Removing fan leaves during flowering

Has any one got a light meter and a ruler, pencil and paper? Somebody might measure/calculate the surface area of a leaf at the top, middle and bottom of a given plant at pre-defined distances from the light source or 'bulb'. They could then measure the light levels at the same leaves. A simple bumping of numbers would then give a very simplified but possibly useful set of comparable results for us all to dispute. I'd do it myself but a) I left my light meter in my other lab, 2) I removed all the bloody leaves below the screen, and furthermore, I'm in charge of this fucking experiment, I expect results from my students. I'm not here to write your fucking thesis for you. There's a reason I look smug and smoke a pipe, you know?

there is already a chart in the study I posted earlier showing the percentage of photosynthesis lost @ varying distance from the light source.
A Haiku. Yes, I think the discussion has become mature enough to warrant a fucking Haiku...

A plant has no leaves,
How can it possibly grow,

I thank you.
Oh. I see. a 'dig'. Very well. I'll fuck off then. I thought the essence of my verse rather summed up the whole defoliation issue, though it lacked scientific citation. Perhaps I am needed in the 'Toker's Talk'.

Class dismissed.
Oh. I see. a 'dig'. Very well. I'll fuck off then. I thought the essence of my verse rather summed up the whole defoliation issue, though it lacked scientific citation. Perhaps I am needed in the 'Toker's Talk'.

Class dismissed.
so glad I ditched your class.
I would LOVE to see a scrog person who kept all their leaves, when you find one, be sure to post it here... Fucking moron. Seriously??? You're going to keep all the leaves on a scrog???.


i could give a fuck either way what people do to their own plants, as long as THEIR(the person growing) needs are met, what i get tired of is the constant insulting and douchebaggery from both sides in this argument, both of which are completely useless to people like me who are trying to gleen ANY positive information we can from such retards taking part in such a debate.

None of you are offering ANY scientific evidence, just regurgitation of the same useless information, with out the answer ever being determined either way. But i love the way you folks degenerate into name calling and stupidity, every time this debate hits the forum.

the only thing you folks have really accomplished is making adversaries out of each other, over a debate that has no science backing it, and does not have any credible scientists doing legitimate scientific study on this technique.

if you wonder at my own insults, i figured it was neccessary, as it seems to be the best way you folks communicate amongst yourselves.

I would never remove leaves from my scrogs. They did just great.
do you have a problem with science neo? I bet you were in awe @ peroxide and baking soda experiment in 8th grade.

No i was the kid who in a physics lesson when wiring up a plug to a length of cable then decided to find out what would happen if I plugged it in and turned it on, after the loud bang and sparks the teacher reminded me of you!

He was too busy screaming and shouting at me and calling me names he didn't see the positive side, the way that I'd learnt something from experience that day and so did everyone else in that room!! Did I get any credit for that?? Noooo.
I dunno, again I think either 1/2 these threads are trolls...
OR they are started by people who like eating shaved beaver and think the same theory applies to smoking
I dunno, again I think either 1/2 these threads are trolls...
OR they are started by people who like eating shaved beaver and think the same theory applies to smoking

Wowee, that has inspired me to stuff just one more bowl, and fog it up...puff, puff, ponder!