SpicySativa's Organic Garden

When I was a kid we had a show called Dusty's Treehouse that had tours of factories to show you how thins were made. Now they have the show "How it's Made" that does the same thing.

Frenchy and TC are out every weekend looking for new gardens to tour. Have you seen their latest video?
I haven't seen the latest, but I do watch the Weed Nerd shows from time to time. I'm way behind... No way I'll catch up, so I just put a random one on the tube now and then.
Same here. TC produces some great vids and the latest has a live version of Mendo Dope's "Weed Nerd" song.
Well, I just swapped out the metal halides for two fresh Digilux HPS and reset the timer. I also started up an alfalfa tea brew.

It's go time!!!

I predict two of the 6 are gonna stretch massively. It's gonna be interesting...
Quick update, cause I left my Lagunitas down in the basement and it's getting warm... Here's a pic I took using my iPhone and my Lummi glasses.

They are happy. I'm happy. Life's good.


By the way... All you HPS users should pick up a pair of these Lummi glasses (unless you already sprung for some Methods). They aren't as stylish as the Methods, but they work great to protect your eyes and show you true colors under the orange glow of the HPS. And they are really cheap...
By the way... All you HPS users should pick up a pair of these Lummi glasses (unless you already sprung for some Methods). They aren't as stylish as the Methods, but they work great to protect your eyes and show you true colors under the orange glow of the HPS. And they are really cheap...

I seen a thread the otherday where someone had pressed his cam into the lense of his glasses and shot beautiful bud pics even with the hps on.
Dual purpose safety gargles.

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Well, my iPhone gets confused under strong lights and doesn't take beautiful pics... But the Lummi glasses do correct the color quite well. Thing is, I can't fit the big lense of my Canon into the glasses... Oh well. Once things start getting interesting I'll take them out of the cab for some photos.
Ahh... It's good to be back!

It's Day 14 in the garden and things are looking great. Stretch was pretty standard on 4/6 (about doubled) and explosive on 2/6 (about tripled). This evening I'll give them all a little understory trim and tie them down to even out the canopy. I'll also start up a tea brew, which I'll give them tomorrow. Pics later this evening when the lights come on.


I also put in an Attitude order for next round. :)

I ordered a 10-pack of Gage Green Daybreaker and a 5-pack of TGA Querkle.

Freebies included Sensi Seeds Jack Herer (score!!!), plus a handful of other random genes...
Jack Herer freebies are a great score. Those are some of the most expensive beans out there. And all the Gage gear looks great too. Many buds of dank await you!