Exactly how have we been convinced


Well-Known Member
The part about you I don't get is why are you even debating anything here? I've yet to even read a single post of yours that makes any kind of intelligent point whatsoever... I'm thinking you might get more satisfaction with like minds on some Nazi/right wing butt sniffing forum
Harrekin used to argue the liberal side of the debate. Pretty strongly, too. So either he has "seen the light", or he just likes to argue. I kind of admire that, either way.


Well-Known Member
I'm calling your bullshit bullshit.....
if I explained the other aspects of my tax situation then I'd be telling to much about myself on a cannabis forum...
but fuck it: lets say its 25% if that makes it more believable....I'm thinking anything about 20% makes my point regardless
I don't care if you're worth a billion or living off your wife or whatever...

It's the content of your posts that matter to me.

Are you saying that no one should be taxed above 20% of their total income?


Well-Known Member
Harrekin used to argue the liberal side of the debate. Pretty strongly, too. So either he has "seen the light", or he just likes to argue. I kind of admire that, either way.
I argue the side of the debate that makes logical sense and treats people as individuals, yet equally.

Sometimes it means I'm on your side, sometimes the other.

Truthfully though, I'm on everyones side.


Well-Known Member
The part about you I don't get is why are you even debating anything here? I've yet to even read a single post of yours that makes any kind of intelligent point whatsoever...

I'm thinking you might get more satisfaction with like minds on some Nazi/right wing butt sniffing forum
The irony of this post is delicious.

Keep feeding, I know you've got a whole repertoire of retardness in that otherwise empty dome of yours.


Active Member
I don't care if you're worth a billion or living off your wife or whatever...

It's the content of your posts that matter to me.

Are you saying that no one should be taxed above 20% of their total income?
Actually I'm more of a flat tax advocate providing all the kinks and nuts and bolts are worked out (if thats even possible)

I also don't buy into the liberal idea that wealth is evil and we need to take $$ from the rich and give to the poor...

I would like to see less monetary influence in government, fairer tax laws, closing obvious tax loop holes and less entitlements....
hell if Ron Paul didn't have so many kooky & racist ties, I buy 70% of the shit he says


Well-Known Member
I argue the side of the debate that makes logical sense and treats people as individuals, yet equally. Sometimes it means I'm on your side, sometimes the other. Truthfully though, I'm on everyones side.
Just because I threw you a bone is no reason to get a big head about it.


Well-Known Member
Someday you too will lose a loved one. I wouldn't mock their death. I am a much better man than you.


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm more of a flat tax advocate providing all the kinks and nuts and bolts are worked out (if thats even possible)

I also don't buy into the liberal idea that wealth is evil and we need to take $$ from the rich and give to the poor...

I would like to see less monetary influence in government, fairer tax laws, closing obvious tax loop holes and less entitlements....
hell if Ron Paul didn't have so many kooky & racist ties, I buy 70% of the shit he says
I'm a big fan of the FairTax, but I'm not a big fan of the flat tax. Although I think everyone should pay something in terms of income tax, even if it's just 1% for folks making under a certain amount, I think folks who earn higher income should also pay a higher rate. I also think we should look into reestablishing top marginal rates of 90% or better like we used to have for incomes over 20 million dollars annually or something. That is effectively a top marginal rate and would be the only one, if I had control, that had any deductions, credits, exclusions or any thing besides a percentage.

Basically, I'm in favor of drastically simplifying the tax code. Eliminate all deductions, credits and the like, and have it simply an income number and a percentage.

Doing the research I have into our tax system, Americans spend billions upon billions of dollars every year, and countless hours they can never get back, just trying to figure out what they owe.

On top of all that, those same laws that make it so complicated, also provide numerous loopholes for the wealthy to exploit.

We could do a lot just but cutting the fat.

For someone who vocally espouses favor for the Democrats, you sure sound like a Republican.


Active Member
I'm a big fan of the FairTax, but I'm not a big fan of the flat tax. Although I think everyone should pay something in terms of income tax, even if it's just 1% for folks making under a certain amount, I think folks who earn higher income should also pay a higher rate. I also think we should look into reestablishing top marginal rates of 90% or better like we used to have for incomes over 20 million dollars annually or something. That is effectively a top marginal rate and would be the only one, if I had control, that had any deductions, credits, exclusions or any thing besides a percentage.

Basically, I'm in favor of drastically simplifying the tax code. Eliminate all deductions, credits and the like, and have it simply an income number and a percentage.

Doing the research I have into our tax system, Americans spend billions upon billions of dollars every year, and countless hours they can never get back, just trying to figure out what they owe.

On top of all that, those same laws that make it so complicated, also provide numerous loopholes for the wealthy to exploit.

We could do a lot just but cutting the fat.

For someone who vocally espouses favor for the Democrats, you sure sound like a Republican.
I am not all that opposed to anything you said....

I might be more conservative than liberal but I still see through the hand job mind fuck EIB and Fox do the the scared white masses , esp when it comes to race and environmental issues (its almost as bad as the pie in the sky promises delivered by "Activist")


Well-Known Member
I am not all that opposed to anything you said....

I might be more conservative than liberal but I still see through the hand job mind fuck EIB and Fox do the the scared white masses , esp when it comes to race and environmental issues (its almost as bad as the pie in the sky promises delivered by "Activist")
I don't get the hatred for fox news. I don't watch a lot of it, but what I have seems decent enough. I have not listed to Rush in years, but what I remember was an intelligent person who can usually make a point, back it up, and defend it.

So, although your ideas are more inline with republicans, you vote and support democrats because you think some republicans are racist and they don't like tree hugging?

Well, with respect to the environment and race relations.

We could elect the leader of the kkk to the presidency and race relations would need not suffer. It isn't as if the president, if he wanted, could start enslaving black folks again or something.

So a few racists in the closet isn't going to hurt anything. That's what the constitution is for.

As for environmental issues, I think it is to late to do anything about global warming. We've passed the point, or so I've heard, where we can prevent oceans rising.

But there is the issue of general pollution. I don't think it is fair to say republicans are in favor of it. No one wants to dump chemicals in the river and set lake Erie on fire again.

The main environmental issues of concern today are shit like that tiny little fish in those California rivers. The environmental nut jobs are basically starving a bunch of poor people in the central vally out there, not letting them farm, which is where they get their money and food, because there are a few tiny fish in some rivers.

Those, and ones like it, are the issues we fight over today. No one wants to go around dumping toxic waste just everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Much of what you say is true and I can't find flaw in it. But I'll point out one thing that stuck out to me. You mentioned Mitt Romney, why?

You expressed doubt as to if he gave a shit about any of us. Of course he does, about as much as anyone else outside your immediate sphere of family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances do. You think it is because he is rich. It's not, it's because he is removed from you.

You ever hear a story in the news about someone you never heard of getting killed in a car wreck, or stabbed to death or something and just burst out into tears? I'll assume not, why not? Is it because you don't care? They have a parent, spouse, sibling or child that is inconsolable at that moment, but you may change the station in the middle of the story and laugh as you think about something crazy Carl did at work that day. Happens to me all the time.

No one truly cares about you except the people you are close to. Why should we expect a politician to? That is the biggest lie they need to sell, that they care about you; Democrats and Republicans, because neither does.

People really dont act in what is truly their best interest, but what they have an immediate desire to do.

Think of this... Recently someone tried to recruit me into some sort of multi level marketing thing. In had to pay $150 to join, find two others to do the same, which each of them had to do. We each then had to buy $100 worth of gold or silver (which really isn't that bad considering buying gold and silver isn't like buying pretty much other goods, in that second hand value isn't any less than what you pay for it) each week and after 12 weeks you would be pulling in $6k per week.

It worked, it was math, he showed me on my desk.

And its true, if everyone had the numbers found the people and bought the metal, you'd be making thousands of dollars a week in no time.

There is only one problem, the odds of that are astronomically small. It would be in everyone's best interest to do it. You are really only out the 150 to join, the gold you bought is always going to be worth a lot of money, its not like a used exercise machine. But people don't do shit like that.

In short, everyone's best interest is the well being of the country, a rising tide lifts all boats. But no one acts in that interest. Everyone perceives their self interest to be immediate gratification, which is often not in their ultimate best interest.

You are incorrect. Seems you are simply making things up here. There are sociological and psychological studies that show that the rich have less empathy, and are less able or willing to understand the situations of others. Even simple experiments with monopoly and distribution of monopoly money show that same human trend. The more you have the less you care about others.


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm more of a flat tax advocate providing all the kinks and nuts and bolts are worked out (if thats even possible)

I also don't buy into the liberal idea that wealth is evil and we need to take $$ from the rich and give to the poor...

I would like to see less monetary influence in government, fairer tax laws, closing obvious tax loop holes and less entitlements....
hell if Ron Paul didn't have so many kooky & racist ties, I buy 70% of the shit he says

This is the perpetual misunderstanding. Wealth is not evil, gross disparity between the richest and the poorest is. There is a big difference.