My First Grow and Journal


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking killer OB. So I heard you got a hermie? Any idea if it was an intersexed plant or was it a true hermie?



Well-Known Member
ah its been a moment Ive come here but man good jump on removing the sacs cause thats exactly what I would have advised. but hey dont be down my first grow I got a herm and it ended up being some of the best smoke I had. seriously

Bit of advise since you said your debating on keeping certain plants longer buy a 30x - 60x magnifly glass (jewelers loupe) best investment in knowing the exact moment when to finally harvest. check out ebay their like 10 bucks

keep up the good work for sure man


Well-Known Member
Yea or you can pick up several different ones at Radio Shack if you got one in your town. Most expensive one was like 12 bucks I think.


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Whats the difference between an intersexed plant and a hermie, I had some good photo's- luckly havent seen any bananas lately.

Whatever it was it was nasty and annoying. Soo glad its nearly over now.

Thanks all for posting, specially the new people. Crackbaby and others, I hope ya stick around. Its only getting better.

Thanks for all the advise and knowledge


Well-Known Member
Whats the difference between an intersexed plant and a hermie, I had some good photo's- luckly havent seen any bananas lately.

Whatever it was it was nasty and annoying. Soo glad its nearly over now.

Thanks all for posting, specially the new people. Crackbaby and others, I hope ya stick around. Its only getting better.

Thanks for all the advise and knowledge
An intersexed plant is always going to be a male/female from seed - it's genetics. Hermies usually come about from some type of stress - they start out female, then grow male sacks so that they can continue on. Mine was an intersexed plant, first I noticed the male preflowers, then came along the pistils.

You won't see the bananas until the pollen sacks have already opened.


satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Hey OB,looking great man!!!Keep up the good fight....Quick question,did you decide to flush or not?...Reason I ask,I am using a heavy soil too,and I decided to go for it...its been a week now,and what a growth closest to harvest(see avatar)the buds have grown an inch taller...I can actually see stem again at the top...and I am praying for it to fill in again in the next 2 you heard of this before?

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
plants are looking good OB, hope the bannannannannas have not given you to many seeds, but a few seeds knocking about is not a bad thing (you will always have something to grow). P.s love the pics

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
So far no signs of seed at all. But I will expect at least a couple- you say if they are banana like they have opened... I didnt know that- and they didnt look like they had opened- i have seen pictures of open hermies... are you saying they already pollenated em, cuz i am hoping i got em on time...

What are these developing seeds to look like in there very early stages. I do have a very good magnifying lens passed on from a friend- its weird shaped and folds out to make a square with a round hole through it and powerful lens. I can see the crystals pretty good.

I am really hoping to get a macro lens, they looked pretty cheap on ebay. and would do the trick... Hatch inspired me for that, if DB has looked through your journal- he has probably used up a tube of lube... Hatch takes some of the most serious bud porn i've seen.

*off topic- but is anyone doing anything cool or unique this weekend?
I myself have been doing nothing but working and smoking this entire summer which has been enjoyable for the most part- but lame compared to my usual camping trips and time with old friends. Well this weekend I am going to a sweet music festival I have attended once some years back with a buddy of mine. I am looking forward to a great adventure- of the mind and stone. I think doing the whole camping, music, alcohol, camp fire thing should really be done at a minimum once per summer.

Hope everyone has a good time no matter what their doing, and certainly enjoy the stone. I am certain most of you are smoking better bud than I am, and may be for quite some time.

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Well-Known Member
Yea, that's what mine looked like. I think right before they are about to open they will look like bananas, then they will bust open and spread their juice. You will know if they have pollinated because they will look torn apart and you will see pollen everywhere.



Well-Known Member
just make sure that plant your keeping an eye on isnt in front of the fan cause that will spread to other plants if there is pollen laying around on the plant.

And to tell if it seeded I uploaded a pic from my last grow. If you look towards the right hand side almost middle of the pics you see a pod developing well that is where the seed is just starting to develop It took a few weeks for me to notice that but thats how they start
And the pre pods aka the area that just got pollenated you'll see something like that but with like 2 or so hairs that turned amber while the rest are white still (i know yours are already turning so that will be hard to noticed)



Well-Known Member
Don't worry man the bud your growing will be better than the bag it came from. It always has been for me, well really all one can find around here is shit weed.

Have fun at the festival.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry man the bud your growing will be better than the bag it came from. It always has been for me, well really all one can find around here is shit weed.

Have fun at the festival.
Mc loven you fucken rock dude! Get that booze to the party yet?

+ rep for the name!



Well-Known Member
Rep back at you GrnMan for scaring the hell out of me with that avatar.:joint:
Yea, it's my old one. People use to tell me the same thing you just said, so I decided to revert back. I like to keep it fresh ya know? Oh yea, I repped you, so don't be one of those peeps that says they rep, then don't! ;) j/k



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Man miss a couple days around here and ya got war and peace to read to keep up on favorite journals!!! We are neck and neck coming down to the finish line ob!!! I think im about a week away from starting to flush, probably 2-3 weeks from harvest!!! Glad ya got the hermie problem under hand!! plants are looking nice bro!

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Starting Apple juice and molasses only tomorrow.

Last three weeks will be this mixture- trying to flush out impurities and leave that sweet smell.

Soil is to dense to do a real flush- so i am just hoping three weeks with only these mild solutions will be enough to get all the bad tastes out- I am sure it will.

Hope all is well

and i should take the time to thank Jinmaster for the rep- and most importantly for stopping by. Stick around- I am hoping its gonna be better. And the rest of these guys on here are the shit- so if you stick around- maybe just maybe you will be cool. Kidding- but we are the cool table at school.

And to the rest of this big educational classroom lunch forum of growing educations thank you for being so wise.
Grnman- for the hermie help and being on here since day once-
B.THC for his R+D and his mad science skills lol
Hothouse for lots of advice and instant response.
Mclovin for his frequent discussion and advice.
GotBeat for having ridiculous amounts of plants and a sweet set up.
Kulan for being here since day one first post
and thegigglepimp where ever he is at this time- for being at nearly the same time along as i am and having some sweet as strawberry.

You guys keep this forum growing. And have all been here since the first days- its really cool. I appreciate your time and what not- I believe I visit all of your journals as well and throughly enjoy them. Not as throughly as B.THC ;).

You guys rock, wish I could pass you the glass blunt I'm smoking.
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