USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

Abortion is just another issue for you people to cling to that you can continue to bitch about because the science doesn't agree with your bullshit skewed moral code Science says your wrong, the science must be wrong! ... The fact is, human skin cells are just as alive as any aborted fetus, yet no conservative "stick up their ass" groups are concerned with scratching itches. Conservative "stick up their ass" groups are concerned with punishment. You fucked up, you pay the price, even at the expense of the child and the taxpayer. Fuck you. I don't subscribe to that mentality, I think if you fucked up, and there's a valid way to fix it while simultaneously relieving the American taxpayers burden to society, fucking do it, DUH! Only retarded conservatives would have you, and everybody else, pay for something not needed, not wanted, and not loved because the most important thing is having people pay for their mistakes regardless of the cost to the rest of society. Fucking straight genius!
Science doesn't say shit about the morality of abortion. Your blather about skin cells is just that, blather. "even at the expense of the child"? Allowing someone to live is an "expense" to them? Face it, your argument boils down to "your convenience is more valuable than another's life and anyone who disagrees with that is a meany"
Science doesn't say shit about the morality of abortion. Your blather about skin cells is just that, blather. "even at the expense of the child"? Allowing someone to live is an "expense" to them? Face it, your argument boils down to "your convenience is more valuable than another's life and anyone who disagrees with that is a meany"

I was beginning to think, maybe I was the only one who thought that way, too. Is it just me, or is the abortion argument becoming more and more retarded? What will they bitch about next once all babies are born like in A Brave New World or Logan's Run? Where you can have all the sex freedom, with no risks like STDs or a cancerous skin cell growing inside you that sucks your paycheck dry for 18+ years?
I was beginning to think, maybe I was the only one who thought that way, too. Is it just me, or is the abortion argument becoming more and more retarded? What will they bitch about next once all babies are born like in A Brave New World or Logan's Run? Where you can have all the sex freedom, with no risks like STDs or a cancerous skin cell growing inside you that sucks your paycheck dry for 18+ years?

so you claim to be libertarian, but won't allow women the liberty to own their own bodies?


too facile.
Why should the taxpayer suffer because the child's parents are "selfish". How do you justify that?

Than in your eyes we should have mandatory sterilization with each partially or fully government funded abortion.
Science doesn't say shit about the morality of abortion. Your blather about skin cells is just that, blather. "even at the expense of the child"? Allowing someone to live is an "expense" to them? Face it, your argument boils down to "your convenience is more valuable than another's life and anyone who disagrees with that is a meany"

The science does not agree with your stance that an abortion is "murder", that is in fact a moral stance. You think it's immoral to get an abortion based on, most likely, religious convictions, science says it's a medical procedure, no different than the morning after pill, no different than birth control

Skin cells are just as alive as zygotes, you can complain and bitch about that all you want, facts are facts, life is life. You say "all life is important! except for skin cells apparently.. That's life, wtf? What about other animal life? Are you a vegetarian, Red? Inconsistent much? At least CS is consistent, albeit confused

I already told you I agree with abortion on grounds of convenience. If it's more convenient for the couple to abort a pregnancy than carry it to term, I support it. Who are you to decide otherwise?
so you claim to be libertarian, but won't allow women the liberty to own their own bodies?


too facile.

I don't care about the mother, she lived her life. She now has the responsibility as an incubator. What about the baby who has more potential than the mother? If you want to murder, then you lose your right over your body. If the mother is under 18, then we can have a debate. Over 18, no debate. Any mother who gets an abortion is murderer, any father who condones or asks a mother to get an abortion is an accessory to murder, along with the doctor. I'm not a Libertarian. The Libertarian party thinks abortion is liberty over their own body, I don't. As a Buddhist it's my duty to be the protector of all life as best as possible. Within reason and my ability to do my other duties in this life as well.
Why should the taxpayer suffer because the child's parents are "selfish". How do you justify that?

I don't agree with our current system. You really don't understand Buddhist philosophy, yet you WERE a religious mod here. I know more about almost all religions than you do.
Than in your eyes we should have mandatory sterilization with each partially or fully government funded abortion.

Where did I support that?

How does the taxpayer suffer for that baby?

I also believe, unlike Republicans, that a child shouldn't be denied basic needs from the state, be it food, clothing, health or shelter if their dead beat parents can't provide. But once you turn 18, sorry, go fuck yourself, and find your own basic needs.

Unless you believe in just letting a newborn baby live on the streets by itself when it's born, taxpayers will face the financial burden of raising it using the state

got raped? well, now you're an incubator!

What did the baby do again? You have a choice not to ever have a baby, it's called sterilization. Just like you can sell treadmills without government authorization, if you refuse to sign the employer's mandated tax form. It's the risk you take with life. Which is why I carry a gun. I don't trust my fellow human. If I were a woman, I'd carry a gun EVERYWHERE, even if it meant it was illegal. It must really suck being a woman, but I'm not a woman. Every man looks at girls, I bet they are creeped by it. I know I am when some hag looks at me. Such is life though.
America is not a buddhist society, go masturbate to your pipe dream somewhere else

People once defended slavery and called freedom a pipe dream. I'll NEVER give up my dreams. I made most of them come true already. Unlike you I'm willing to fight for them and not consider it unfair to do so. Remember how you said it's not fair that you have to spend over 10,000 hours to master something, and you still risk failure? You want the easy way out in life. Life isn't easy, and I'm glad it isn't.
People once defended slavery and called freedom a pipe dream. I'll NEVER give up my dreams. I made most of them come true already. Unlike you I'm willing to fight for them and not consider it unfair to do so. Remember how you said it's not fair that you have to spend over 10,000 hours to master something, and you still risk failure? You want the easy way out in life. Life isn't easy, and I'm glad it isn't.

No, I never said mastering something wasn't "fair". You're making shit up again

You will never turn the US into a buddhist nation, you can spend your entire life trying and you will never succeed, enjoy wasting it

Furthermore, your bullshit buddhist principles will never apply to American society and abortions will never be illegal, again.

Bring on the fetus killing!!
No, I never said mastering something wasn't "fair". You're making shit up again

You will never turn the US into a buddhist nation, you can spend your entire life trying and you will never succeed, enjoy wasting it

Furthermore, your bullshit buddhist principles will never apply to American society and abortions will never be illegal, again.

Bring on the fetus killing!![COLOR]

Let's see here, Paddy is:

Intolerant of religions.
Wants to bypass nature's role in life.
Has rape fantasies.
Is a bigot.

Way to sell your position.

An yes you did. You said the game of life should be fair, and don't like the reality of life isn't fair. Unfairness makes life fair. You don't believe that.

You're not a nice person at all.

Like I said, you want the easy way out and think people should just give you shit because you're such an asshole, you deserve it.

What you fail to consistently realize is that the game if life isn't fair, it never was, but people like me believe it should be. Apparently you don't, you got yours so fuck everybody else, is that it?

What you also fail to realize is that if the world I work towards came to fruition, you would have had a much more attainable road to where you currently are, as would everybody else. So when you say what I do cheapens your experience, you once again, fail to realize it is you standing in your own way, not me.[COLOR]
Let's see here, Paddy is:

Intolerant of religions.
Wants to bypass nature's role in life.
Has rape fantasies.
Is a bigot.

Way to sell your position.

a. intolerant of organized religions that attempt to dismiss accepted reality in favor of their bullshit dogma, yes, absolutely
b. wants to bypass natures role in life that fanatics attempt to use to dismiss accepted social sexual orientations like homosexuality, yes, absolutely
c. has rape fantasies, not at all. Has domination fantasies, or sexually submissive fantasies, absolutely!
d. is a bigot - except he supports gay rights and supports the rights of minorities and women. I guess he's only bigoted against white males (even though he's a white male himself...I'm not sure that makes much sense, but still, he's a racist bigot against white privilege!)

Are you done failing at life?

An yes you did. You said the game of life should be fair, and don't like the reality of life isn't fair. Unfairness makes life fair. You don't believe that.

I said we should attempt to make life as fair as possible, and that's what I work for

You're not a nice person at all.

Cry more, your tears are delicious!