The mods are cracking down!

I would love for all the name-calling and nasty shit be contained to one subforum (that I wouldn't visit), then the only thing I'd do is happily kill spam all day. :wink:

which sorry bastard would be mod? You'd have to draw straws I'm thinkin

or are you saying no mod?

kinda like a cage match? no rules?
most of the members there are admitted homophobes or racists. Too bad you keep such poor company :(

cuz I think YOU are mostly ok

How people feel about certain issues is their opinions, that is why were in this section for debating about opinions. There isn't however what you said in the group, you said it was there since there are people there you think feel a certain way about a subject, which is fine, but know this, I don't allow stuff like that in the forum.

It has been civil there all except for one person disrupting it, but I have no power over that.

Edit: I don't keep poor company, I accept everyone for who they are and their flaws. Life is so much better that way, you aren't constantly going around hating people because of personal bias.
I suppose it has. When there are no dissenting opinions

We all have a difference of opinion.
There has been a discussion that didn't go overboard.
You do realize you can have a discussion and be completely civil without getting irate. The purpose is so that doesn't happen, I didn't make it to be a mirror of this section, that would defeat the purpose.

You speak of who I surround myself with, I would suggest you look at who you associate with in the "cool group" :lol:
Even though the group is invite only, anyone can ask to join, that is cool with me. I just wont allow personal insults as the rules that I have there will be enforced, but the thing is I haven't even had to do anything. Well, that isn't completely true, I thought there was a good member and they decided to post some questionable material and then left the group.
After I see that they claimed to be someone they weren't the thread was deleted.
I am proud to be friends with all of those in the cool group.

we're cool ...see? ;)

I do see. You all are all awesome people, no sarcasm there, well all, except for one, but hey to each their own.
Me posting that was just to show you it doesn't feel nice to have someone say things like that to you. It doesn't matter who you associate with, it has no baring on you as a person.
Everyone has their flaws, but the question is, can you learn from those flaws?
There is something good in everyone, even the people who have complete disregard for others and their feelings.
It doesn't matter who you associate with, it has no baring on you as a person.

of course it does! The people you hang with reflects directly on you.

I have old friends I have cut out of my life...why? because they are doing things I don't like. Kinda like what you were saying about the people in your past.
of course it does! The people you hang with reflects directly on you.

I have old friends I have cut out of my life...why? because they are doing things I don't like. Kinda like what you were saying about the people in your past.

I'm saying everyone has good in them, even if its buried deep. :wink: The task is to find the good, and I have. The members in there don't just go out of their way to attack other members, that is why they are there. I don't look at simple flaws and create hate over it.

The people I used to associate with were gang bangers, I was myself, but I grew up and got away from it all.
I was raised in a rough part of town and it was get tough or get hurt.
Joe, you know I don't have any issue with you right? I just can't understand why you keep directing negativity my way, I'm not what you were led to believe I am. I mean, its whatever you want to believe obviously, I just wanted you to know.
I think I admitted to being racist in my first post here. I don't run from it. I embrace it.

Joe, you know I don't have any issue with you right? I just can't understand why you keep directing negativity my way, I'm not what you were led to believe I am. I mean, its whatever you want to believe obviously, I just wanted you to know.
because you hang with someone like this^^^

see, I too was raised around a lot of racism..I abhor it. It is not ok. there is no good in being racist. SO you can make excuses for him if you want..I don't care.
Alright Joe, the same could be said about people who stalk others or insult their family and so on...

No racial slurs are being thrown around in my forum and BNB knows I wouldn't allow it, whether or not he is an admitted racist, it has no baring on having a discussion about politics, people are choosing to hate someone based on their personal beliefs and that is wrong on so many levels. People will take up for others personal beliefs on religion and homosexuals, learn to accept everyone for who they are including their flaws. No need for hate, its a waste of time and energy.

I obviously will not get you to understand, that's fine, you have your beliefs I have mine, but I can be civil to everyone no matter their faults cause I can see the good in everyone.
there is no good in I are delusional

and while I may not agree with bucky's tactics or methods Nobody can argue his effectiveness.

there was another group of outspoken neonazi holocaust deniers here a year ago.....they are gone now thankfully. cept for their leader nietcheking or some shit. And he doesn't post often thank god. .