Grow Room for one ounce per week...


Well-Known Member
My friend wants help setting up a grow room:
Needs Lights, has budget, but is open to what is best...
He will build it up in size to be determined to what you think...
AC Units yes...
Room Sizes- Veg [under what lights]
Bud [under which lights]

Friend wants to harvest one ounce per week...every week...week in and week out.....

To do it right...
How Many Plants ? Per week? Size of plants ?
He will run clones and clones of clones...

So What Kind of help ? I will have the electrical covered...
He wants to set it up so he will get 1 ounce per week...
Everything else will be up to you...
He says "Thanks In Advance"


Well-Known Member
You have the knowledge to set this up.

9 weeks of flower time? Cycle 9 plants into flower each a week apart, 1kW.

Veg 600w, mom and clones, a pair of transplanted clones veg a few weeks. If he can root a clone in 14 days he needs two, week apart....
I'm currently rotating 8 plants under a 1000w HPS. I crop 2 plants and put 2 new plants in every 15 days when things are going as planned :) Basically the same thing you want to do with 1 plant 1 week apart...

I found that unless you have a 100% foolproof cloning method, relying on a clone rotation concurrent with crop rotation is a risky business if you are serious about uninterrupted crop schedules.

1 plant per week...assuming an 8 week flowering strain is used, you're rotating 8 plants over a 2 month cycle [1 whole rotation]

The way I do it I've always got at least that same amount of plants rotating in veg as well because I run a 2 month veg cycle for a roughly 24x24" plant under a 400w T5HO panel but I take all the clones I need for the next 8 plant rotation when #1 of the current rotation goes to bud, that way I have more time to deal with failures and the runts & slackers.

If I could I would probably go with two 600w hps in vented hoods rather than one 1000w to cover my 8 plants, but thats just me. And some form of high output veg lighting is a must to keep up with rotation, I'm pretty happy with the T5HO.

My veg room almost too small at 40 sq ft....5x8' but it's cozy. 8x8 would have been better. My bud room is a very comfortable 10x10, though 12x10 or even 14x8 would have served me better.

All things being strain-related, of course...hope that helps :)



Well-Known Member
sounds like your friend will have a nice grow going there ;)

Is he related to SWIM?
I have no idea what that means....

Growing, and the cloning part... I will help him with...

I am asking your opinions because yes I grow, however, this friend, has not nor will he be let into my grow...
I do things my way, anyway...
He wants to do things correct... not my way, not his way but the best way...

Crop rotation, cloning, growing I will help him...

I veg under CFL's...
He will veg under what is best... So... In your opinion, how big a room, and with what lights ?

Then Bud... I grow under multiple HPS/MH in my room, however, my biggest light is 150 watt...[ok... 1200 watts total... but multiple fixtures]
He wants what will give him the best yield... a ounce per week... or so...

I wont and do not want to, have him do it "My Way" too hands on, I don't think friend will handle the hands on I do...

His plan was to grow organic... I will help him clone [that's the one fool proof thing I do...]
So we, understand that and framing up the walls, and of course the electric we have handled...

So Room Size?
Lights [best for each] ?

What is your opinion...
There is no wrong answer...

Thanks again...

So, would you aim for one, one ounce plant per week...
Or, would you do 2 or 3 smaller 10-15 gram plants... more smaller plants SOG style?
Or something different...


Well-Known Member
So then... Thanks to All !
You have been a great help !
I feel so much like a newbie right now...
I can not even explain it....

Have a great day....


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of a song about 'milkshakes', the lyrics go something like, "... I'd teach you, but I'd have to charge ..."

Lol. Really. What size room? Veg area? Perpetual? Organic narrows things down a lot imo. Not my cup of tea.

Basically the scope of your inquiry is broad many are like "fuck that".


Active Member
I would say that if your friend wants a quick turn around he/she needs to SOG and have a stellar mom to take donations from. Veg in a 10x10 under 600MH- use a parabolic reflector, and flower in a 10x30 under (3-4) 1k air cooled HPS. The reason I say 3-4 s because the 4th will allow you to get more out of the full 10x30 and keep the lights a tad higher.

strain matters in these situations and genetic stability is key.


Well-Known Member

Lol. Really. What size room? Veg area? Perpetual?

Basically the scope of your inquiry is broad many are like "fuck that".

  • My friend wants help setting up a grow room:
    Needs Lights, has budget, but is open to what is best...
    He will build it up in size to be determined to what you think...
    AC Units yes...
    Room Sizes- Veg [under what lights]
    Bud [under which lights]​

I just wanted to see if there was a better way...
I know my way works, it is just not the best...
What works for me... will not work for you or my friend...
So since he wants an ounce per week, that sounds like a perpetual grow...
every week...

The size room to be determined by his one desire ounce per week...
Now, should he grow four small plants per week, or should he grow two bigger plants per month [yielding 2 oz each?]
Get it?

The room [size] will be determined by you guys...
The lights will be determined by you guys...

I don't grow the "Correct Way" I veg with CFL's...
Like you snaps... you work at a large hydro grow... how big of a room if it was hydro... would need to be built... for just once per week...

So the question seems odd to you guys...

Then just never mind...
I thought some one would be able to help...

If we do it my way, he'll only need a 10 x 10 area... wall down the middle... three timers...
and a bunch of plants crammed into the space...

Ha... Nobody does an Ounce perpetual a week?

Well... ok problem...


Well-Known Member
I would just grow a pound in 4 months. Screw the perpetual on that small scale.

Get a 1000 watt hps. A 4x4 growing footprint in an area larger so you can move around.

Just get half a gram per watt and theres your ounce a week for four months. Do good and get a gram+per watt.


Well-Known Member
Propetual grows have never sounded
fun to me.
I like to trim once in a great while.
Make dirt once in a while

The other part is always having plants in the flower room.
Much easier to clean an empty room.

Then there is drying and curing.

All of these tasks require taking out tools
and making messes.

I prefer to do these tasks on a larger scale but less frequently.
Leaves more time to stare at my plants
and play.


Well-Known Member
What I do myself is veg under CFL'S in a small wardrobe tent for how many ever weeks I decide the ladies need to go, then add to the flowering room when ready. Most cases I am pulling out ladies that's finished flowering when adding new ones. So basically they are on a continuous cycle. I flower under HPS/LED, sometimes I add in MH. I also have CFL'S running along the plants bottoms for popcorn nugs. Most of the pc nugs I use for crossing anyways, so they don't usually produce all that much bud.
I just wanted to see if there was a better way...
I know my way works, it is just not the best...
What works for me... will not work for you or my friend...
So since he wants an ounce per week, that sounds like a perpetual grow...
every week...

The size room to be determined by his one desire ounce per week...
Now, should he grow four small plants per week, or should he grow two bigger plants per month [yielding 2 oz each?]
Get it?

The room [size] will be determined by you guys...
The lights will be determined by you guys...

I don't grow the "Correct Way" I veg with CFL's...
Like you snaps... you work at a large hydro grow... how big of a room if it was hydro... would need to be built... for just once per week...

So the question seems odd to you guys...

Then just never mind...
I thought some one would be able to help...

If we do it my way, he'll only need a 10 x 10 area... wall down the middle... three timers...
and a bunch of plants crammed into the space...

Ha... Nobody does an Ounce perpetual a week?

Well... ok problem...

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to see if there was a better way...
I know my way works, it is just not the best...
What works for me... will not work for you or my friend...
So since he wants an ounce per week, that sounds like a perpetual grow...
every week...

The size room to be determined by his one desire ounce per week...
Now, should he grow four small plants per week, or should he grow two bigger plants per month [yielding 2 oz each?]
Get it?

The room [size] will be determined by you guys...
The lights will be determined by you guys...

I don't grow the "Correct Way" I veg with CFL's...
Like you snaps... you work at a large hydro grow... how big of a room if it was hydro... would need to be built... for just once per week...

So the question seems odd to you guys...

Then just never mind...
I thought some one would be able to help...

If we do it my way, he'll only need a 10 x 10 area... wall down the middle... three timers...
and a bunch of plants crammed into the space...

Ha... Nobody does an Ounce perpetual a week?

Well... ok problem...
the thing is sand it's hard to scale a perpetual down to this size. You need to keep a mother or two and you will always have more clones than you will need simply because you would only need a few. but with a 10x10 you should have plenty of room. Does this include a cloning area/bench? you need one.

and a weekly perpetual is even harder to achieve for this small a grow. Biweekly harvests would be much easier. as this is roughly the length of time you'll need to get good clones ready for flip.

so maybe a few 2x4 trays adding a tray every other week doing sog? You'll have to do some trial and error to get the # of clones you need down and get the timing right.

The key here is LARGE CLONES.
I suppose I should have stated that I chose to run my own as a continuous grow not because I decided it is the 'best' isn't as other have said, on a small scale. It's just how I wanted to do my own grow...I like the ongoing changes and the ability to experiment. there are certainly more productive ways to produce an "oz/wk". Just thought I'd clarify that...he didn't ask if it was easy :?