I think a pipe would suit u better....and a pair off old bedroom slippers lol.,... gettin old m8 gettin old
u aint far off ya wanker unfortunately lolol
u had any good sessions of that harvest then? is ya mate still on the darknet?
I love my digi man the flavs from tea grown psycho are so nice , the vape pens r good for stopping the horrors rather than getting high if u smoke daily, I got thru a wedding service vaping exo on me pen following dons advice
i wouldnt bother buying a vap unless its a volcano digi tbh zedd, ive just read too many good reviews on them over the yrs and too many bad ones on other vaps, plus ive actually tried a volcano n fucking loved it as you know lol
i had been a hater for ages but they really are imo the way to smoke, shitloads more healthy, loads better taste, and the said buzz of whatever weed your vaping is much truer well imo anyway.