your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

Patients should have equal access to medication regardless of when they were prescribed. They should have put the mmpr on hold and allowed all patients to reapply if they wanted to. All that's going to happen now is LPS are going to put even less effort in to supplying quality medication with a consistent supply. It could all be gone after the trial so why bother sinking more money into a potentially failed business than they have to. I'm sure they will just do the bare minimum to maintain and wait to see the outcome.
You hit the nail on the head symtum.. This is about human rights class or the date you were diagnosed etc the injunction should hold true for everyone who uses cannabis as a medicine whether that be spiritually, physically, mentally etc it does not matter you at the end of the day are human and intitled to human rights. Please everyone join in the fight for cannabis freedom... Peace grow strong
Quality sells.
Bunk doesn't.
It will be a fight to see who has the best, corner the market and to sell at what ever price they see fit. Cause you can eh .
Someone will open up a review CANNAMEDS.COM and word of mouth and the WWW will shut down most Bunk Meds. :)
Don't kid yourself into thinking 40000 people matter. They're chump change by comparison.
The money and people who can pay are there and waiting to order.
Mark my words.
The Alcohol and cigarette company's are going to have a bird over this. Specially when they see less sales, less addicts and less TAX dollars for the ones who love them the most... :)

If that doesn't make you smile then nothing will. lol
That is sooooooo true...I know we are just a tiny drop in a huge ocean that is the market. Lol I must be thirsty today all these comparisons to water... But this is why we need to use the human rights angle so that everyone can associate themselves with us the patients...then we can move forward to receeational use and end this ignorance we call prohibition.. Peace grow strong
That is sooooooo true...I know we are just a tiny drop in a huge ocean that is the market. Lol I must be thirsty today all these comparisons to water... But this is why we need to use the human rights angle so that everyone can associate themselves with us the patients...then we can move forward to receeational use and end this ignorance we call prohibition.. Peace grow strong

except unfortunately the dr's are even less with the "new system" than the old system.. not good for any one except the people who want mj people to suffer...

and you know who that is…yep…at the top
Lol Gb!

That right..fight for your rights ppl..dont let the gov take them away.

LPS are in the same boat us patients have been in for the last year..funny how tables turn..The Judge said the mmpr in unconstitutional already in his judgment..the mmpr will not fly..or even get off the ground..if they allow lps under current mmar and give patients an option,thats what it will come down to who has the most money to produce the best meds for the lowest possible cost with the very best strains.

I have been consulting some lps already..looking for product..most ive talked to think its vest to allow patients to go there own.

Right now the only way to make money being an lp is import export.
This whole system is complete garbage based on lies and deceit to corporatize cannabis, simple as that. It has nothing to do with "medicine" or "human rights" or "care" or "compassion", it's all about profit and control. Honestly in 9-12 months I see the MMPR and MMAR both being replaced by a whole new system, ordered by the courts, that will need to address a number of issues before it will be implemented. That's if we don't have out right legalization on the table by then.
Right joy.... That's exactly it.... If we want people, even anti canabis people to help legalize it. We have to get them to picture there human rights being violated as ours are......Then they will side with us and we will have the upper hand... And what a thunder storm of joints that would be lol !!!Legal cannabis for everyone... Peace grow strong
So what is there, 10 or 12 LPs operating today. I'm not sure but hope someone may know exactly.
I'm wondering how their going to stay in business with folks who were able to grow most likely are still gonna do so. Doesn't that basically nullify their sales. Plus if the inventory gets to old from lack of sales won't that be $'s down the tube. I find if bud gets too old it just isn't as nice or appealing. I would think patients (paying those insane prices) would want fresher less aged meds. Anyone ?? on that point.
I would also think there must be a few LP's backing out and saving whatever is left of their ship. Spending more on a failed business isn't smart.

What do you folks think the future is for LP's

I think it's criminal to make new folks join the new system only. How unfair is that? Some pay less while other pay more?
Maybe those who are caught in the middle ,between programs...should be putting the squeeze Lp's that are selling...
emails only cost your time ...really....
I realize you should not have to do get your med....nothing...BUT

If you are in Limbo by the program....try and use this to your contacting...all of the suppliers...and ask for quotes
pit one against the other....and go for the absolute lowest pricing available...maybe buy in groups as someone suggested another thread... maybe start pricing comparison threads...
to make it well known to the community who is selling for what....
If you can get the Lp's to their lowest common denominator....right now....then...if your stuck ...then your not getting ripped off..(edit so badly)

..if your buying as a coalition or something
we should maybe be outsourcing a bulk contract by over sea's MJ MJ friendly Jamaica /south America...
Technically there is only like 3 LPs actually operating at full capacity right now. Most those licensed currently won't have product available until summer/fall. I imagine lots of these LPs have a rather large nest egg to fall back on in case something like this was to happen. That being said I don't think the majority of the LPs got into this for the 40,000 current patients, they are looking forward to the expected 500,000+ in x amount of years. They will also be able to access the much larger import/export market through the MMPR. I agree though it is criminal to force new patients into a shitty program.
Totally right hippy and if we all stand up for our rights new patient/old patient/ recreational etc we will beat this unfair, unjust, profit orientated and ignerance they are triing to force us into called the MMPR!!!! Peace grow strong
The majority of them and their plans become quite transparent ,when you look at.... ,when and how they are entering the market place....
I do not see the LP's system disappearing any time soon....
just their capacity to supply patients..will be in question....and if they are not needed to supply at least some patients...then...maybe their existence would be called into question.
I think they they can have a role in medicinal MJ especially to new patients...with out any connections..
They then could play a vital the patients supply chain...
New patients (especially Cancer or epilepsy/HIV patients...) where a time frame is involved, need to be able to purchase turn key packages of plants to finished product..
and any portion of that process that they would like...(with no fear and no delay)
under that cloak....the program participant's(lp's) could earn their wings to the profitable recreational market.
But they should have to cut their teeth....on supplying patients...with what ever they need...and as cheaply as humanly possible.
The days of investing a bunch of money in health care business and expecting ,to be able to turn as huge as profits and your new business will bear based on need and demand...
are OVER money people.....we do not care to feed your greed any longer with our health care dollars....PERIOD.
See we have found a way to do that by Planting a seed in the ground and reaping the health benefit from it....

and for so many other ailments, there are other plants to do the same kind of things.
You are right dan... Politicians and media would never listen to us because they might actually learn something..... Love the point of view and so true.. Peace grow strong my friend
Patients should be supplying patients..whats wrong with that? Money and profit and a way for the gov to get their cut..its a ppls industry and it should stay that way..bc thats the way it will be when they have to more options left..our gov just gave us permission to sell to lps and for lps to import and export right? lol no thanks!! I dont want the dea after me!! lol its still a federal offense even in the legal states in the us..
It is easily an essential nutrient...when you consider all of its medicinal properties..whether used as food or as a nutritional supplement or as a medicine...or as a textile, or as a compound.or as a party-able ..It is most definitely
a versatile plant....
I have seen Dr Courtney."s few times....and he is right Its a very complex industry...
Dietary Cannabis...5mg per thats the dose....

This is real medicine...for real people....
Meds that prevent disease....and help before you get the disease...
anti-spasmodic's - anti -oxidant and anti- diabetic anti-aschemic
neuro protectants