What are your three wishes....


Well-Known Member
like seriously who the hell likes arab people? they dont even count as people just roaches whom i will eventually squish under my foot


Well-Known Member
lmao wtf is popularity on the internet you fucking retard -neg me all you want loser
Not internet in whole, this forum pal... as in don't expect people who you offend to help you, and I'm pretty sure you offended most people that view these boards. Racism has no place here, and it reflects poorly on your character.

And yes, I'm a total loser. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
lmao fuck yourself asshole whoever likes arabs can go burn in hell -neg

It's obvious that your too young to understand what you just wrote.
It's a shame that your narrow minded, all living creatures have something to offer.
You would be a much nicer person and probably feel happier if you weren't so close minded.


Well-Known Member
This was the one I was waiting for. My question to you is, if you were given the gift of immortality, would you not grow tired of it? Think about it, all of your friends, family, and lovers would live and die....all while you watch. I would not want to be immortal personally.
Good Question. :mrgreen:

My wishes all had something to do with one another.
Being the most intelligent I would invent a way to rid that part of my brain to never grow tired of being immortal.
Being the sexiest man on the planet, all women would desire to only be with me. Eventually all the people on Earth would become my offspring. I would have billions of children.
I'd be the ruler of the world, and rule it to how I see fit.

I know it sounds creepy. Let's be grateful that it could never happen. :-D


Well-Known Member
1. 1 hundred Billion Swiss Francs on my bank account !
2. I never age... starting at 26..... so allways 26 years old.......
3. and i am allways healthy....


Well-Known Member
1. Immortality, and the power to give immortality to people, and to take it away.

2. Everyone in the world to have a house, a home, a job and a very happy life.

3. Abolition of Religion, world leaders and money. All united happily living together, bartering for stuff..

Sweet world huh?


As if it'd work..


Active Member
lmao fuck yourself asshole whoever likes arabs can go burn in hell -neg
Dude, three of the greatest stoners I have ever known were a Virginia Pakistani, a Detroit Pakistani and a Minnesota Syrian. All of them were either not Muslim, moderate Muslim or didn't give a fuck one way or the other.

The point is, you're mistaking the average Arabic person with the average Muslim Fundamentalist - which is ignorant and moronic.

If you feel the way you feel, then I have a feeling you need to smoke more.



Well-Known Member
-sigh- the arabs only offer one thing to the world and its really just the oil in the ground that has been there already if anyone belives different your just an idiot. -neg on all of you who like arabs


Well-Known Member
1 For my wife to regain her health.

2 To acquire enough assets to leave my children very well off when i take the big dirt nap.

3 For the pain in my back to subside enough where i can ride my scooters without chewing up pain killers like m&m's.


Well-Known Member
2) A never ending supply of money that appears in my closet daily
unlimited money for me and my family and friends
1. 1 hundred Billion Swiss Francs on my bank account !
hey if u guys went to live in zimbabwe, your wish will come true!!!
they have just printed the 1 trillion dollar note

no hurry tho
soon they will print 1 zillion dollar note


Well-Known Member
1: I wish that every wish I make including this one come to pass in exactly the way I intend when making said wish.
2: I wish every person in this world including myself was happy, healthy, and free.

3: saved for a rainy day


Well-Known Member
1. I wish religion would be wiped off the face of the earth
2. I wish the federal government didnt have so much power
3. I wish for a happy, long, rich life