The UK Growers Thread!

so the mrs has spied the bags and says.....2 of these arnt to any sellable weight, ones 2.3 oz and the other is 3.7, so lets vape all the excess and crack the Bacardi.......oh yeah I love this woman
zedd/indi watever the fuk mate(figure of speech) u need to chill u really do up on your lil soapbox u think wer all divs u really do PM? dont talk shit, ur one of those like dangling a carot type dudes, u know then pull it away, well fuk u coz u couldave run the little game of yours to the end and i still would have said i wouldnt want em, u know just before u said fuk u, same as you would have to to shawny,

u been here like not long and ur talking the bobby big bollox, ur not mate, just coz u do dealings with rambo and welsh and whoever else? UR NO BETTER OR BIGGER THAN ANY OF US CUNTS, just rememeber every dog has its day...................or not.

the way it seems is your trying to turn this thread into US and YOU, you know bullshit, wasent like that before u frequented we all shared the love and would NEVER NEVER say to a dude who aint a noob ohh cant sell u none go see sum1 who does it cheeper? like wat the fuk planet u on? fact is the ONLY people who says you shits any good is your pals? and you.

the fact is 99% of the cats on here including the noobs like lemon and relax (lol) are more staunch than you, u think we all dont see you and yours trying to intimidate folks by making out ur a big im ard bruce lee? and talking down to cats like u do?

oh nooooo does that mean coz before i lost all your respect HAHAFUKINGHA u now hate me? really? wow hopefully u may shut the fuk up then eh/?

that is all.
zedd/indi watever the fuk mate(figure of speech) u need to chill u really do up on your lil soapbox u think wer all divs u really do PM? dont talk shit, ur one of those like dangling a carot type dudes, u know then pull it away, well fuk u coz u couldave run the little game of yours to the end and i still would have said i wouldnt want em, u know just before u said fuk u, same as you would have to to shawny,

u been here like not long and ur talking the bobby big bollox, ur not mate, just coz u do dealings with rambo and welsh and whoever else? UR NO BETTER OR BIGGER THAN ANY OF US CUNTS, just rememeber every dog has its day...................or not.

the way it seems is your trying to turn this thread into US and YOU, you know bullshit, wasent like that before u frequented we all shared the love and would NEVER NEVER say to a dude who aint a noob ohh cant sell u none go see sum1 who does it cheeper? like wat the fuk planet u on? fact is the ONLY people who says you shits any good is your pals? and you.

the fact is 99% of the cats on here including the noobs like lemon and relax (lol) are more staunch than you, u think we all dont see you and yours trying to intimidate folks by making out ur a big im ard bruce lee? and talking down to cats like u do?

oh nooooo does that mean coz before i lost all your respect HAHAFUKINGHA u now hate me? really? wow hopefully u may shut the fuk up then eh/?

that is all.
PMT mate?
what street cred, hows u man what ya smoking and how much ya payin for it or have u cropped and smoking yer home grown lmao

hahaha in just glad the sites back 7 days without my internet buddies was driving me nuts loool...

im smoking what was sold to me as lems however i belive it to be psychosis.

not long till crop.....dons cherry fingers are smashing it, fan leafs as big as my hand covered in resin....its almost like theyve been dipped in gliter......

no signs off purp on either or pink, very very greasy dirty stank smell....

on of cherries and haze the other honestly smells like love heart sweets....cant pinpoint a particular flave just kidsbsweets!!
PMT mate?
see how patronising and in love for oneself can u be>? lol im not the only dude with this viewpoint on you. we allknow the script...

so sit ther laghing at your pc screen. fact is with all your money (apparatnly) and all your plants(witch u wouldnt even have without here) you still sit here day after day talking the bobby big bollox to a group of lads that dont know u and dont wish to know u and most of us just have a laugh at your holier than thou attitude but watever man crack on.

i think u just like reading your own bullshit?no?

LOL course your drinking bergundy and vaping lol man see your like a cliche
Fucking love it! I can finally smoke joints again seeing as I use the vape poop in place of tobacco....I do still like ripping a. Bong a few times a day.
see how patronising and in love for oneself can u be>? lol im not the only dude with this viewpoint on you. we allknow the script...

so sit ther laghing at your pc screen. fact is with all your money (apparatnly) and all your plants(witch u wouldnt even have without here) you still sit here day after day talking the bobby big bollox to a group of lads that dont know u and dont wish to know u and most of us just have a laugh at your holier than thou attitude but watever man crack on.

i think u just like reading your own bullshit?no?

LOL course your drinking bergundy and vaping lol man see your like a cliche
u been drinking mate? I love a good pissed up rant meself, loving the warm feeling u givin me
Fucking love it! I can finally smoke joints again seeing as I use the vape poop in place of tobacco....I do still like ripping a. Bong a few times a day.
yeah its nice to ice bong and smoke joints, I do find my habit got worse with the vape cos its so easy to keep doing it
im very tempted to get a vap n one of them leccy cigs, death is but a year closer lololol
I love my digi man the flavs from tea grown psycho are so nice , the vape pens r good for stopping the horrors rather than getting high if u smoke daily, I got thru a wedding service vaping exo on me pen following dons advice