My First Grow and Journal

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
Wow Ob you are doing well glad you got the temp down.
plants are looking nice, What you going to do with the hermies?

hope you are having fun.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Yes, hermies produce seed... They are not balls but male pollen sacks that emerge from female flowers, they look like bananas. And when they open the pollen spreads to the other plants and produces seed. From what i have heard it is feminized seed as well... But it fucks your whole crop up like a disease making your sinsimiella chronic turn to seedy ditch in no time.

I clipped each of these male sacks of at their stem, carefully removed them. I am pruning through the plants several times a day to cut more out of em. A few have popped up recently, but its all gone for the most part.

Hoping they grow out of this phase? is that possible...
should I havest these early... it would be kind of ridiculous 5 weeks... i dont want to.

Hope this works.

Thanks for stopping by all, havent seen some of you in a while, i was hoping the porn would draw you out ;). Stay tuned, the other 4 are really showing off now that the other 2 have lost their appeal, its as if they are trying to get my attention. Rapid growth, rewarding and exciting- the best part of growing minus the hermies.


Well-Known Member
grnman tried to clip the sacks with disappointing results.. I killed the herme that showed up in my grow.. didnt want to take any chances

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
really... thats frightening news, i must consider whether to do it... their hairs are beginning to amber i could prly get like 6 grams off of it at least. i would rather wait- its only week 5 and these two have been the stars from the beginning.

I think i can save them... but i may chop em... still supposed to have 4 weeks to go...


Well-Known Member
I would get more experienced opinions than mine. but I was so freaked about the possibility of seedy weak shit that I yanked my one herme.


Well-Known Member
Man thats sucks about the hermies. I've had a few run ins with the dreaded hermie, it never turned out good. If your only growing bag seed fuck man grow it out. Keep an eye one them & remove any pods you find, you'll miss a few but you're weed want be full of seeds just a bud here & there. I had 2 hermies my last grow, only I didn't notice one of them until the end of the grow, talk about some seedy shit but I got about 2 1/2 oz off her.

To all the Americans happy independence day.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Be CAREFUL with the hermies mate, they fucked up my last grow. 14 weeks of flowering and all I had was a shit-load of bad tasting bud.

And trust me, the seeds are no good, unless they hermied due to enviro stress and not bad genes. Would you chance your whole next grow on that?
Having said that, if you are a hash man you can always go down that road:mrgreen:

Good luck OB!

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Just looking in, thought I'd say hi.

PS, You've been wearing that gown for a month now, I hope you have washed it. lol :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Greenie Heard Hermies.... Lol~ Sorry To Hear It Ob1' But All Is Not Lost. Want To Be A Breeder.??? Db.~tlb! :)

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
An update is much needed as I have been hunting hermies for some days now and have been incredibly busy with such a tedius and seemingly nominal task. But it appears it has worked and my hermies are slowly producing less and less bananas, as i call em.

So far it does not look like they have spread and I hope to god they do not produce seed, I am expecting to get one or two seeds- think it would be nearly impossible to have removed the nearly 100 plus banana hermie heads and not have leaked any pollen- but i gave it my best effort. One or two seeds wont destroy me, but plants full of seed because I just didnt slash these two hermies will have me in tears. Lets hope that doesnt happen, I have no intent to be a breader at this time- would be a dream retirement job though! At this point the less seeds the better, unless there coming in the mail, which I need to do very soon.

Clones are doing ok, well 2 of them are, pretty sure quite a few are dead at this point, and I am pretty sure I may have to resort to cutting clones of my second mother to ensure I get the full 6 clones I am hoping to veg.

The Bagseed Girls Just hit their 6 week mark, which means they got another injection of bloom terra- thats their 3rd shot of it, every 2 weeks. Do to some plants having purple stems I up'd the doseage for some of the plants- seems they need more food. And I have yet to have any serious burn so they should be fine with a stronger dose.

I am starting to get very excited as they are definitly forming out and filling in. How much more should I be expecting in this last 3 weeks of growth? I am hoping I hit the ounce per plant mark, at a minimum, I think its safe to say a couple of my plants will provide that, based on how they look now, but for a couple other plants it seems they have a while to go.

When you look at the pics, notice how Fran and Pat look like they are behind schedule compared to the others, they are certainly slower developing Sativa's and I am debating whether I should leave them for 10 to 12 weeks insted of the 9 I planned for all plants. The other 4 should be ready by week 9 for sure, but those two are tall skymonsters. Only problem with prolonging their harvest- is I want to have the clones vegging in the MH bulb that runs of my HPS ballast- and right now that ballast is being used to flower the Bagseed Girls. So hopefully by the time I get around to that I already have the other 400 watt Hps ballast I am ordering. That way each room, veg and flower, has an HID with CFL and FL side lighting.

Temperatures have averaged around 76F and have not gone over 86F. Seem to have corrected that fan with the bathroom extractor fan.

Now for the Porn, its getting better and better, both the buds, and my bud porn skill. I used a double flash for these- one on a remote sensor that creates a perfect fill light, so the colors your seeing are about as true as my camera can achieve. It also makes those crystals sparkle. I also moved them out of the room into the darkness to snap more quality photo's for ya. Hope ya enjoy the porn, dont hesitate to critique it, trying to become a master pornsmith takes advice along the way.

But here it is:

First two are the always thirsty Andrea

Second two are the Skymonster Satvia Fran, first one's a full body, second is a close up

Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh, are Heidi- one full body, two upclose

Eigth, Ninth, and Tenth, are the recovering hermie's upclose photo's of Helga

Eleventh, Twelveth, and Thirteenth are recovering hermie Holly's upclose photo's

And Fourteen through Seventeen are Pat, another one of the tall sativa's. Pat has an incredible amount of dense side branching. The first pic of Pat shows her full body, the second shows her developing cola way up in the air, and the third shows her fur's not quite hairs- still white, and the Final pic is one of her side branches Cola, and it looks nearly as good as the top one. Pat has promise.

I am holding in there, dont think these hermies are gonna cripple my crop- or even the plants they infested!

I have been swamped at work- put in 60 hours! So I have got a lot of your journals to catch up on, I am off to do that- look forward to seeing whats happening, as always- you guys, and occasional girls- make this site the best community on the net! Thanks again!

Any comments- you know I love to hear em.


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Nice pics OB. Are they stinking the place up yet?
I got some bud last night (man I can't wait to not have to pay for it, or scrimp with it either). anyway this bud was still a bit fresh bit it stinks to high heaven. So now I'm waiting for it to dry (about a day or 2 hopefully). What a wind up!! I have had a smoke from it though, man I hope mine is this strong. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!.......They Are Looking & Getting Dank, You Have Done A Great Job With Them!!!!Congrate's, & Happy Smoke'n!!!!!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::joint::hump::roll::peace:

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Forgot I was gonna post this in my thread to make it bigger.

OB is holding a yoda shaped bong and passing it with yoda. Both are dead at this point in the movie so they are in ghost form, but it looks like they are in smoke form, one of my favorite pics so far.

Is it bad that i am such a nerd i play with microsoft paint to edit ob cron avatars lol- its actually a lot of fun, i have like 3 more that havent been seen yet!

Like to keep it fresh

New one to come within the week.


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
That bong looks wicked OB,
I got the superthrive today. My dog got hold of it and ripped the envelope and bit into the bottle. Little shit he is, he's got a lovely coat now and I swear his tail has grown. Haha.
No seriously, I put it in the water (fed/watered them today) and later, Dog (plant) was looking really droopy so I misted him (inc superthrive) and just now I looked and he's perked right up now. I was going to take a picture before too, but I thought "no it won't make that much difference0" proved me wrong.:oops:
They're all looking fine tonight, going into dark tomorrow night.