What are your three wishes....


Well-Known Member
OK, suppose you were given three wishes, what would they be?


1. Cannot wish for more wishes.
2. Cannot wish for somebody to fall in love with you.
3. Cannot wish to have somebody killed.

So let's hear them! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
1) I wish for ganja to be free
2) I wish for more patience with others (and myself)
3) I wish people at riu would learn to be more polite when they disagree with you


Well-Known Member
1. I wish it was a world where we could all be a little more tolerant of others.

2. I wish that weed was legal.

3. I wish that there was no money just bartering.


Well-Known Member
1) I wish for ganja to be free
2) I wish for more patience with others (and myself)
3) I wish people at riu would learn to be more polite when they disagree with you
I'll second 2 and 3, especially 3!
If ganja was free I'd have no pocket money.


Well-Known Member
1) A never ending supply of magical weed that appears in my closet daily
2) A never ending supply of money that appears in my closet daily
3) Legalization of ganja

I'm set for life with those wishes! Though if I could really have three wishes in real life those wouldn't be them:peace:


Active Member
Going beyond the legalizing weed wish I'd have to say
1) Health for my family
2) A comfortable future for my children
3) That Americans weren't so afraid of sex and the human body (ie Janet Jackson's nipple :roll:)


New Member
3) That Americans weren't so afraid of sex and the human body (ie Janet Jackson's nipple :roll:)

That nipple thing was taken so far out of context. My 40 year old husband was sitting 3 feet from the TV and he missed it. Now we all know that every 40 year old man has been training for 40 years for spotting the accidental nipple. If he missed the entire nipple then it couldn't have been out there long enough to tramatize anyone !

my 3 wishes are:

Legalize weed
unlimited money for me and my family and friends
Cures for all diseases


Well-Known Member
1) A safe and successful future for my son and his family (he's in the military ya know).
2) For my wife Seamaiden to be free from the chronic pain she endures.
3) For all children, throughout the world, to be embraced with love, understanding, and to live their childhoods as children.


Well-Known Member
Oh my, I'm gonna have to give this some thought...

1) To have a log cabin mansion out in the middle of nowhere overlooking a lake, and it be real secluded, with all the people I care most about living with me...and no bills:evil:

2) To have a log cabin grow house next door that always put out the best bud and shrooms no matter what (no seeds or spors needed, they just grew naturally):blsmoke:

3) To have a fridge/freezer that had a never ending supply of food/beer/liquor:spew:

Now I know there a little long, but when am I ever gonna have another chance to make these wishes? Never, so might as well make them count:mrgreen::peace:
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Well-Known Member
I wish I have a successful career
I wish a woman I am very into is very into me too
I wish cannabis and psychedelics would be legalized...

...O peace and harmony and all that crap too


Well-Known Member
Oh my, I'm gonna have to give this some thought...

1) To have a log cabin mansion out in the middle of nowhere overlooking a lake, and it be real secluded, with all the people I care most about living with me...and no bills:evil:

2) To have a log cabin grow house next door that always put out the best bud and shrooms no matter what (no seeds or spors needed, they just grew naturally):blsmoke:

3) To have a fridge/freezer that had a never ending supply of food/beer/liquor:spew:

Now I know there a little long, but when am I ever gonna have another chance to make these wishes? Never, so might as well make them count:mrgreen::peace:
Holy shit...your avatar is fucking :o ! even though I should know whats happening next my brain cant grasp it.


Well-Known Member
1) hot girl giving me a good bj
2) beer in one hand, pizza in the other
3) sportscenter on tv

after that i can die happy


Well-Known Member
1. To live in space with an endless supply of oxygen in the company of my best friends on some huge ranch on a far away planet like earth but with exotic creatures and races of sentient beings with no light pollution so I can admire all the intoxicating beauty of existence at night

2. To learn what truth is (God, are you there??) and put it into practicality...

3. Have an endless battery on my zune so I can listen to my favorite tunes in the background while I kick it with the nukkaz blazin spliffs n tokin hookah bombs with plenty of females who dgaf about good sex..
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1. I wish greed was non-existent...

2. I wish all hate and evil were removed from the human mind...

3. I wish I knew what awaited me after this physical life...


Well-Known Member
I wish I had an I.Q. of 150
I wish I was the sexiest man on the planet
I wish I had immortality
This was the one I was waiting for. My question to you is, if you were given the gift of immortality, would you not grow tired of it? Think about it, all of your friends, family, and lovers would live and die....all while you watch. I would not want to be immortal personally.

So here's my three wishes:

1. Cannabis to be legal the same way alcohol is at the moment.
2. Happiness to those that deserve it.
3. Remove cruel and unusual punishment in the US (I would be a vengeful God hahaha :evil:.)


Well-Known Member
1. arabs... all dead
2. george bush in a wooden stockade so everyone could kick him
3. and i wish i had skillz like samuel l jackson