
Well-Known Member
Is this the best name for a disease?
I cannot think of two words that combine to create such an impact.

Every year, thousands of cases of plague are still reported to the World Health Organization, although, with proper treatment, the prognosis for victims is now much better. A five- to six-fold increase in cases occurred in Asia during the time of the Vietnam war, possibly due to the disruption of ecosystems and closer proximity between people and animals. Plague also has a detrimental effect on non-human mammals. In the United States of America, animals such as the black-tailed prairie dog and the endangered black-footed ferret are under threat from the disease.

Although 100-200 million people died back in 1344-47, it was nothing in comparison to the consequences it left for Europe, and the beginning of the middle classes through yeomanry
Didn't the nursery rhyme "Ring around the rosy" actually describe symptoms of the plague? And posies were stuck in the victims pockets to mitigate the smell. "Ashes, ashes we all fall down" because the bodies were burned. It's macabre when you think about it that kids still sing that nursery rhyme and have no clue of it's origin.
Didn't the nursery rhyme "Ring around the rosy" actually describe symptoms of the plague? And posies were stuck in the victims pockets to mitigate the smell. "Ashes, ashes we all fall down" because the bodies were burned. It's macabre when you think about it that kids still sing that nursery rhyme and have no clue of it's origin.
Yes, I have also heard this DB.
Keep it down, the FBI is watching me. They bugged my lunchbox because I know their filthy schemes. They're going door to door taking everybody's jobs. Mountain Dew is a fundamental human right. The DMV is run by alien sex slaves. Can I have your pants?
Didn't the nursery rhyme "Ring around the rosy" actually describe symptoms of the plague? And posies were stuck in the victims pockets to mitigate the smell. "Ashes, ashes we all fall down" because the bodies were burned. It's macabre when you think about it that kids still sing that nursery rhyme and have no clue of it's origin.

Yes, originated from London after the black plague. The fire of London took out a lot of it and then I think Christopher Wren rebuilt it.