The mods are cracking down!

Lq and emotional intelligence are where its at.
I lack them but still.
If I had to hire a dude I would want him to have them
IQ is a terrible measure of intelligence and intellectual capacity.

Shame on you for mentioning it.

I agree on it being a terrible measure of capacity for a variety of reasons.
Unbiased scientific studies though on the issue- I dont know there probably are none.
I am going to delete my previous post though since I feel
it is an issue which could upset people and indeed may bring out any lurking racists
which I have a low tolerance for.
I probably over reacted a lil there, but still does anyone know just how finite "race" is as a division?

here is some shit they don't teach in Mein Kampf or Nazi pre-school

Lets imagine the intelligence differences between a cheetah and a lion, my guess is little (same family/different genus)
Now lion vs. Tiger? I'd say intelligence is pretty indistinguishable (same genus/different species)
Now lets try to see if a Bengal from India can learn faster than a Tiger from Vietnam (same species/Different sub species)
Now I wonder how much smarter is a tiger on one side of Mekong vs a tiger in Malaysia

...and the Human races are even less distinguashable than that genetically speaking... and by ANY unbiased scientific study the differences are largely superficial and happened relatively recent geologically speaking ...hardly anytime for one to evolve into being good at calculus and designing rockets and another to be only good for picking cotton
I probably over reacted a lil there, but still does anyone know just how finite "race" is as a division?

Lets imagine the intelligence differences between a cheetah and a lion, my guess is little (same family/different genus)
Now lion vs. Tiger? I'd say intelligence is pretty indistinguishable (same genus/different species)
Now lets try to see if a Bengal from India can learn faster than a Tiger from Vietnam (same species/Different sub species)
Now I wonder how much smarter is a tiger on one side of Mekong vs a tiger in Malaysia

...and Human races are about that much different and by ANY unbiased scientific study are largely superficial and happened relatively recent geologically speaking ...hardly anytime to make on people good at calculus and another only good for picking cotton
The truth is, there is no "human races", only THE human race and a level of diversity amongst it.
IQ is a terrible measure of intelligence and intellectual capacity.

Shame on you for mentioning it.

The LSAT is great test for it, and it also has the same distribution as the iq test. African Americans regularly, constantly score just over one standard deviation lower on the test than white Americans. The only thing that skewed the LSAT results is presumably it is people who have a higher base intelligence anyway since it is the entry test for law school, which requires a college degree.

For what it is worth, I am white, and i dont think whites are the most intelligent. Thinking ones own race is superior is the main requirement to be a racist. I think certain semitic peoples and certain sub races within the mongoloid race are more intelligent than west European Caucasians.
The LSAT is great test for it, and it also has the same distribution as the iq test. African Americans regularly, constantly score just over one standard deviation lower on the test than white Americans. The only thing that skewed the LSAT results is presumably it is people who have a higher base intelligence anyway since it is the entry test for law school, which requires a college degree.

For what it is worth, I am white, and i dont think whites are the most intelligent. Thinking ones own race is superior is the main requirement to be a racist. I think certain semitic peoples and certain sub races within the mongoloid race are more intelligent than west European Caucasians.
No, being racist means you believe one race is superior/inferior purely along racial lines.

In other words, you're a literal dictionary-definition racist.

Wow, this is quite an entertaining thread.
FWIW, I appreciate the effort recently demonstrated by our resident RIU mod-squad.

Insults, vitriol and vilification originating from any of the colors of the ideological spectrum only detracts from any serious discussion of important issues.

There should be a separate Insult Forum for those who choose and prefer to engage in this counterproductive, albeit amusing, method of posting!
Wow, this is quite an entertaining thread.
FWIW, I appreciate the effort recently demonstrated by our resident RIU mod-squad.

Insults, vitriol and vilification originating from any of the colors of the ideological spectrum only detracts from any serious discussion of important issues.

There should be a separate Insult Forum for those who choose and prefer to engage in this counterproductive, albeit amusing, method of posting!

Interesting idea - I wonder if it would take off ?
I have said that to Minnesmoker, too. A "free for all" forum. I think it would clean up the Politics section.

I don't really have a horse in this race, but if someone is really interested in this they can post a thread requesting it in the support section. :cool:
I recall talking to the grandson of a immigrant and got the usual African American bashing about how his grandad got off the boat, created a company, grew it into 200 employess, and if "they" can come here with nothing, why can't blacks who have been here do the same thing? ...blah blah blah....

I asked him if his G'Dad was alive and if he could call him for me...

Me: hi, your son told me about you company; stated from ziltch yada yada
G'Dad ...look at us now
Me: one question; when did you hire your 1st black and how many work for you now
G'Dad: click

the moral: you can't whine about a problem and at the same time be part of it (a circular cause & effect) ....
wonder if he realized his same attitude multiplied times 100000 is probably the reason those damn blacks lag so far behind....

...easy to dream up another peoples shortcomings as opposed to admitting maybe its your prejudices that are really the problem
No, being racist means you believe one race is superior/inferior purely along racial lines.

In other words, you're a literal dictionary-definition racist.


Purely along racial lines...

Kind of sounds like it contemplates a belief that all members of one race are superior in every regard than all members of another race.

This is one supposition that I know without doubt is not the case, and therefore does not apply to me, or my thoughts on the matter.
I have said that to Minnesmoker, too. A "free for all" forum. I think it would clean up the Politics section.

Not really, I've attempted to do it and still have insults thrown may way in here about it. The logic behind the insults are quite amusing though.
The LSAT is great test for it,

Not according to Google. Here are the first two results.

What does the LSAT measure? The LSAT is not an IQ test. It does not measure intelligence the way IQ tests are designed to measure innate ability.

[h=3]The LSAT is not an IQ test.[/h]Contrary to popular belief, the LSAT does not measure intelligence. Therefore, the test does not render those with higher scores smarter than those with lower scores.