting taken over. The same way the church acted along with government to give us the dark ages.

Stuff like this is hushed and not talked about.

A two-month rain storm in southern India may be the most compelling evidence yet that extraterrestrial lifeforms have visited Earth.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Well you see what I mean
Yes, the science of the day along with religion of the past are used in conjunction with each other to manipulate us so we think something which is only illusion is in fact reality. Science has always been used as something magical. It used to be magic hid science. Now we use science to hide magic.


Well-Known Member
The thing about evolution is that it has evolved. Evolution as Darwin first observed and published was changed, and has been changed many times. It will likely be changed again.

We know it's going on, but we don't fully understand it.

Oddly enough, the bible has a lot of the explanation of how it works.
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